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List of Type specimens in TNS | Type status |
Acarospora cervina (Ach.) A. Massal. f. leucopsora A. Massal. Sched. critic. (Veronae) 8: 156. 1856. ITALY. On rocks. Coll.: not indicated [A. Massalongo: Lich. Italici Exs., 285] |
Isotype |
Acarospora chalcophila H. Magn. Göteborgs Kungl. Vetensk. Samhälles Handl., ser. B, Math. Naturvensk. Skr. 6(17): 22. 1956. Sweden. Smaland: Visingso, Per Brahe church. Under dripping water from copper roof, on sandstone slab. July 10, 1945 Coll.: A.H. Magnusson 19405 |
Isotype |
Agonimia koreana Kashiw. & Moon in Kashiwadani, Lichenes Minus Cogniti Exsiccati, Fasc. 15 (nos 351-375): 1. 2008. Korea. Prov. Gangwon: Baekdam valley, Yongdae-ri, Inju-gun (38 10 31N, 128 22 15E). Over mosses on rock along stream; elevation 380 m. October 22, 2006 Coll.: K.H. Moon 10040 (Holotype in NIBR) [H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Minus Cogniti Exsiccati, 351] |
Isotype |
Alectoria imshaugii Brodo & D. Hawksw. Op. Bot. 42: 59. 1977. U.S.A. Idaho. Benewah County, regio Tingley Spring, 1.5 km ad boreo-occidentem versus a St. Joe, summum St. Joe Baldy. On bark of Pseudotsugae menziesii; elevation 1560 m. July 19, 1971 Coll.: Gary Schroeder 1944 [C. A. Vězda: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, 1492] |
Isotype |
Alectoria lata (Taylor) Linds. f. subfibrillosa Gyeln. ex M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 10: 19, 1934 Saghalin: Shisuka. July 27, 1932 Coll.: M. Sato 73 |
Isotype |
Alectoria nigricans (Ach.) Nyl. var. nipponica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 696. 1936. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Nishi-Komagatake. July 26, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 26727 |
Lectotype |
Alectoria satoana Gyeln. J. Jap. Bot. 10: 18. 1934. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke:Yumoto-Karikomi. July 4, 1931 Coll.: M. Sato 101 (Nikko 55) |
Isotype |
Alectoria sulcata (Lév.) Nyl. var. barbata D. Hawks. Taxon 19: 242. 1970. Formosa. Mt. Shi-San, Mt. Shin-Kao-San. Elevation 3300-3600 m. January 1, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 337 |
Holotype |
Alectoria virens Taylor var. decolans Asahina in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya 604. 1966. India. Darjeeling. Phalut. May 9, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Alectoria zopfii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 689. 1936. Germany. Baden: St. Blasien, Mezenschwand, Mt. Tannen. October, 1896 Coll.: H.F. Link s.n. |
Lectotype |
Allocetraria isidiigera Kurok. & M.J. Lai Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B 17: 62. 1991. China. Xizang (Tibet): Nieh-la-mu. Elevation 3910 m. June 22, 1966 Coll.: Jiang-chun Wei & Jian-bin Chen 1857 |
Isotype |
Amygdalaria consentiens (Nyl.) Hertel var. japonica Mas. Inoue J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56: 325. 1984. Japan. Honshu. Pref. Nagano: Mt. Ontake, Mitake-mura, Kiso-gun. On rock; elevation 2560 m. August 17, 1978 Coll.: M. Inoue 11474 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia albicans Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 80. 1962. Peru. Dept. Cuzco: Hacienda. Chofquelhuauca. Sobre cafe Viejo. Elevation 2200 m. March, 1919 Coll.: C. Buer 692 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia albopruinosa Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 32. 1962. Kenya. Kenya. Colony: Mt. Elgon, Eastern slope above Japata estate, on the top of a big stone, manured by birds, in the lower part of the alpine region. Elevation 3300 m. March 3, 1948 Coll.: O. Hedberg 248 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia appendiculata Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 61. 1962. Ivory Coast: cercle of Man, Mont Tonkoui, "Rocher aux Sacrifices". On Hymenodictyon floribundum in the outskirt of a low forest. Elevation 1100 m. August 14, 1954 Coll.: R. Santesson 10645a |
Isotype |
Anaptychia chilensis Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 65. 1962. Chile. Prov. Valparaiso: Valparaiso, Alto de Puerto. On naked earth at rivulet in creek. August 14, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 2919 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia chilensis Kurok. var. austroafricana Kurok. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 600. 1973. South Africa. Basutoland. Div. Leribe: Buthabuthe. March 24, 1963 Coll.: L. Kofler 33249 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia coronata Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 68. 1962. Nepal. E. Himalayas. Darjeeling: above Kurseong. Elevation 5500-6000 ft. October 8, 1957 Coll.: D.D. Awasthi 3916 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. var. colorata (Zahlbr.) Kurok. f. esorediosa Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 256. 1955. Formosa. Ad corticem arborum, no precise locality and date. Coll.: M. Ogata s.n. |
Holotype |
Anaptychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. var. colorata (Zahlbr.) Kurok. f. hypoflavescens Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 255. 1955. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ari-san. January 22, 1936 Coll.: M. Sato Taiwan-6 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. var. japonica M.Satô J. Jap. Bot. 12: 427. 1955. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mingetsu, Mt. Ari-san. January 24, 1936 Coll.: M. Sato Taiwan-10 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. var. japonica M. Satô f. microphyllina Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 255. 1955. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. Elevation about 800 m. October 31, 1926 Coll.: Y. Numajiri 679 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia dissecta Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 34: 182. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mikawa: Mt. Horaiji. January 7, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56029 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia dissecta Kurok. var. koyana Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 34: 183. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. Elevation about 800 m. April 4, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56072 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia esorediata (Vain.) Du Rietz & Lynge f. condensata Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 34: 181. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Mt. Katuodera. On rocks. May 3, 1935 Coll.: N. Ui 2694 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia esorediata (Vain.) Du Rietz & Lynge f. subimbricata Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 139. 1940. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo. On bark of Rhus succedanea. October 2, 1922 Coll.: Ogata (hb. A. Yasuda 671) |
Isotype |
Anaptychia fragilissima Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 60. 1962. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. On rocks; elevation about 800 m. December 17-18, 1961 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 60238 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 3] |
Holotype Isotype |
Anaptychia hypocaesia Yasuda J. Jap. Bot. 16: 139. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone. October 15, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina (hb. A. Yasuda 674) |
Isotype |
Anaptychia hypoleuca (Ach.) A. Massal. var. microphylla Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 44. 1962. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Sakakita-mura, Higashichikuma-gun. On rocks. July 28, 1953 Coll.: T. Yamazaki |
Holotype |
Anaptychia hypoleuca (Ach.) A. Massal. var. microphylla Kurok. f. granulosa Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 44. 1962. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Myohoga-take, Mitsumine, Chichibu. Elevation about 1300 m. May 6, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56144 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia japonica (M. Satô) Kurok. var. reagens Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 35: 354. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Mt. Kintoki, Hakone. April 26, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58064 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia lutescens Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 35: 354. 1961. Mexico. Monte Ovando, Chiapas. March 25, 1932 Coll.: E. Matuda 46 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia magellanica Zahlbr. var. africana Kurok. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 604. 1973. Angola. Humpata Plateau: Above Sa-da-Bandeira. On exposed rocks; elevation about 2100 m. February 6, 1961 Coll.: G. Degelius s.n. |
Isotype |
Anaptychia magellanica Zahlbr. var. pectinata (Zahlbr.) Kurok. f. subisidiosa Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 68. 1962. Mexico. Chiapas, 8 km E of Teopisca on highway 190. On deciduous trees in open pine-oak pasture; elevation 2020 m. March 24, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20354 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Holotype |
Anaptychia multiciliata Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 36: 51. 1961. Chile. Prov. Coquimbo: La Serena, Cerro Los Loros. On Cereus and various shrubs in dry hill. June 27, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 2521 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia neoleucomelaena Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 36: 51. 1961. India. Below Jamnotri Tehri Gorlmal. On tree trunks; elevation 9000-9500 ft. June 6, 1951 Coll.: D.D. Awasthi 902 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia pacifica Kurok. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 592. 1973. Japan. Bonin Islands. Hahajima: Between Mt. Chibusa and Mt. Sekimon, in the dense forest of Ardisia sieboldii-Eugenia sp.-Diplazium sp. Elevation 200-400 m. July 15, 1969 Coll.: H. Inoue 19738 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia palmulata (Michx.) Vain. var. isidiata Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 364. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Mt. Rokko. March, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 176 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia pandurata Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 95. 1962. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. April 18, 1926 Coll.: Y. Numajiri 597 |
Holotype |
Anaptychia polyrhiza Kurok. Beih. Nova Hedw. 6: 32. 1962. Mexico. San Lorenzo ranch, about 40 km southeast of Comitan. On deciduous trees in coffee plantation; elevation 1220 m. March 25, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20478 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Holotype |
Anaptychia pseudospeciosa Kurok. var. inactiva Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 34: 178. 1959. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Idzu: Suishochi, Amagi Pass. August 20, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Holotype |
Anaptychia pseudospeciosa Kurok. f. tagawae Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 34: 178. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamato: Mt. Tonomine. On mossy rocks. November 16, 1952 Coll.: M. Tagawa 176 |
Isotype |
Anaptychia speciosa (Wulfen) A. Massal. f. compactior Zahlbr. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 41: 364 (1927) JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Idzu: Suishochi, Amagi Pass. August 20, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Holotype |
Anaptychia subascendens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 325. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu:Kubota, Kaya-machi, Mishima. July, 1929 Coll.: Y. Asahina 208 |
Holotype |
Anema asahinae Yoshimura J. Jap. Bot. 43: 354-358. 1968 Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Along the Kisegawa River. April, 1931 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3140 |
Holotype |
Anisomeridium platypodum G. Thor, Lucking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 25. 2000. Japan. Yaeyama Islands: Iriomote-jima island, along the trail in the mountains along the Urauchi river from the small camping site between two streams 7.5 km NNW of Ohara village, Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama. February 10, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 13146 |
Holotype |
Anthracothecium angulatum Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 202. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Toroyen. Mt. Ari-san. December 27, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-298 |
Isotype |
Anthracothecium angulatum Zahlbr. var. majus Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 203. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ali-san. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-326 |
Isotype |
Anthracothecium asahinae Kashiw. & Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 56: 307. 1981. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. September 4, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina 54 |
Holotype |
Anthracothecium japonicum Kashiw. & Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 56: 308. 1981. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Noborikawa, Yubari-city. On bark of Acer sp.; elevation about 350 m. August 4, 1980 Coll.: H. Shibuichi 6067 & K. Yoshida [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 502] |
Holotype Isotype |
Anthracothecium olivaceocinereum Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 77. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Awaji: Mt. Mikuma. Ad corticem arboris. December 4, 1918 Coll.: A. Yasuda 267 |
Isotype |
