Marine Mammals Information Database :Illustrated Guide of Marine Mammals


Scientific Name : Phocoena sinus / Japanese Name : kogashiranezumi-iruka



rder Cetartiodactyla
Suborder Odontoceti
Family Phocoenidae
Genus Phocoena
Species sinus
Subspecies -
Subtype -
CITES Appendix I IUCN RedData Status Critically Endangered
Baleen plates or tooth-Upper jaw - Baleen plates or tooth-Lower jaw -
At birth At weaning Adult Adult male Adult female
Body length 2.5ft - 4.5-5ft - -
Body weight - - - - -
Feature and Habit
The body is spindle shaped and similar to that of harbour porpoise. They inhabit only in northern area of the Gulf of California. They live in coastal waters. They are endangered.
Stranding Record(s) in Japan
No records exist.

Marine Mammals Skull Database

A click on the skull thumb nail will bring you to detailed images.

Sex - Reproductive Condition -
Body length - Locality -
Museum No. - Other No. -

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