Anthracothecium vermicularis Kashiw. & Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 56: 354. 1981. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Irino, Ohkata-cho, Hata-gun. On bark of Daphniphyllum teijsmanni. June 22, 1955 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 550243 |
Holotype |
Anzia afromontana R. Sant. in Moberg, Thunbergia 2: 1. 1986. Tanzania. Arusha Prov., Mt. Meru, E slope, c. 2 km N of Kitoto Camp (3 13'S, 36 47'E). On Stoebe kilimandscharica in a high and rather dense ericaceous bush land (montane forest belt.); elevation about 2450 m. January 7, 1971 Coll.: R. Santesson 22949 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 1] |
Isotype |
Anzia centrifuga Haugan Mycotaxon 44: 46. 1992. Madeira Islands, Porto Santo: Pico do Castelo (33 05'N, 16 20'W). On volcanic rock; elevation 350 m. July 4, 1988 Coll.: R. Haugan, H. Krog & E. Timdal 6126 |
Isotype |
Anzia gracilis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 234. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. July 26-27, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Anzia japonica (Tuck.) Müll. Arg. var. ornata Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 59. 1933. Formosa. Mt. Morrison (Niitaka). October 11, 1927 Coll.: S. Sasaki (hb. Y. Asahina F-407) |
Isotype |
Anzia japonica (Tuck.) Müll. Arg. var. ornata Zahlbr. f. robusta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 13: 220. 1937. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Haccho-ike, Mt. Amagi. August 25, 1950 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Anzia japonica (Tuck.) Müll. Arg. var. ornata Zahlbr. f. sublinearis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 230. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Gotenba. August 18, 1931 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Anzia japonica (Tuck.) Müll. Arg. var. ornata Zahlbr. f. typica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 227. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Sitimen. August 12, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Anzia opuntiella Müll. Arg. var. ryogamiensis Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 31: 195. 1956 Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Ryogami. November 3, 1955 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 550620 |
Holotype |
Anzia stenophylla Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 231. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Omiyaguchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. June 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Arthonia collospora Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 74. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Seta-gun. Ad corticem Alni japonicae. January 29, 1918 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 222) |
Isotype |
Arthonia flavicantis Wedin & Hafellner Lichenologist 30(1): 72. 1998. Argentina. Nequen Prov., Nahuel Huapi National Park, along the track from Puerto Blest to Laguna los Cantaros (41 01'S, 71 50'W). On Pseudocyphellaria flavicans (thallus); elevation 770-830 m. March 10, 1989 Coll.: Mats Wedin 1774 [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 302] |
Isotype |
Arthonia kermesina R.C. Harris & Lendemer Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gdn. 104: 17. 2013. U.S.A. North Carolina. Swan Co.: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Appalachian Trail between Clingmans Dome and jct w/ Goshen Prong Trail (N35 33 45 to 35 33 54, W83 29 58 to 83 31 44). Picea-Abies forest with northern hardwoods (Betula, Acer spicatum) at lower elevations. On rough bark of lone old Picea. June 25, 2011 Coll.: J. C. Lendemer 29722 & N. Davoodian [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 465] |
Isotype |
Arthonia peltigerea Th. Fr. Bot. Notiser 1866: 15. Norway. Troms: Tromso, Mt. Flojfjellet. On Peltigera rufescens (thallus). June 23, 1864 Coll.: Th.M. Fries (Lectotypus in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 151] |
Isolectotype |
Arthonia pertenera Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 47. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: Kimitsugun. April 2, 1918 Coll.: E. Ochiai (hb. A. Yasuda 223) |
Isotype |
Arthonia pseudocyphellariae Wedin Lichenologist 25: 301. 1993. New Zealand. Gisborne, Urewera Nat. Park, Lake Waikaremoana, along Ngamoko Track (38 46'S 177 10'E). Ridge with Nothofagus menzisii-Ixeba-Dracophyllum-forest, on trunk of N. menziesii. On Pseudocyphellaria multifida (thallus); elevation 940 m. February 24, 1992 Coll.: M. Wedin 4056 (Holotypus in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 153] |
Isotype |
Arthonia sacromontana Strasser Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 47: 69. 1897. Austria inferior, ad saxa arenacea. Coll.: - |
Isotype |
Arthonia sanguinaria Frisch & Y. Ohmura Phytotaxa 356: 25. 2018. Japan, Ogasawara Islands (Tôkyô Metropolis): Chichi-jima, Mt Tsutsuji (27°03′33.7″N, 142°13′15.6″E). On bark of Livistona chinensis var. boninensis; elevation 250 m. June 28, 2009 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 6609 |
Holotype |
Arthonia subconveniens Nyl. Flora 50: 440, 1887. Brazil. On Lobaria peltigera (Ricasolia dissecta) (thallus). 1841-1847 Coll.: J.F. Widgren (Lectotypus in H) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 154] |
Isolectotype |
Arthoniopsis macrosperma Zahlbr. Annal. Crypt. Exsot. 1: 120. 1928. Indonesia. Prov. Preanger, in decliv. Austral. Montis Pangerango, prope Tjibodas. Elevation 1460 m. April 18, 1894 Coll.: V. Schiffner 3481 |
Isotype |
Arthopyrenia japonica Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 163. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izumo: Ad corticem arboris. March 1, 1914 Coll.: Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 101) |
Isotype |
Arthothelium halophilum Follmann Willdenowia 4: 373. 1968. Chile: Mittelchile, Prov. Valparaiso, gesellig an starkgeneigten, zum Teil uberhangenden Kustenfelsen (Granit) in der Spritzwasserzone im Roccelletum portentosae Follm., W, pH 6,5, nordlich der Playa de Quintay. Elevation 5 m. September, 1965 Coll.: G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 22] |
Isotype |
Arthothelium pacificum Follmann Willdenowia 4: 375. 1968. Chile: Mittelchile, Prov. Aconcagua, gessellig an schattigen Neigungs- und Stirnflachen von Kustenfelsen (Granodiorit) in und uber der Spritzwasserzone im Arthonietum austrolitoralis Follm., SW, pH 6,8, Lsla de la Cruz bei Zapallar. Elevation 10-20 m. November, 1964 Coll.: G. Follmann & I.-A. Follman-Schrag [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 23] |
Isotype |
Arthrorhaphis alpina (Schaer.) R. Sant. var. jungens Obermayer & Poelt Fritschiana 3: 1. 1995. China. Tibet. Prov. Xizang: 170 km SW of Lhasa, 110 km SSW of Nedong (=Tsetang) (28 35'N, 92 23'E). Alpine meadows with Kobresia pygmaea. On soil; elevation about 4700 m. July 26, 1994 Coll.: W. Obermayer 3020 (Holotype in GZU) [W. Obermayer: Lichenotheca Graecensis, 23] |
Isotype |
Aspicilia blastidiata Paukov, A. Nordin & Tibell in Paukov, Teptina & Pushkarev, Aust. J. Bot. 63: 113. 2015. RUSSIA. Sverdlovsk Region, Berezovskiy district, Staropyshminsk settlement (56°56′05.3′′N, 60°54′39.7′′E). On serpentine at serpentine outcrops on Pyshma river; elevation 267 m. May 19, 1999 Coll.: A. Paukov AGP19990519-01 |
Isotype |
Aspicilia calcarea (L.) Körb. var. dobrogensis Vězda Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, Fascicle 66 (Průhonice): 4. 1979. Romania. Dobrogea. Distr. Constanta: in valle rivi Tirgusorinter vicos Gura Dobrogei et Tirgusor. Ad saxa calcarea; elevation 50 m. August 10, 1974 Coll.: A. Vězda [C. A. Vězda: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, 1637] |
Isotype |
Aspicilia cernohorskyana (Clauzade & Vězda) Cl. Roux var. macedonica Vězda Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, Fascicle 66 (Průhonice): 4. 1979. Jugoslavia. Macedonia. Ohrid, supra lacum Ohridsko ezero, prope vicum Elsani haud procul Pestani. Ad rupes calcareas; elevation 980 m. July 10, 1975 Coll.: A. Vězda [C. A. Vězda: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, 1638] |
Isotype |
Aspicilia granulosa A. Nordin Lichenologist 43: 32. 2010. Sweden. Jamtland. Are Par., The waterfall Silverfallet, c. 4 km S of Enafors. Lower part, W side (63 15 08N, 12 19 37.2E). On slightly sloping ridge with schistose rock c. 5 m above the stream; elevation 690 m. September 9, 2007 Coll.: A. Nordin 6516 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 403] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Bacidia kekesiana R.C. Harris Opuscula Philolichenum 6: 149. 2009. U.S.A. Vermont. Essex County: Town of Ferdinand, Wenlock Wildlife Management Area, near Moose Bog (44 45 44N, 71 44 09W). Flooded Thuja swamp and adjacent spruce-fir. On Thuja; elevation 350 m. May 18, 2008 Coll.: Richard C. Harris 54577 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 341] |
Isotype |
Bacidia phaeoplaca Zahlbr. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 41: 333. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Uzen (Pref. Yamagata): Takayu. June 24, 1904 Coll.: U. Faurie 5882 |
Isotype |
Bacidia nivalis Follmann Philippia 4(3): 30. 1979. U.S.A. Westliche Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika, Staat Washington, fleckformig an lichtoffenen, etwas windgeschutzten, langfristig schneebedeckten Kulm-und Neigungsflachen niederer Felsblocke und bodennaher Gesteinstrummer im Sporastatietum testudineae FREY, SO-SW, pH 6,8, im Bereich der Sommerschneegrenze am Nordosthang des Monunt Baker uber dem Austinpass, Whatcom County. Elevation 2200 m. August, 1969 Coll.: G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 262] |
Isotype |
Bacidia violascens Kalb & Vězda Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Praha 15: 309. 1980. U.S.A. Hawaii. Kauai: An abgestorbenen Asten einer eingefuhrten Prosopis spec. in einer Viehweide. February 29, 1977 Coll.: O. & I. Degener 34240 [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 592] |
Isotype |
Baeomyces aggregatus Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 301. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Bunazaka, Mt. Tateyama. June 6, 1936 Coll.: R. Hashimoto s.n. |
Lectotype |
Baeomyces botryophorus Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 45. 1933. Formosa. Inter Nimandaira et Numanohira, Mt. Arisan. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-212 |
Isotype |
Baeomyces brevis Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 45. 1933. Formosa. Inter Nimandaira et Numanohira, Mt. Arisan. Ad saxa non calcarea. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-210 |
Isotype |
Baeomyces insignis Zahlbr. var. curtipes Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 335. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Tadenoumi, Nikko. September 21, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Isotype |
Baeomyces roseus Pers. f. subcomplicatus M.Satô in Nakai & Honda, Nova Flora Japonica 23. 1941. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Arisan. January 21, 1936 Coll.: M. Sato s.n. |
Holotype |
Baeomyces sanguineus Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 304. 1943. Formosa. Kusshaku. Janrary 2, 1925 Coll.: M. Ogata 25 |
Holotype |
Baeomyces sanguineus Asahina f. albutum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 305. 1943. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Agura, Aki-gun. August 18, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Bombyliospora asahinae M.Satô J. Jap. Bot. 11: 636. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Minobu. August 11, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Isotype |
Bombyliospora asahinae M. Satô var. nuda M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 11: 636. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Osore-zan. May 30, 1935 Coll.: M. Sato 202 |
Holotype |
Bombyliospora buelliacea Zahlbr. J. Jap. Bot. 10: 352. 1934. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-157 |
Holotype |
Brigantiaea sorediata Kashiw., Mas. Inoue & K.H. Moon in Kashiwadani, Inoue, Moon & Sasaki, in Takeda (ed.), Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus, Tokyo 38: 75. 2002. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Iwashiro (Pref. Fukushima): en route from Miike to Hirosawatashiro, N slope of Mt. Hiuchi, Hinoemata-mura, Minami-aizu-gun. On bark of Chamaecyparis obtusa; elevation about 1650 m. October 7, 2001 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 44106 [H. Kashiwadani: Lich. Min. Cog. Exs, 226] |
Holotype Isotype |
Bryopogon ochroleucus (Schrank) Link f. japonicus Gyeln. Fedde, Repert. 38: 248. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Iwo, Yatsugatake Mts. August 14, 1927 Coll.: A. Yamamoto 280 |
Isotype |
Buellia dialytoides Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 157. 1918. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Hoki (Pref. Tottori): Mt. Daisen. October 26, 1913 Coll.: S. Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 89) |
Isotype |
Buellia muriformis A.Nordin & Tønsberg in Nordin, Bryologist 102(2): 251. 1999. U.S.A. Oregon, Douglas Co., Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, Carter Dunes Trail c. 300 m. from traihead (43 51'N, 124 08'W). On dead lower branches and twigs of Pinus contorta in deflation plain; elevation 10 m. June 16, 1998 Coll.: A. Nordin 5340 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 259] |
Isotype |
Buellia rivas-martinezii Barr. & Crespo Philippia 2: 283. 1972. Spain: Zentralspanien, Prov. Madrid, zerstreut an stark geneigten kristallinen Gispsabbruchen in licht-und windoffenen Trockenrasenlucken im Lecideion gypsicolae CRESPO et BARR., SO, Cerros Yesiferos de Valdemoro nordlich Aranjuez. Elevation 620 m. March, 1972 Coll.: S. Rivas-Martinez & A. Crespo [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 143] |
Isotype |
Buellia subfrigida Mas. Inoue Antarctic Record 37: 20. 1993. Antarctica. Skallevikhalsen. On rock; elevation about 90 m. October 1, 1986 Coll.: M. Inoue 18077 |
Holotype Isotype |
Buellia yasudae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 157. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Sendai. Ad corticem Pini sp. June 29, 1913 Coll.: A. Yasuda 72 |
Isotype |
Buelliella ohmurae Zhurb. & Diederich Lichenologist 52: 438. 2021. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai (Pref. Yamanashi): Mt Daibosatsu, 35°44'N, 138°50'E, on the thallus of Icmadophila ericetorum. October 30, 1955 Coll.: Y. Kuwata (TNS-L-129845) |
Holotype |
Bulborrhiza africana Kurok. Acta Bot. Fennica 150: 105. 1994. Mozambique. Mozambique District: 11 miles E of Namina. Occasional around bases of shrubby Vellozias. Elevation 2000 ft. July 24, 1962 Coll.: E. Schelpe & Leach 6988 |
Holotype |
Bulbothrix sipmanii Aptroot & Aubel Mycotaxon 71: 139-140. 1999. Guyana. East Demerara District. Timehri, Dakara Creek, Thompson's farm. On brahce in cultivated open area on free-standing tree. Elevation 10 m. December 12, 1985 Coll.: R. v. Aublel 18032 |
Isotype |
Bunodophoron agnetae Wedin Taxonomic Studies in Sphaerophoraceae (Caliciales, Ascomycotina), Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology no. 77) (Uppsala): [97]. 1994. New Zealand. North Island: Wellington, Tararua State Forest, along track from Kiriwhakapapa entrance to Te Mira Peak, at turn-off to Cow Creek Hut (40 47'S, 175 30'E). Elevation 1050 m. January 11, 1990 Coll.: M. Wedin 2540 & A. Hornell [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 226] |
Isotype |
Byssoloma amazonicum Kalb & Vězda Nova Hedwigia 51(3-4): 437. 1990. Brazil. Amazonas: Regenwalder am Rio Negro, zwischen 100-200 km oberhalb von Manaus (2 30'S, 61 10'W). Elevation 40 m. October 14-18, 1980 Coll.: K. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 482] |
Isotype |
Byssoloma anomalum Kalb & Vězda Nova Hedwigia 51(3-4): 438. 1990. Brazil. Amazonas: Regenwalder am Rio Negro, zwischen 100-200 km oberhalb von Manaus (2 30'S, 61 10'W). Elevation 40 m. October 14-18, 1980 Coll.: K. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 483] |
Isotype |
Byssoloma discordans (Vain.) Zahlbr. var. flavescens G. Thor, Lucking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 30. 2000. Japan. Yaeyama Islands: Iriomote-jima island, along the trail in the mountains along the Urauchi river from the small camping site between two streams 7.5 km NNW of Ohara villege, Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama-gun (24 18-20'N, 123 51'E). On leaves of the fern Cheiropleuria bicuspis; elevation 160-220 m. February 12, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 13303 (Holotype in TNS; Isotype in UPS) |
Holotype |
Byssoloma orientale K. Miyaz. & Y. Ohmura Lichenologist 55(6): 490. 2023. Japan, Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa Pref.): Takae, Higashi-son, Kunigami-gun (26°39′59′′N, 128°14′46′′E). On leaf of Arenga engleri along a stream; elevation 75 m. November 15, 2022 Coll.: K. Miyazawa 1178 (TNS-L-132526) GenBank Accession no.: LC773156 (mtSSU). |
Holotype |
Byssoloma subleucoblepharum G. Thor, Lucking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 31. 2000. Japan. Yaeyama Islands: Ishigaki-jima island, 9-10 km NNE of Ishigaki city, along the trail on the S slope of Mt. Omoto, Ishigaki-city. On leaves of a shrub; elevation 200-500 m. February 8, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 13096c |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Calicium adspersum Pers subsp. australe Tibell Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden 12: 1. 1984. Australia. Tasmania: Ben Lomond National Park, 32 km E of Evasdale, along Ben Lomond Road, 1 km NW of Carr Villa (41 30'S, 147 37'E). On decorticated, dead but still standing trunk of Eucalyptus sp.; elevation 1080 m. March 14, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 11465 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 76] |
Isotype |
Calicium constrictum Tibell Lichenologist 14(3): 223. 1982. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: On old Camino Real, 3.5 km SE of Paso Real (9 00'N, 83 12'W). On bark of roadside fence-post; elevation about 200 m. December 30, 1978 Coll.: L. Tibell 8233 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 77] |
Isotype |
Calicium japonicum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 131. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Kamakura. January 5, 1929 Coll.: K. Hisauchi s.n. |
Isotype |
Calicium subquercinum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 8: 2. 1932. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Hatcho-ike, Mt. Amagi. August 25, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Caloplaca communis Vondrák, Říha, Arup & Søchting in Vondrák, Říha & Søchting, Lichenologist 41(6): 591. 2009. Bulgaria. Black Sea coast: Burgas Tsarevo, coastal rocks SE of town, near small boat-factory (42 08 49.7 N, 27 52 48.2 E). On siliceous rock in supralittoral zone. November 30, 2005 Coll.: J. Vondrák [J. Vondrák: Selected exsiccates of Caloplaca, 34] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca concreticola Vondrák & Khodos. in Vondrák, Khodosovtsev & Říha, Lichenologist 40(2): 98. 2008. Ukraine. Kherson region: protected area Askaniya-Nova, c. 4.5 km W of village Zaozerne, bank of Kachovskiy canal (46 35 44.37 N, 33 53 13.21 E). On concrete panel bank, c. 1m above water level; elevation about 30 m. June 7, 2006 Coll.: J. Vondrák [J. Vondrák: Selected exsiccates of Caloplaca, 35] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca dahlii Elix, S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt in Kondratyuk, Kärnefelt, Elix & Thell, Biblthca Lichenol. 99: 267. 2009. Australia. New South wales, Jimberoo State Forest, Mountain Creek, 11 km north -northeast of Rankins Springs, 33:45'S 146:19E, 340 m above sea level, Callitris dominated rocky ridge, on dead Callitris. June13, 1990 Coll.: J. Elix 25276 [W. Obermayer: Lichenotheca Graecensis, 444] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca lignicola Wetmore Bryologist 112(2): 380. 2009. U.S.A. South Dakota, McPherson Co. About eleven miles [17.6 km] W and two miles [3.2 km] S of Leola. Adjacent to Nature Conservancy's Ordway Preserve (45 42 31 N, 99 09 28 W). On boards scattered on ground around abandoned homestead; elevation 1900 ft [580 m]. April 29, 2007 Coll.: M.K. Advaita 5435 [M. C. Wetmore: Teloschistaceae Exsiccati, 108] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca norfolkensis Elix, S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt in Kondratyuk, Kärnefelt, Elix & Thell, Biblthca Lichenol. 99: 273. 2009. Australia. Norfolk Island, Point Blackbourne Reserve, end of Two Chimneys Road, 29:03'S, 167:55'E, 40 m above sea level, open Araucaria heterophylla wood-land, on base of Araucaria. December 4, 1984 Coll.: J. Elix 16509 & H. Streimann [W. Obermayer: Lichenotheca Graecensis, 445] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca pratensis Wetmore Bryologist 112(2): 382. 2009. U.S.A. North Dakota, Oliver Co. The Nature Conservancy's Cross Ranch Preserve, Sangor Ghost Town, ca. 2 miles [3.2 km] S and 4 miles [6.4 km] E of Hensler. Gentle slopes of mixed grass prairie, Missouri River Valley (47 10 48 N, 100 59 42 W). On old concrete foundation; elevation 1690 ft [515 m]. June 5, 2007 Coll.: M.K. Advaita 6100 [M. C. Wetmore: Teloschistaceae Exsiccati, 113] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca reptans Lendemer & B.P. Hodk. Syst. Bot. 37(4): 841. 2012. U.S.A. Pensylvania. Huntingdon Co.: Rothrock State Forest, Colerain Picnic Area, 1 mi NE of village of Spruce Creek, 1.7 mi SW of village of Franklinville, Spruce Creek Twp (N40 37 41, W78 06 38). On rock; elevation 700-800 ft. Hemlock (Tsuga)-birch (Betula) forest (hemlock dominant) surrounding extensive sandstone talus slope with cold air flow. April 21, 2008 Coll.: J.C. Lendemer 11745, B. Allen, W. R. Buck & R. C. Harris [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 446] |
Isotype |
Caloplaca soralifera Vondrák & Hrouzek Graphis Scripta 18(1): 8. 2006. Czech Republic. Central Bohemia: Rakovnik District, Krivoklat, near a small pond in the village Kalubice (50 02 56.3 N, 13 49 30.4 E). Saxicolous on horizontal faces of a concrete wall; elevation 348 m. December 28, 2004 Coll.: J. Vondrák [J. Vondrák: Selected exsiccates of Caloplaca, 22] |
Isotype |
Candelaria concolor var. placodiomorpha Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 88, 1940 JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Iwashiro (Pref. Fukushima): Suga River. On tree bark. April, 1915 Coll.: R. Yendo s.n. (hb. A. Yasuda 439) |
Isotype |
Candelariella vitellina var. tsunodae Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 89, 1940 JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke (Pref. Gunma): Ishizumi-mura, Tone-gun. April 19, 1921 Coll.: K. Tsunoda s.n. (hb. A. Yasuda, no. 405) |
Isotype |
Carbacanthographis hertelii Kalb & Staiger in Kalb, Biblthca Lichenol. 88: 308 (2004) Australien. Queensland. Darlington Range, etwa 15 km sudsudwestlich von Canungra. An morscher Baumrinde in einem kuhlgemaβigten, submontanen Regenwald (28 13 32 S, 153 07 42 E). Elevation 940 m. August 16, 2002 Coll.: K. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 584] |
Isotype |
Catillaria japonica Zhurb. & Hafellner Lichenologist 52: 440. 2021. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Hyuga (Pref. Miyazaki): Ohkawauchi, Shiiba Research Forest, Kyushu University, Shiiba-son, Higashi-usuki-gun (32°23′43"N, 131°11'10"E). On the thallus of Dibaeis sorediata; elevation 1140 m. November 13, 2014 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 11059 (TNS-L-129846) |
Holotype |
Catillaria limosescens Zahlbr. Feddes Repert. 33: 41. 1933. Formosa (Taiwan). Raisha (Laiyi Township, Pingtung Country). On schistose rocks. January 5, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-160 |
Isotype |
Ceramothyrium ryukyuense K. Miyaz. & Y. Ohmura Japan, Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa Pref.): Horohoro-no-mori, Gushikami, Yaese-cho, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa Island (26°07′N, 127°44′E). On leaf of Arecaceae sp.; elevation 60 m. November 17, 2022 Coll.: K. Miyazawa 1225 (TNS-L-132773) |
Holotype |
Cetraria asahinae M. Satô Saito Ho-on-kai Museum Research Bull. 11: 22. 1936. Chishima Islands. Kunashiri Island: Tomarimura. August 16, 1923 Coll.: A. Yasuda |
Holotype |
Cetraria chrysantha Tuck. f. cinerascens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 10: 481. 1934. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Chichibu. July 25, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cetraria collata (Nyl.) Müll.Arg. f. isidiata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 10: 475. 1934. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Buko. October, 1923 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cetraria fendleri (Nyl.) Tuck. f. coralligera W.A. Weber Univ. Colo. Stud., Biol. Ser. 10: 11. 1963. U.S.A. Colorado. Larimer Co.: Lumpy Ridge nachst Twin Owls an der Route zum Gem Lake, 1.5 Meilen N Lake Estes. Elevation 2700-2800 m. August 27, 1962 Coll.: R. A. Anderson [Kryptogamae Exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi, 4439] |
Isotype |
Cetraria gilva Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 139. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Norikura. August 6, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. subsp. antarctica Kärnefelt Op. Bot. 46: 90. 1979. CHILE. Terr. Magallanes, Rio Rubens, near Hotel Rio Rubens, c. 50 km SE of Natales (50 51'S, 71 45'W). On hummocks in a large bog. January 12, 1941 Coll.: R. Santesson 5674 [J. E. Mattsson: Lichenes Austroamericani ex Herbario Regnelliano, 479] |
Isotype |
Cetraria japonica Zahlbr. Annal. Mycol. 14: 60. 1916. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Mt. Akagi. September 18, 1913 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (ex hb. A. Yasuda) |
Isolectotype |
Cetraria kurodakensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 140. 1953. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Daisetsu. (date not given). Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cetraria kurokawae Shibuichi & K. Yoshida J. Jap. Bot. 57: 296. 1982. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Mitsumine, Chichibu-gun. Elevation 1100-1332 m. October 31, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 64315 |
Holotype |
Cetraria laeteflava Zahlbr. Feddes Repert. 33: 60. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Nimanodaira, Mt. Arisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-84 |
Isotype |
Cetraria pseudocomplicata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 804. 1936. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Mt. Ishizuchi. August 26, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cetraria pseudocomplicata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 804. 1936. JAPAN. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo (Pref. Ehime): Mt. Ishizuchi. August 26, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa |
Lectotype |
Cetraria rhytidocarpa Mont. & Bosch f. nipponensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 228. 1954. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Kai (Pref. Yamanashi): Mt. Yatsugadake. May 30, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Lectotype |
Cetraria togashii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 136. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Gotemba-machi. April 14, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina & M. Togashi |
Lectotype |
Cetraria ulophylloides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 138. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Yamamoto, Kawabe-gun. October 10, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cetrariastrum chilense Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 74: 252. 1999. Chile. Aisen: en route from Coihaique to Coihaique Alto, in open dry place. Elevation 700-800 m. November 25, 1981 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 18368 |
Holotype |
Chaenothecopsis amurensis Titov Nordic J. Bot. 13(3): 315. 1993. Russia. The Far East, Primorsky territory, Lazo region, Lazovsky teserve, c. 5 km south of 'kordon Korpadj' (43 14'N, 134 10'E). Elevation 200 m. July 15, 1990 Coll.: A. Titov 3826 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 237] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis asperopoda Titov Nordic J. Bot. 13(3): 316. 1993. Russia. The Far East, Primorsky territory, Verkhne-Bureinsky region, c. 150 km NE of Chegdomyn, Dusse-Alin mountains, close to the source of the river Krest (51 40'N, 134 40'E). On exudate of Picea ajanensis in Picea-Larix forest; elevation 1200 m. June 30, 1990 Coll.: A. Titov 3126 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 238] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis golubkovae Tibell & Titov Nordic J. Bot. 13(3): 320. 1993. Russia. Krasnodar: Caucasus, Apsheronsk region, 2 km esst of 'Kamyshanova polyana'. In open Abies forest. On bark of dry Abies mordmanniana, 1-3 m above the ground. Elevation 1240 m. May 26, 1982 Coll.: A. Titov 303 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 211] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis irregularis Titov Botanicheskiĭ Zhurnal 76(4): 599. 1991. Russia. The Far East, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Kunashir, Saratovka valley (44 21'N, 146 12'E). On bark of and lignum of Picea glehnii; elevation 100 m. September 15, 1989 Coll.: A. Titov 2588 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 239] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis kalbii K.Ryman & Tibell Nova Hedwigia 60(1-2): 206. 1995. Brazil. Mato Grosso do Sul: Etwa 50 km SW von Campo Grande, an einem Weidezaum neben einem feuchten Galeriewald parasymbiontisch uber Lecanora caesiorubella (21 00'S, 54 40'W). Elevation 500 m. November 16, 1979 Coll.: K. Kalb & G. Plobst [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 540] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis nigropedata Tibell Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27(1): 135. 1987. New Zealand. South Island. Southland: Longwood State Forest, 19 km NNW of Riverton, along Pourakino River, N of Pourakino Campground (46 11'S, 167 55'E). Elevation about 150 m. January 16, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 10428 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 160] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis sagenidii Tibell Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27(1): 148. 1987. New Zealand. Otago: 15 km WNW of Owaka, Catlins Forest, along Catlins river, S of the junction with Chloris stream (46 25'S, 169 27'E). On still corticated parts of decaying stump of Nothofagus menziesii-forest along river; elevation 150 m. January 11, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 10282 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 162] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis tasmanica Tibell Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden 16: 6. 1985. Australia. Tasmania: Mt. Field National Park, W shore of Lake Dobson (42 41'S, 147 49'E). On dead leaves of Richea pandanifolia in rather open stand with loew Eucalyptus and Richea; elevation c. 1040 m. March 5, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 11117 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 118] |
Isotype |
Chaenothecopsis ussuriensis Titov Nordic J. Bot. 13(3): 326. 1993. Russia. The Far East, Primorsky territory, Ussurijsk region, Ussurisjsky reserve, grabovaya (43 39'N, 132 24'E). On lignum of Pinus koraiensis in mixed Pinus-deciduous forest; elevation 300 m. July 27, 1990 Coll.: A. Titov 2812 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 242] |
Isotype |
Chapsa alstrupii A.Frisch Biblthca Lichenol. 92: 93. 2006. Tanzania. Morogoro Region, Kilombero District, Udzungwa Mts., Luhega F.R. (08 23 50-24 00S, 35 59 30E) On bark of thin-stemmed trees in the understory of a slightly disturbed and shady montane rainfores; elevation 1200-1400 m. September 16, 1999 Coll.: A. Frisch 99/Tz367 |
Isotype |
Chiodecton asahinae H. Harada Hikobia 10(4): 379. 1990. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ise: Shrine, Ujiyamada. October 15, 1934 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Holotype |
Chiodecton japonicum Zahlbr. J. Jap. Bot. 6: 137. 1930. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Kamakura. January 2, 1928 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3 |
Isotype |
Chroodiscus exfoliatus Kalb Lichenes Neotropici ausgegeben von Klaus Kalb, fasc. XIII (no. 526-575): 8. 2001. Brazil. Amazonas: Regenwald am Rio Negro, etwa 150 km flussaufwarts von Manaus, 40 km (02 30'S, 61 10'W). October 16, 1980 Coll.: K. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 541] |
Isotype |
Chrysothrix flavovirens Tønsberg Graphis Scripta 6(1): 31. 1994. Norway. Østfold: Hvaler, Kirkoya, between Storesand and Skjaerhalden (59 01'N, 11 02'E). On shaded trunk of Picea abies; elevation 20 m. July 3, 1990 Coll.: T. Tønsberg 13195 [T. Tønsberg: Lichenes Isidiosi et Sorediosi Crustacei Exsiccati, 7] |
Isotype |
Cladina conspicua Ahti Ann. Bot. Fenn. 224. 1986. Canada. Newfoundland. Huber East District: 1.5 mile N of Gaff Topsail, imberline heath, one patch with C. rangiferina and C. stygia. June 27, 1956 Coll.: T. Ahti 2997 |
Isotype |
Cladina kalbii Ahti Fl. Neotrop., Monogr. 78: 53. 2000 Brazil. Minas Gerais. Mun. Lima Duarte: Serra do Ibitipoca, Parque Florestal de Ibitipoca (c. 30 km NW of Lima Duarte), by public campsite (21 40'S, 43 55'W). Open woodland on shallow gravel over sandstone rocks. Elevation 1270 m. February 6, 1989 Coll.: S. Stenroos, T. Ahti, P. L. Krieger & M. P. Marcelli 3851 |
Isotype |
Cladonia acuminans R.C.Harris Opuscula Philolichenum 6: 150. 2009. U.S.A. NEW YORK. DUTCHESS COUNTY.: Dover Plains, Roger Perry Memorial Preserve, S of Sand Hill Road, SE of jct with Lime Kiln Road (41 43 52 N, 73 33 45 W). White calcareous sand and calcareous sandstone outcrops. Large colony on shaded, grassy slope. November 4, 2008 Coll.: Richard C. Harris 54800 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 342] |
Isotype |
Cladonia alinii Trass Folia Cryptog. Estonica 11: 1. 1979. Russia. Far East, Primor'e Terr., Sikhote-Alin Range, Mt. Chernyy. August 3, 1977 Coll.: H. Trass s.n. |
Isotype |
Cladonia andereggii Hammer Bryologist 98: 4. 1995. U.S.A. Idaho: Growing with bryophytes in shady, damp area, Moose Creek Divide, St. Joe National Forest, Latah Co. Elevation about 1000 m. June 16, 1989 Coll.: S. Hammer 3800 |
Isotype |
Cladonia aspera Ahti & Kashiw. H. Inoue(ed.): Studies on Cryptogams in Southern Chile. 132. 1984. Chile. Prov. Chiloé: between Ancud and Chacao, along route 5. Elevation about 10 m. November 28, 1981 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 18520 |
Holotype |
Cladonia bacillaris (Ach.) Genth f. nana Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 85. 1950. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Satsuma: Ibusuki. January 1, 1938 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia bacillaris (Ach.) Genth var. pacifica Asahina f. tingens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 667. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Daibayashi state forest. December 18, 1929 Coll.: Collector not cited. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia bahiana Ahti in Ahti, Stenroos & Marcelli, Bibliotheca Lichenologica 57: 10. 1995. Brazil. Bahia: Chapada Diamantina, Serra do Tombador, etwa 1 km vor der Stadt Morro do Chapeu, in einer Caatinga (11 40'S, 41 10'W). Elevation 1000 m. July 19, 1980 Coll.: K. Kalb 27014 & M. Marcelli [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 543] |
Isotype |
Cladonia bimberiensis Archer Muelleria 6: 93. 1985. Australia. Australian Capital Territory: Mt. Bimberi, Bimberi Range, 49 km SW of Canberra. On fallen decaying log; elevation about 1700 m. December 11, 1979 Coll.: H. Streiman 9743 |
Isotype |
Cladonia botryocarpa G. Merr. ex Sandst. in Sandstede, Cladoniae Exsiccatae, no. 1142. 1925. U. S. A. Florida: Sanford. September, 1923 Coll.: S. Rapp [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 1142] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia calycantha Delise ex Nyl. f. recurvans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 31: 69. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamashiro: Ohara, Kyoto. June 20, 1954 Coll.: Y. Asahina 54620 & M. Togashi |
Holotype |
Cladonia calycantha Delise ex Nyl. f. simplex Evans Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts 38: 295. 1952. U.S.A. Florida. Escambia Co.: Santa Rosa Isalnds. March 20, 1948 Coll.: A.W. Evans 247 |
Isotype |
Cladonia calyciformis Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 47: 161. 1972. Thailand. Phu Kradung. Elevation 1200-1300 m. February 25, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 1855 |
Holotype |
Cladonia caperatica Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 50: 292. 1975. Japan. Izu Islands: Mt. Mihara-yama, Hachijo Island. Coll.: K. Takahashi 614 |
Holotype |
Cladonia ceratophyllina (Nyl.) Vain. f. subnuda Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 184. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Kaminotake. Juny 24, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia convoluta (Lam.) Anders var. vagans Follmann Philippia 2(4): 208. 1975. Spain: Ostspanien, Prov. Teruel, als freilebende Wanderflechte zusammengetrieben in warmgetonten windoffenen Lehmpfannen zwischen Kalkschrofen im Parmelietum vagantis (KELL.) KLEM., SW, pH 7, 7, Zwergstrauchheide in der Sierra de la Costera unweit Fuentes Calientes. Elevation 1000 m. July, 1973 Coll.: G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 145] |
Isotype |
Cladonia corniculata Ahti & Kashiw. Inoue, H. (ed.): Studies on Cryptogams in Southern Chile 136. 1984. Chile. Llanquihue: around top of Cerro Pavilo, ca. 16 km west of Tegualda, in wet Fitzroya forest. Elevation 800-870 m. November 14, 1981 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 17882 |
Holotype |
Cladonia cornuta (L.) Hoffm. f. subdilatata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 229. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Magoshiro Pass, Chichibu. July 25, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia crispata var. dilacerata f. jesoensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 672. 1942. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Hokkai, Daisetsu Mts. July 26, 1937 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia cryptochlorophaea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 711. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Nyugasa. Elevation about 1900 m. October 31, 1937 Coll.: I. Yoshioka (hb. Y. Asahina 37031) [Note: Ahti (1993) incorrectly lectotypified this species with Sandstede, Cladoniae Exsiccatae no. 237 (TNS)]. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia dactylota Tuck. Amer. J. Sci. Art, ser. 2. 28: 201. 1859. Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Nimanina. 1856-1858 Coll.: C. Wright s.n. [C. Wright: Lich. Cubensis, 30] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia fenestralis Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 50: 291. 1975. Malaysia. North Sabah: Paka Cave, Mt. Kinabalu. Elevation about 3000 m. 1966 Coll.: M. Togashi 66925 [S. Kurokawa: Lich. Rar. Criti. Exs., 212] |
Holotype Isotype |
Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Sommert. var. alpina Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 665. 1939. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Ashibetsu. July 26, 1935 Coll.: Y. Asahina 35726 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Sommert. var. alpina Asahina f. tingens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 667. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Korenge, Shirouma Mts. August 23, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Sommert. var. suboceanica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 663. 1939. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Mt. Ishizuchi. September 3, 1938 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia foliacea (Huds.) Willd. var. meiophora Asahina in Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya: 597. 1966. India. Darjeeling: Phalut. Elevation about 3500 m. May 10, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi 104 |
Holotype |
Cladonia formosana Asahina f. aberrans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 488. 1941. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Nimandaira, Mt. Ari-san. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-130 |
Holotype |
Cladonia formosana Asahina f. sublaevigata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 488. 1941. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Nimandaira, Mt. Ari-san. December 24 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-127 |
Holotype |
Cladonia formosana Asahina f. typica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 485. 1941. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 30, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-112 |
Holotype |
Cladonia formosana Asahina f. watanabei Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 488. 1941. Japan. Izu Islands. Ohsima Island: Senzu-mura. February 25, 1940 Coll.: T. Watanabe (hb. Asahina 15134). |
Holotype |
Cladonia graciliformis Zahlbr. Ann. Mycol. 14: 55. 1916. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuchu: Mt. Sukawa-dake. August 13, 1904 Coll.: A. Yasuda s.n. |
Isotype |
Cladonia gracilis (L.) Willd. var. elongata f. maxima Asahina Atlas of Japanese Cladoniae: 19. 1971. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: Mt. Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula. Elevation about 1500 m. July 4, 1970 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia granulans Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 65. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Mt. Katta-dake. Ad terram nudam. October 21, 1917 Coll.: Miyamoto (hb. A. Yasuda 124) |
Isotype |
Cladonia granulans Vain. f. leucocarpa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 612. 1939. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Kurodake, Taisetsu Mts. July 25, 1937 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia granulans Vain. f. sorediascens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 289. 1954. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Kumanoyu Hot Spring, Shiga Hieights. July 9, 1954 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia grayi G. Merr. ex Sandst. in Sandstede, Cladoniae Exsiccatae, no. 1847. 1929. U.S.A. N. Carolina, Long Creek, Chalotte. July, 1928 Coll.: F. W. Gray [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 1847] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia grayi G. Merr. ex Sandst. f. abberrans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 714. 1940. Germany. Prov. Brandenburg: Kiefernwald westlich von Halbe. October 4, 1918 Coll.: J. Hillmann s.n. [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, 338] |
Lectotype |
Cladonia hedbergii Ahti in R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal. 56. 1989. Kenya. Prov. Central: Mt. Kenya, National Park Road (Naro Moru Track) (0 10'S, 37 13-14'E), Nanyuki Distr. On the ground in a wet slope in the Hagenia-Hypericum zone; elevation about 3300 m. January 23, 1970 Coll.: R. Santesson 32495 [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 56] |
Isotype |
Cladonia heteroclada Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 34: 347. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Kumanoyu, Maeyama, Shiga Heights. On trunk of Tsuga deversifolia. July 7, 1959 Coll.: Y. Asahina 59706 & M. Togashi |
Holotype |
Cladonia hidakana Kurok. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 4: 61. 1971. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Hidaka: Mt. Petegari. Elevation 1000 m. July 27, 1970 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 70310b |
Holotype |
Cladonia hitatiensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 120. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hitachi: Irishiken, Nakasato-mura, Kuji-gun. Coll.: F. Shimomura (hb. Asahina 5002) |
Holotype |
Cladonia hokkaidensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 353. 1969. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Tomuraushi, Daisetsu Mts. Elevation about 1700 m. July 20, 1969 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 69720) |
Holotype |
Cladonia homosekikaica Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 50: 294. 1975. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Nemuro: Mt. Rausu, Shiretoko Penisnsula. Coll.: M. Togashi 7075 |
Holotype |
Cladonia hondoensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 551. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano (Pref. Nagano): Tenguppara, Mt. Shirouma. August 22, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. [Y. Asahina: Lich. Jap. Exs., 224] |
Lectotype |
Cladonia hondoensis Asahina var. subcetrariiformis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 552. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Tenguppara, Mt. Shirouma, August 22, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. [Y. Asahina: Lichenes Japoniae Exsiccati, 224] |
Lectotype |
Cladonia hondoensis Asahina var. subgracilescens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 552. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Taroh. July 23, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia hondoensis Asahina var. subpinnata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 552. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Tenguppara, Mt. Shirouma, August 22, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1305 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia hondoensis Asahina var. subrigidula Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 552. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Tateyama. Coll.: Y. Asahina 717 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia inobeana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 38: 1. 1963. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Kainan-machi, Kaibu-gun. May 4, 1962 Coll.: T. Inobe 65 |
Holotype |
Cladonia koyaensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 162. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. On bark of Cryptomeria japonica. August 24, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia kurokawae Ahti & S.Stenroos Mycosystema 8-9: 54. 1996. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hitachi: Irishiken, Nakasato-mura, Kuji-gun. May 15, 1950 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia lepidophora Ahti & Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Stud. Cryptog. S. Chile: 140. 1984. Chile. Ca 2 km W of Ensenada, S of Volcan Osorno. Elevation about 50 m. November 13, 1981 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 17106 |
Holotype |
Cladonia lepidota Nyl. f. fuscescens Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 185. 1950. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Tomuraushi. July 31, 1935. Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia libifera Savicz Novosti, Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 167. 1965. U.R.S.S. Rossia asiatica, Sibiria orientalis, Respublica automona Jakutensis, in valle fluminis Aldan, prope Chandyga apud fontem "Tjoplyj kljucz" in lariceto ad truncum putridu. 1949 Coll.: L. N. Tjulina [V. P. Savicz: Lichenotheca Rossica, regionibus confinibus completa, 150] |
Isotype |
Cladonia macilenta Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: 126. 1796. Germany: Litteler Fuhrenkamp, Old. January 1919 Coll.: H. Sandstede [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, 477] |
Isoneotype |
Cladonia malayana Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 50: 289. 1975. Malaysia. Near Robinson's Fall, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Elevation about 5000 ft. September 2, 1965 Coll.: H. Inoue 12158 |
Holotype |
Cladonia melaleuca Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 47: 162. 1972. Malaysia. Gunong Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Elevation about 2000 m. March 5, 1970 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia melanocaulis S. Stenroos Ann. Bot. Fenn. 25: 138. 1988. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert-Edward. En route from the Woitape Airstrip to the summit of Mt. Albert-Edward. Elevation about 2500 m. January 22, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 12299 |
Holotype |
Cladonia merochlorophaea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 713. 1940. Germany: Gut fruchtende Pflanze uber absterbenden Riedgrasern an einem Wegrande im Forstort Oldenburger Sand, Oldenburg. Mit Nr. 387, 388. December, 1918 Coll.: H. Sandstede [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 389] |
Lectotype |
Cladonia merochlorophaea Asahina f. inactiva Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 713. 1940. Sweden: Uppland, Sandhem. May, 1927 Coll.: E. P. Vrang [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 1757] |
Lectotype |
Cladonia merrillii Sandst. in K. Keissler, Kryptog. Exs. Mus. Vindob. no. 3057. 1928. Philippine. Luzon: Manila, Dumulmog. On rock; elevation about 1500 m. Coll.: G. K. Merrill [Kryptogamae Exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi, 3057] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia metacorallifera Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 612. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano (Pref. Nagano): Katanokoya Lodge, Mt. Norikura. July 16, 1939 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3144 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia metacorallifera Asahina var. reagnes Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 615. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Yakushi. July 25, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 36725 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia mitis Sandst. in H. Sandstede: Cladon. Exs., no. 55. 1918 Germany: Kronsberge bei Bösel, Oldenburg, auf Sanddunen. September, 1916 Coll.: H. Sandstede [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, 55] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia neocaledonica Räsänen Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 20: 20. 1944 New Caredonia. Wagap. Terricola. 1943 Coll.: V. Räsänen 1863 |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia nipponica Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 123. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Sensui Pass. August 12, 1937 Coll.: Y. Asahina 37014 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia nipponica Asahina var. aculeata Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 123. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Mt. Ohmanako, Nikko. July 29, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 31729) |
Lectotype |
Cladonia nipponica Asahina var. sachalinensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 123. 1950. Sakhalin. Sakaehama. July 21, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina 32002 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia nipponica Asahina var. turgescens Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 123. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Oike, Mt. Shirouma. August 22, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 36005 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pachycladodes Vain. in H. Sandstede: Cladon. Exs. 1141. 1924. U. S. A.: Sanford Florida. September, 1923 Coll.: S. Rapp [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 1141] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia perfossa Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 47: 164. 1972. Formosa. Mt. Shi-San, Mt. Shin-Kao-San. Elevation 3300-3600 m. January 3, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 440 |
Holotype |
Cladonia physodalica Elix in J. Elix: Lich. Austral. Exs. 204. 1990. Australia. Queensland: Main Coast Range, Mt. Lewis Track, Mary Creek, 15 km north-north-west of Mt. Molly (16 32'S, 145 16'E). Growing on soil on large boulder in clearing in rainforest; elevation 1160 m. June 30, 1984 Coll.: J.A. Elix 16947 & H. Streimann [J. A. Elix: Lichenes Australasici Exsiccati, 204] |
Isotype |
Cladonia pleurota (Flörke) Schaer. var. esorediata Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 99. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Katanokoya Lodge, Mt. Norikura. July 16, 1939 Coll.: Y. Asahina 13189 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pleurota (Flörke) Schaer. var. hygrophila Asahina f. tuberculosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 606. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Shimoda Harbor. January 4, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 13188 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia plombii B. de Lesdain Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 20: 182. 1951. France. La Manquette, Gradignam, Giroude. October, 1950 Coll.: Plomb. s.n. |
Isotype |
Cladonia poeciloclada Abbayes Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 33: 236. 1964. South Africa. Cape Province. Div. Humansdorp: Tzitzikama Mts., Plaat Forest near Storms River. Elevation about 200 m. December 3, 1949 Coll.: R.A. Maas Geesteranus 6647 |
Isotype |
Cladonia pseudodidyma Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 667. 1939 Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Buko-san. 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina 270 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pseudodidyma Asahina var. simplicior Asahina Atlas Jap. Clad. 5. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mino: Mt. Kinkazan, Gifu-city. June 8, 1952 Coll.: H. Ueda & T. Fukamoto (hb. Y. Asahina 52708) |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pseudoevansii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 187. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Yatsugatake. October, 1923 Coll.: Hirose s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pseudogymnopoda Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 45: 260. 1970. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Kareidani Gorge, Kainan-cho, Kaifu-gun. July 25, 1955 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Asahina 55725) |
Holotype |
Cladonia pseudohondoensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 34: 348. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Taro. 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 36020 |
Holotype |
Cladonia pseudomacilenta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 190. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Ase-wan, Lakeside of Chuzenji, Nikko. August 14, 1942 Coll.: S. Kato 13198 |
Holotype |
Cladonia pseudomacilenta Asahina f. subpygmaea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 191. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ashigara Road, Gotenba. April 28, 1935 Coll.: Y. Asahina 35428 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pseudomacilenta Asahina f. subsquamigera Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 191. 1943. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Ichinokawa, Ohjoin-mura, Nii-gun. January 25, 1943 Coll.: K. Ochi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Cladonia pseudorangiformis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 620. 1942. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Lake side of Shirouma-Ohike, Mt. Norikura, Shirouma Mts. August 22, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 36228 |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia pseudostellata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 620. 1942. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Kurodake, Daisetsu Mts. July 25, 1937 Coll.: Y. Asahina 37016 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia rangiferina (L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg. subsp. grisea Ahti Ann. Bot. Sco. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 32: 96. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. August 16, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia rangiformis (L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg. var. pseudofissa Asahina in Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya 595. 1966. India. Sikkim: Jongri. Elevation 4000 m. May 22, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi 157 |
Holotype |
Cladonia rugicaulis Ahti Trop. Bryol. 7: 63. 1993. Brazil. Paraíba. Municipio Santa Rita: c. 15 km NW of Santa Rita (7 03'S, 35 15'W), alt. c. 120 m, sandy tabuleiro, open scrub (cerrado). In open glades, abundant. January 7, 1987 Coll.: T. Ahti 45632 & L. X. Filho |
Isotype |
Cladonia shikokiana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 361. 1957. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Iwakura, Sawadani-mura, Naka-gun. October 12, 1957 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 57012) |
Holotype |
Cladonia steyermarkii Ahti Ann. Bot. Fenn. 23: 217. 1986. Venezuela. Edo. Bolivar. Distr. Piar: Maclzo del Chimanta. Elevation about 1950 m. February 8-11, 1985 Coll.: T. Ahti 45148, O. Huber, & J.J. Pipoly |
Isotype |
Cladonia subconistea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 433. 1941. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Yatsugatake. May 28, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 704 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia submultiformis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 624. 1942. Formosa. Prov. Kao Hsiung: Mt. Tashulin. March 28, 1941 Coll.: S. Inumaru 5970 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia submultiformis Asahina f. foliosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 18: 624. 1942. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Karatan-sha. March 31, 1941 Coll.: S. Inumaru 5979 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia submultiformis Asahina f. humilis Asahina in Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya 597. 1966. India. Darjeeling: Kurseong. Elevation 1500 m. April 12. 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi 191 |
Holotype |
Cladonia subpityrea Sandst. in Keissler, Annal. Naturh. Mus. Wien 42: 62. 1928. Philippine. Luzon: Manila, Dumulmog. On rock; elevation about 1500 m. (date not given). Coll.: G. K. Merrill [Kryptogamae Exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi, 3056] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia tenuicaulis Nuno J. Jap. Bot. 47: 166. 1972. Malaysia. Gunong Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Elevation about 6600 ft. September 3, 1965 Coll.: H. Inoue 12221 |
Holotype |
Cladonia tenuiformis Ahti Ann. Bot. Soc Zool. Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 32: 63. 1961. Corea. Diamond Mountain. July 28, 1934 Coll.: Y. Asahina 734 |
Holotype |
Cladonia terrae-novae Ahti Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 14: 131. 1961. Canada. Newfoundland. Placentia West District: W. of Swift Current, c. 4 mi. NW of Long Pond. August 16, 1956 Coll.: T. Ahti 108 |
Isotype |
Cladonia tessellata Ahti & Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Studies on Cryptogams in Southern Chile: 145. 1984. Chile. Llanquihue: Around Machihue, along Rio Lico, in mixed forest. Elevation 5-10 m. November 15, 1981 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 17952 |
Holotype |
Cladonia theiophila Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 619. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Osorezan. August 13, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 263 |
Lectotype |
Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. f. brevis Sandst. in H. Sandstede: Cladon. Exs. 234. 1918. Germany: Oldenburg, an einem sandigen Wegrande im Dunengebiet von Sandhatten. March, 1918 Coll.: H. Sandstede [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 234] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. f. pulvinata Sandst. in H. Sandstede: Cladon. Exs. 233. 1918. Germany: Auf sandigem Heideland, worauf sich zeitweise Regenwasser ansammelt, bei Markhausen, Oldenburg. August, 1916 Coll.: H. Sandstede [H. Sandstede: Cladoniae Exsiccatae, Zwischenahn, 233] |
Isolectotype |
Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. subsp. dissimilis Asahina Lich. Jap. 1: 190. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Tateyama. July 28, 1928 Coll.: Y. Asahina 671 |
Holotype |
Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. var. subevoluta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 464. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 21, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. var. sublepidota Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 464. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Arimine. July 21, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 15142 |
Holotype |
Cladoniopsis caespitosa Zahlbr. Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 104: 324. 1941. New Zealand. Mount Ruapehu, Volcanic Plateau. On soil; elevation about 600 m. Coll.: E. Clark Z. A. 487 |
Isotype |
Cliostomum spribillei Goward & Tønsberg in Tønsberg & Goward, N. Amer. Fung. 11(5): 2. 2016. CANADA. British Columbia: near headwaters of Grouse Creek, Clearwater River Drainage (51 49 N, 119 55 W). On bark of Abies lasiocarpa; elevation 1750 m. Aprile 20, 1997 Coll.: T. Goward 97-001 |
Isotype |
Coenogonium curvulum Zahlbr. Annals Cryptog. Exot. 1(2): 164. 1928. Indonesia. Java. Prov. Preanger: In decliv. austral. montis Pangerango. In silvis primaevis supra Tjibodas. Elevation about 1600 m. April 21, 1894 Coll.: V. Schiffner 3056 |
Isotype |
Collema idzuense Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 321. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Ito. June 8, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 255 |
Isotype |
Collema kiusianum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 37. 1957. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Higo: Yuyama, Mizukami-mura, Kuma-gun. October 25, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina 340 |
Holotype |
Collema nipponicum Degel. Symb. Bot. Ups. 20: 53. 1974. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Tosayama-mura, Tosa-gun. Elevation about 350 m. May 5, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 64090 |
Holotype |
Collema ogotae Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 27. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taipei: Urai. January 2, 1925 Coll.: M. Ogata (hb. Y. Asahina F-377) |
Isotype |
Collema peregrinum Degel. Symb. Bot. Ups. 20: 109. 1974. Formosa. Prov. Ilan: Piyanan Pass. Elevation 1600-1900 m. January 16, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 785 |
Holotype |
Collema raishanum Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 26. 1933. Formosa. Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-194 |
Isotype |
Coniocybe luteum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 8: 29. 1932. Japan. Bonin Island. Mt. Chibusa, Haha-jima, July 28, 1928 Coll.: A. Yamamoto s.n. |
Holotype |
Cornicularia pseudosatoana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 356. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Mt. Fuji, Ohmiyaguchi 3-gome. August, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Crustospathula humboldtii Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 14 (nos 576-600): 7. 2011. Venezuela. Bolivar. Gran Sabana: Sierra de Lema; Abfahrt von ''La Escalera'', etwa 7 km nach dem Kontrollpunkt der Nationalgarde. An wald (5 54 52 N, 61 26 06 W). Elevation 1430 m. July 28, 2010 Coll.: K. Kalb & J. Hernandez [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 587] |
Isotype |
Cryptodiscus ihlenii Zhurb. Lichenologist 52: 440. 2021. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Tokachi: Mt Higashi-Nupukaushi, Kami-Shihoro-cho, Kato-gun (43°14'N, 143°06'E). On the thallus of Dibaeis arcuata; elevation about 1000 m. September 17, 1979 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 15493 (TNS-L-129847) |
Holotype |
Cylindromonium dirinariae Ohmaki & Okane Fungal Syst. Evol. 11: 4. 2023. JAPAN. Honshu. Hitachi Prov. (Ibaraki Pref.): University of Tsukuba, Tennodai, Tsukuba-city (N36 06 08, E140 06 24). On Dirinaria applanata; elevation 30 m. August 1, 2020 Coll.: A. Ohmaki, I. Okane, K. Ohmachi, K. Miyazawa & K. Gibu (TNS-L-131533) |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Dermatocarpella yunnana H. Harada & Li S. Wang Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 21: 107. 1995. China. Yunnan. Degin-xian: en route from Meili Snow Mountain to Degin. On rock cliff by a road near the bottom of valley along Lancang-jian (Mekon River). Elevation 2100 m. October 1, 1994 Coll.: H. Harada 14790 & L.S. Wang |
Isotype |
Dermatocarpon kisovense Zahlbr. Annal. Mycol. 29: 75. 1931. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Riverside of Kisogawa, Agematsu. October, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina 534 |
Isotype |
Dermatocarpon myogiense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 64. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Myogi. On ground. August, 1930 Coll.: K. Hisauchi s.n. |
Holotype |
Dermatocarpon tuzibei M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 15: 572. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuchu: Mt. Hayachine. July 22, 1936 Coll.: M. Sato 314 |
Holotype |
Dictyonema japnicum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 20: 236. 1944. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Satsuma: Ibusuki. On bark of Pinus thunbergii. Januray 1, 1938 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Dimerella frederici Kalb in Kalb & Vězda, Folia geobot. phytotax. 15(3): 310. 1980. U.S.A. Hawaii. Kilea, Kau, Hawaii. On bark of naturalized Samanea saman, in dry, rocky pasture; elevation 350 feet. February 2, 1977 Coll.: O. & I. Degener 34230 [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 419] |
Isotype |
Dolichocarpus chilensis R. Sant. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 43: 552. 1949. CHILE. Prov. Coquimbo: c. 2 km W of Coquimbo (29 57'S, 71 23'W). On spines of a cactus on a dry hill near the seashore. August 1, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 2620a [J. E. Mattsson: Lichenes Austroamericani ex Herbario Regnelliano, 476] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Endocarpon desquamescens Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 31: 198. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi:Mt. Arisan, Nimandaira. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-302 |
Isotype |
Endocarpon globosum H. Harada & Li S. Wang Lichenologist 28: 297. 1996. China. Yunnan, Degin-Xian, en route from Merili Snow Mountain to Degin. On rock cliff by a road near the bottom of valley along Lancang-jiang (Mekong R.); elevation 2100 m. October 1, 1984 Coll.: H. Harada 14563 & L.S. Wang |
Isotype |
Enterographa lueckingii Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 13 (nos 525-575): [1] no. 546. 2001. Brazil. Sao Paulo: Ilha Comprida gegenuber von Cananeia, in einem sehr feuchten Standdunenwald (Restinga), an Cladodien eines Kaktus (25 00'S, 47 50'W). Elevation 3 m. August 15, 1979 Coll.: K. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 546] |
Isotype |
Enterographa tanzanica Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 13 (nos 525-575): [1] no. 548. 2001. Tanzania. Pwani Region. Rufiji Distr.: Rufiji River Delta, Nyamisati Village, epiphyll an halbfreistehenden Baumen am Rand einer Mangrove (07 48'S, 39 17'E). Elevation 5 m. October 9, 1999 Coll.: A. Frisch [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 548] |
Isotype |
Ephebe japonica Asahina & Henssen Symbolae Bot. Upsalienses 18(1): 51. 1963. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Kiso-agematsu, Nishichikuma-gun. July 31, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Erioderma asahinae Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 322. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. Corticolar. March 12, 1926 Coll.: Y. Numajiri (hb. Y. Asahina 515) |
Lectotype |
Erioderma asahinae Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 322. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. March 12, 1926 Coll.: Y. Numajiri 273 (hb. Y. Asahina 515) |
Isotype |
Everniastrum fragile Sipman Mycotaxon 26: 240. 1986. Colombia: Caldas, Below hotel Termales, Nevado del Ruiz. On grazed secondary shrub vegetation; elevation 3500 m. February 4, 1979 Coll.: H. Sipman & H. Valencia, no. 10512 [M. E. Hale: Lichenes Americani Exsiccati, 235] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Fellhaneropsis kurokawana G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto Symbo. Bot. Upsal. 32: 41. 2000. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Aki: Itsukushima, Miyajima-cho, Saiki-gun. On leaf of Neolitsea sericea; elevation about 50 m. April 3, 1994 Coll.: T. Matsumoto 2058 |
Isotype |
Flavoparmelia quichuaensis Elix & T.H. Nash Tropical Bryology 11: 161. 1995. Peru. Dept. Cuzco. Prov. Quispicanchis, around Laguna Urpicancha near Huacarpay. On soil on dry rocky hill with low spine shubbery; elevation about 3200 m. September 8, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21346 |
Holotype |
Flavopunctelia borrerioides Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 4: 26. 1999. Mexico. Puebla: Monte de la Candelaria, carretera Puebla a Xalapa, entre La Candelaria y El Seco, antes del cruce del tren Mex.-Ver (km 26-28), Bosque de Juniperus y Opuntia-Agave. Elevation 2370-2400 m. July 19, 1981 Coll.: G. Guzmán 19610 |
Isotype |
Fulgensia canariensis Follmann & Poelt Philippia 4(5): 370. 1981. Coll.: G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 345] |
Isotype |
Fuscidea cyathoides (Ach.) V. Wirth & Vězda var. japonica Mas. Inoue & P. James Hikobia Supplement 1: 167. 1981. Japan. Shikoku. Pref. Tokushima: Takegashima Isl, Shishiku-machi, Kaifu-gun. On rocks; elevation 1-5 m. July 19, 1976 Coll.: M. Inoue 11236 |
Isotype |
Fuscidea submollis Mas. Inoue Hikobia Supplement 1: 170. 1981. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Ishikari Mts (Yuniishikari-Mt. Otofuke), Kamishihoro-machi, Kato-gun. On rock; elevation 1640 m. August 4, 1974 Coll.: M. Inoue 8394 |
Isotype |
Fuscidea verruciformis Mas. Inoue Hikobia Supplement 1: 171. 1981. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano (Pref. Nagano): Mt. Asama (Asamasanso-Yunodaira), Komoro-city. On bark of Larix leptolepis; elevation 1720 m. July 27, 1972 Coll.: M. Inoue 1419 |
Isotype |
Fuscopannaria dissecta P.M. Jørg. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 89: 250. 2000. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. Elevation about 800 m. April 4, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56044 |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Gonohymenia lusitanica Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fascicle 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 7, no. 39. 1990. Portugal: Baixo-Alentejo, Garique der Serra da Arrabida. Auf Sickerwasserstreifen und in Mulden auf S exponierten Kalkfelsen in Meeresnahe. August 9, 1971 Coll.: A. Hennsen 21775g & D. Schafer [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 39] |
Isotype |
Gonohymenia undulata Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fascicle 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 5. 1990. Spain. Kanarische Inseln: Fuerteventura, Sukkulentenhalbwuste auf basisch-kristallnem Gestein, Passstrasse zwischen Betancuria und Pajara nahe Vega del Rio de las Palmas. Auf sonnenexponierten Sickerwasserflachen bei 550-580 m. February 1, 1986 Coll.: A. Hennsen 30736b [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 35] |
Isotype |
Graphina kousyuensis Horik. & M. Nakan. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2 (Bot.) 11: 93. 1966. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Mizugaki. August 5, 1953 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 521101 |
Isotype |
Graphis aperiens Müll. Arg. Flora, Regensburg 74(1): 113. 1891. JAPAN. Honshu. Musashi Prov.: Tokyo. On tree bark. June 1890. Coll.: M. Miyoshi 6 |
Isotype |
Graphis awaensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 72. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Awa: Mt. Kiyosumi. Ad corticem arboris. July 25,1918 Coll.: E. Ochiai (hb. A. Yasuda 251) |
Isotype |
Graphis batanensis var. rikuzensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 72. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Gamo. Ad corticem arboris. October 18, 1918 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 250) |
Isotype |
Graphis brevicarpa M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 28: 107. 2002. Vanuatu. Prov. Sanma. Espiritu Santo: Ca 7 km SW of Luganville. On bark of Garga floribuda; elevation 15 m. October 26, 2000 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 43246 |
Holotype |
Graphis fulvescens M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon in Kashiwadani, Aptroot, Nakanishi, Moon, Inoue & Sasaki, J. Jap. Bot. 90(4): 228. 2015. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ugo (Pref. Akita): Ainomatazawa, Higashinaruse-mura, Ogachi-gun. On bark of Acer amoenum var. matsumurae; elevation 548 m. November 6, 2013 Coll.: H. Kashiwadni 51323 |
Holotype |
Graphis inabensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 161. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Iwai. Ad corticem arborum. August 4, 1914 Coll.: Y. Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda 47) |
Isotype |
Graphis iriomotensis M. Nakan. Hikobia, Suppl. 1: 213. 1981. Japan, Pref. Okinawa: Taketomi-cho, Ohara, Isl. Iriomote. Elevation 30 m. December 25, 1979 Coll.: M. Nakanishi 20738 |
Isotype |
Graphis iyoensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 71. 1921 Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo. Ad corticem arboris. August 15, 1916 Coll.: A. Yasuda 184 |
Isotype |
Graphis kiiensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 72. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii. Ad corticem arboris. December 30, 1911 Coll.: N. Ui (hb. A. Yasuda 254) |
Isotype |
Graphis koreaiensis Sipman Acta Bot. Fenn. 150: 165. 1994. Guyana, Saul. Tropical primary forest along trail (route 1, 3). 2-3 km SSW of Saul (3 35'N, 53 13'W). Epiphyte in understory. Elevation about 300 m. January 12, 1988 Coll.: H. Sipman 31725 [H. Sipman: Lichenotheca Latinoamericana, 127] |
Isotype |
Graphis mikuraensis Y. Ohmura & M. Nakan. in Ohmura et al., Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. 42(1): 5. 2016. Japan. Izu Islands (Tokyo Metropolis): along the route between Sato and Ienosawa, Mikura-jima Island. On tree branch; elevation 500 m. July 15, 1981 Coll.: M. Higuchi 10474 |
Holotype |
Graphis pasaniae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 71. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii. Ad Pasaniam cuspidatam. December 30, 1911 Coll.: N. Ui (hb. A. Yasuda 244) |
Isotype |
Graphis prunicola Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 73. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Yazu-gun. Ad corticem Pruni yedoensis. January 5, 1915 Coll.: Yoshiatsu Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda 182). |
Isotype |
Graphis subtropica M. Nakan. Hikobia, Suppl. 1: 217. 1981. Japan, Pref. Okinawa, Taketomi-cho, Isl. Iriomote, Ohara, Mt. Goza-dake. Elevation 30 m. December 25, 1979 Coll.: M. Nakanishi 20744 |
Isotype |
Graphis vicarians Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 73. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Sendai. Ad corticem Quercus ganduliferae. June 27, 1918 Coll.: A. Yasuda 253 |
Isotype |
Gyalecta japonica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 8: 38. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Jinmuji. On rock. December 29, 1931 Coll.: H. Hara (hb. Y. Asahina 31129) |
Holotype |
Gyalectidium ciliatum Lücking, G. Thor & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 42. 2000. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi: 14 km SW of Anbo, 500 m S of Kaminomaki, at small stream with dense secondary deciduous forest at the road-side, Yakushima Island. Elevation 50 m. November 1, 1994 Coll.: G. Thor 12545 |
Holotype |
Gyalidiopsis formosana H. Harada & Vězda Natural History Research 1(2): 13. 1991. Formosa. Taiwan, Keelung, Nuan-Nuan. On rocks in stream bed; elevation 500 m. October 21, 1989 Coll.: H. Harada 10217 |
Holotype |
Gyrophora esculenta Miyoshi Botan. Zbl. 56(6): 162. 1893. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Hida (Pref. Gifu): Mt. Kiso-Ontake. August 15, 1890 Coll.: M. Miyoshi |
Lectotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Haematomma fuliginosum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 39: 167. 1964. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Kamiyama-machi, Myosai-gun. On bark of Zelkova serrata. May 5, 1963 Coll.: T. Inobe 176 |
Holotype |
Haematomma inexpectatum Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 12 (nos 476-525) (Neumarkt): 11. 1991. Mexico. Baja California Sur: Along Rte. 22, 16 km W of Ciudad Constitution. Southern Magdalena Region of the Sonoran Desert (24 59'N, 111 51'W). Sandy coastal plain. On bark of deciduous trees; elevation 100 m. January 1, 1991 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb & T. Nash [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 506] |
Isotype |
Haematomma neglectum Lumbsch & Feige Mycotaxon 52(2): 430. 1994. Portugal. Madeira: Llevada near Blandys Garden, 1 km NW of Camacha (32 41'N, 16 50'W). On Castanea vesca; elevation about 150 m. February 10, 1993 Coll.: G.B. & I. Feige [H.T. Lumbsch & G.B. Feige: Lecanoroid Lichenes, 21] |
Isotype |
Halecania australis Lumbsch in Lumbsch & Feige, Mycotaxon 52(2): 431. 1994. Australia. New South Wales: Oaky Creek, 37 km NE of Boorowa, on Reids Flat Road. Brachychiton dominated steep slope with large granite outcrops (34 08'S, 149 54'E). On eutrophic siliceous rocks in a river bed; elevation 450 m. Associated lichens. August 14, 1991 Coll.: H.T. Lumbsch & H. Streimann [H.T. Lumbsch & G.B. Feige: Lecanoroid Lichenes, 22] |
Isotype |
Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon J. Jap. Bot. 88(1): 13. 2014. JAPAN. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): en route from Yodogawa-goya Lodge to Hananoego, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Yakushima Island. Over mosses on bark; elevation about 1500 m. March 14, 2012 |
Holotype |
Heppia japonica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 10: 685. 1934. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Kisegawa. On rock. April 5, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Heterocarpon simodense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 65. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Shimoda. Among mosses on rock. January 4, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. [Y. Asahina: Lichenes Japoniae Exsiccati, 233] |
Holotype Isotype |
Heterodermia flavosquamosa Aptroot & Sipman in Sipman, Willdenowia 19(2): 546. 1990. Guyana, Upper Mazaruni District. Along trail from Kamarang River to Pui-Pui Mountain, ca. 5 km N. of Waramadang (60 46'W, 5 54'N). On exposed rock in savannah bush; elevation about 650 m. February 27-28, 1985 Coll.: H. Sipman & A. Aptroot 19233 [H. Sipman: Lichenotheca Latinoamericana, 24] |
Isotype |
Heterodermia linearis Moberg & T.H. Nash Bryologist 102(1): 7. 1999. Mexico. Baja California Sur:Sierra de la Laguna. Along the path to Santiago. E side of the mountain pass close to a meadow. On tree trunk; elevation 1800 m. February 15, 1993 Coll.: R. Moberg 10307 |
Isotype |
Heterodermia namaquana Brusse Bothalia 22(2): 183. 1991. South Africa. Pretoria: Springbok. Gemsbokvlei. Namaqualand coastal plain. 1.6km from the first Kleinzee turnoff on the main Port Nolloth-Steinkopf tarmac road, to Kleinzee. Port Nolloth Allotment Area. September 9, 1991 Coll.: F. Brusse 5930 |
Isotype |
Heterodermia neglecta Lendemer, R.C. Harris & E.A. Tripp Bryologist 110: 490-493. 2007. U.S.A. NORTH CAROLINA. Macon County: Highlands, Ravenel Park, trail to Sunset Rock, Highlands Quad. (35 02 49 N, 83 11 20 W). On Quercus; elevation about 4000 ft. Rhododendron-hemlock-hardwood forest with gneissic exposures. April 30, 2006 Coll.: J.C. Lendemer et al. 6999 |
Isotype |
Heterodermia parva Moberg Nordic J. Bot. 29: 143. 2011. Peru. Cuzco: road Paucartambo-Pillcopata, 1 km SW of the turn to Tres Cruces (13 08'S, 71 38'W). On thin twigs; elevation about 3500 m. March 29, 1981 Coll.: R. Santesson, A. Theler & G. Thor P108:2 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 418] |
Isotype |
Homothecium sorediosum Henssen Bot. Notiser 132: 271. 1979. Chile. Malleco: Parque Nacional de Contulmo, Sudbuchenwald mit Nothofagus obliqua. Auf Erde und bruchigem Sandstein einer Wegboschung. November 22, 1973 Coll.: A. Hennsen 24271 et al. [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 31] |
Isotype |
Hypocenomyce leucococca R. Sant. Thunbergia 2: 3. 1986. Sweden. Harjedalen Prov., Tannas par., c. 1 km E of Ramundbergets Fjallgard (63 42'N, 12 25'E). On the trunk of a birch in the subalpine birch forest; elevation about 750 m. August 5, 1977 Coll.: R. Santesson 27901 (holotype in UPS) [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 6] |
Isotype |
Hypogymnia heterophylla L. Pike Mycotaxon 16: 157. 1982. U.S.A. California: Pygmy Forest Reserve, Van Damme State Park, Mendocino County. On stunted conifers; elevation 50 m. July 9, 1977 Coll.: M.E. Hale 49365 [M. E. Hale: Lichenes Americani Exsiccati, 237] |
Isotype |
Hypogymnia hokkaidensis Kurok. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 4: 62. 1971. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Nemuro: Ochiishi. On trunk of Picea glehnii; elevation about 50 m. September 2, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 65826 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 167] |
Isotype |
Hypogymnia mollis Pike & Hale Mycotaxon 16(1): 161 1982 U.S.A. California: Los Osos Oak Reserve, near Los Osos, San Luis Obispo County. On low shrubs in sandy area; elevation 20 m. July 31, 1980 Coll.: M.E. Hale 57768 [M.E. Hale: Lichenes Americani Exsiccati, 238] |
Isotype |
Hypogymnia psedoenteromorpha M.J. Lai Quart. J. Taiwan Museum 33: 209. 1980. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Myohoga-take, Mitsumine, Chichibu. Elevation about 1300 m. May 6, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56132 |
Isotype |
Hypogymnia stricta (Hillmann) K. Yoshida Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B. 27 (2, 3): 36. 2001. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga (Pref. Shizuoka): Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 6, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 49 |
Lectotype |
Hypotrachyna cinerascens Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 9. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Quispicanchis: Between Abra Hualla Hualla and Marcapata; in "Puna" zone. On rocks; elevation about 4300 m. September 14, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21527 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna congenita Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 10. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Paucartambo: Around Challabamba; in "Ceja de Selva" zone. On rocks; elevation about 2800 m. September 18, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22050 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna corneola Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 12. 2000. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Kaisinik, about 30 km south-east of Wau. On bark of tree; elevation 1900-2000 m. December 22, 1973 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 10765 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna dahlii Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 13. 2000. Australia. N.S.W.: Tianjara Falls between Nerriga and Nowra in the gorge. June 13, 1970 Coll.: E. Dahl s.n. |
Isotype |
Hypotrachyna elongata Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 14. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Quispicanchis: Between Marcapata and Achubamba, along the road from Marcapata to Quincemille; in wet forest in "Ceja de Selva" zone. On rocks; elevation 2600-2800 m. September 13, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21658 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna endosulphurea Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 15. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Quispicanchis: Between Marcapata and Achubamba, along the road from Marcapata to Quincemille; in wet forest in "Ceja de Selva" zone. On rocks; elevation 2600-2800 m. September 13, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21834 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna granulans K.H. Moon, Kurok. & Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B. 26: 135. 2000. Thailand. Prov. Chiang Mai. Chom Thong District: Doi Inthanon. On bark of Pinus sp.: Elevation about 2450 m. March 4, 1998 Coll.: K.H. Moon 2332 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna kashiwadanii Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 17. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Urubamba: Machupicchu (around Aguas Calientes); in mixed forest in lower part of "Ceja de Selva" zone. On rocks; elevation 2100-2200 m. September 20, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22129 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna neodigitata Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 18. 2000. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Around Woitape; elevation about 1550 m. October 16, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9210 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna punoensis Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 19. 2000. Peru. Dept. Puno. Prov. Lampa: Cara Cara, near Pucar in Polylepis racemosa forest. On bark of Polylepis racemosa; elevation 3900-4000 m. September 27, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22318 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna stictifera Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 21. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Urubamba: Machupicchu (around Aguas Calientes); in mixed forest in lower part of "Ceja de Selva" zone. On bark of tree; elevation 2100-2200 m. September 20, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22272 |
Holotype |
Hypotrachyna subsplendens Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 5: 22. 2000. Peru. Dept Cuzco. Prov. Paucartambo: Around Challabamba; in "Ceja de Selva" zone. On bark of Alnus sp.; elevation about 2800 m. September 18, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21872 |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Ionaspis ventosa P.M. Jørg. & R. Sant. Nord. J. Bot. 9: 433. 1989. Sweden. Prov. Härjedalen: Tännäs par., Mt. Rästvålen, at the top (ca 5 km W of Mt. Stora Mittåkläppen) (62 43'N, 12 21'E). On pebbles on the strongly exposed, and therefore snowless in winter, top of the mountain; elevation 860-870 m. August 14, 1989 Coll.: R. Santesson 32679 [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 85] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Jenmania osorioi Henssen Lichenologist 5: 447. 1973. Uruguay. Dept. Salto, Uruguay river, Salto Grande Island (31 14'S, 57 55'W). Upper part of big stones covered by the floodings of the Uruguay river. February 5, 1972 Coll.: H. Osorio 6675 [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 29] [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 366] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Karoowia umezuana K.H. Moon & Kashiw. J. Jap. Bot. 84: 279. 2009 Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Bungo (Pref. Ohita): Chojabaru, Kokonoe-cho, Kusu-gun. On rocks; elevation about 1050 m. November 16, 2001 Coll.: Y. Umezu 492b |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Lasallia asiae-orientalis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 39. 1961. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ari. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-377 |
Holotype |
Lecanactis caceresiana Kalb & Aptroot Lichenes Neotropici, fasc. 16: 5. 2017. Brazil. Ваhiа. Between Feira de Santana and Мilagres, с. 10 km NE of Мilagres, in а light caatinga on thin branches of deciduous trees (12 50'S, 39 50'W) (Holotype in UFMS-Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul). Elevation 200 m. July 21, 1980 Coll.: K. Kalb & M. Marcelli [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 633] |
Isotype |
Lecanactis subabietina Coppins & P. James Lichenologist 11(2): 141. 1979. Magna Britannia. Anglia. Devon, Kingsbridge, Slapton, Soapton Ley. December 4, 1970 Coll.: P.W. James & D.L. Hawksworth [C. A. Vězda: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, 977] |
Isotype |
Lecanactis subdryophila Follmann & Vězda Philippia 3: 271. 1977. Chile: Mittelchile, Prov. Aconcagua, flachenfullend an seewindbestrichenen halbschattigen Borkenschollen der mittleren Stammpartien alterer Nadelbaume in Graphidetum immersae FOLLM., pH 6, 1, Kiefernpflanzung im Windschatten der Isla Seca in der Bucht von Zapallar. Elevation 20 m. January, 1965 Coll.: G.Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 247] |
Isotype |
Lecania brunnea Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 24: 190. 1892. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Yahazu. July 30, 1888 Coll.: M. Miyoshi 138? |
Isotype |
Lecanora austrocalifornica Lendemer & K. Knudsen Opuscula Philolichenum 6: 73. 2009. U.S.A. CALIFORNIA. RIVERSIDE COUNTY.: San Jacinto Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Apple Canyon, along Apple Canyon Road, Idyllwild Quad (33 41 36 N, 116 39 28 W). Jeffrey Pines (Pinus jeffreyi) along stream. Elevation 4800 ft. January 31, 2006 Coll.: James C. Lendemer 15000 & K. Knudsen [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 332] |
Isotype |
Lecanora austro-oceanica Hertel & Leuckert in Hertel, Lecideaceae exsiccatae, Fascicle XII (nos 221-240) (München) 12(2): no. 224. 1990. NEW ZEALAND: Southland Bluff, S of Ocean Beach (46 36'S, 168 18'30''E). Coastal rocks, with Carbonea phaeostoma, Tephromela atra and Tylothallia pahiensis. February 12, 1985 Coll.: H. Hertel 30808 [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 224] |
Isotype |
Lecanora concinna Thoms. Bryologist 75: 358. 1972. U.S.A. Alaska. At Franklin bluffs on the Sagavanirktok River (69 50'N, 148 15'W). On smooth boulders on gravel bench. July 29-August 2, 1958 Coll.: J.W. Thomson, S. Shushan & J. Koranda [J.W. Thomson: Lich. Arctici, 95] |
Isotype |
Lecanora decorata Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 52. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Yatsugatake. August 4, 1916 Coll.: A. Yasuda 130 |
Isotype |
Lecanora elixii Lumbsch Mycotaxon 52(2): 435. 1994. Australia. New South Wales: Wolumba Peak, 16 km WNW of Merrimbula (36 53'S, 149 44'E). Dry sclerophyll forest of rocky ridge, often burnt. On basaltic rocks with Diploschistes euganes etc; elevation about 750 m. June 16, 1991 Coll.: H.T. Lumbsch & H. Streimann [H.T. Lumbsch & G.B. Feige: Lecanoroid Lichenes, 29] |
Isotype |
Lecanora glabrata (Ach.) Malme var. perflexuosa Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 90. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone. October 15, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina (hb. A. Yasuda 665) |
Isotype |
Lecanora haywardiorum Lumbsch Mycotaxon 45: 476. 1992. Australia. New South Wales: Barrington Tops National Park. Rocky crossing waterfalls in wet sclerophyll forest (32 07'S, 151 29'E). On siliceous rocks beside stream; elevation 450 m. Associated lichens include Porpida albocaerulescens and Xanthoparmelia sp. June 22, 1991 Coll.: H.T. Lumbsch & R.B. Filson [H.T. Lumbsch & G.B. Feige: Lecanoroid Lichenes, 6] |
Isotype |
Lecanora herteliana Calat. & Barreno Lichenologist 32(6): 532. 2000. SPAIN. Province of Castello, Serra d’Espada’, Azuebar, Barranc Mosquera (39 52’N, 0 22’W). On hard siliceous sandstone; elevation 620 m. September 2, 1997 Coll.: V. Calatayud & C. Tresoli [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 304] |
Isotype |
Lecanora iseana Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 91. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ise: Mt. Gozaisho, Mie-gun. August 13, 1922 Coll.: A. Yasuda 664 |
Isotype |
Lecanora kurokawae Shiba, K.H. Moon & Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 34(1): 1-16. 2008 Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro: Takoiwa, Pontomari, Kushiro-gun. On rocks, along coast; elevation about 2 m. October 10, 2004 Coll.: T. Shiba 2055 |
Holotype |
Lecanora latzelii Zahlbr. Oesterr. Botan. Zeitschrift, 60: 13. 1910. Yugoslavia. On calcareous rock; elevation 80 m. March 27, 1909 Coll.: A. Latzel s.n. |
Isotype |
Lecanora masana Lendemer & R.C. Harris Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gdn 104: 33. 2013. U.S.A. North Carolina. Hawyood Co.: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, vicinity of Baxter Creek, trail to summit of Mt. Sterling (2 miles to summit) (N35 42 07, W83 07 19). Spruce-fir-birch forest with sparse hemlock. On Abies; elevation 4500-5800 ft. April 26, 2008 Coll.: J.C. Lendemer 11949 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 447] |
Isotype |
Lecanora nakayamae Yasuda J. Jap. Bot. 16: 92. 1940. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Bungo: Hita-gun. February 21, 1922 Coll.: N. Nakayama (hb. A. Yasuda 401) |
Isotype |
Lecanora phymatodiscus Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 53. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Takizawa, Mt. Akagi. April 19, 1918 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda320) |
Isotype |
Lecanora pulverulenta Müll. Arg. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Italiano 23: 124. 1891. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Ueno. July 2, 1888 Coll.: M. Miyoshi 161 |
Isotype? |
Lecanora strobisorella Kalb Lichenes Neotropici ausgegeben von Klaus Kalb. Fasc. XIII (No. 526-575): 11. 2001. Brazil. Sao Paulo: Serra do Mar, zwischen Areias und Silveiras unweit Cruzeiro, an Alleebaumen (22 40'S, 44 45'W). Elevation 700 m. November 4, 1978 Coll.: K. Kalb & G. Plöbst [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 553] |
Isotype |
Lecidea bullata Mey & Flotow Nova Acta Acad. Leopoldin.-Carolin. 19: 227. 1843. U.S.A. Colorado: Tenmile Range, SW of Tenmile Peak, 1.6 km N of Wheeler Junction, Summit Co. Steep N-facing slope, infrequent on moss- & soil-covered ledges, T. 6 S, R. 78 W, sec. 19, elevation 3060 m. September 1, 1874 Coll.: R. Anderson s.n. |
Isotype |
Lecidea carbonoidea J.W. Thomson Bryologist 75: 356. 1972. U.S.A. Alaska: Along the Pitmegea River, 15 miles upstream from Cape Sabine. 68 48'N, 164 20'W. On top of ridge. July 10-17, 1958 Coll.: J.W. Thomson s.n. |
Isotype |
Lecidea confluens (Weber) Ach. Methodus: 14. 1803. GERMANY: Sachsen-Anhalt, Harz Mts., Hochharz National Park. Summit region of Mt. Brocken (51 48’N, 10 37’E). On horizontal or slightly inclined surfaces of low, exposed granite boulders on a gentle northeastem slope in a clearing, within a high-montane Picea abies forest; elevation 1070 m. August 27, 1992 Coll.: H. Ullrich & P. Vieth [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 264] |
Isoneotype |
Lecidea declinella Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 46. 1921. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Mt. Tanimi. (date not given). Coll.: A. Yasuda 163 |
Isotype |
Lecidea densiflorae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 68. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mine, Haga-mura. On bark of Pinus densiflora. February 25, 1918 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 350) |
Isotype |
Lecidea extenuata Vain. Meddel. Soc.Fauna Fl. Fennica 10: 78. 1883. U.S.A. Colorado: Tenmile Range, 8.5 km SW of Frisco, 2.5 km SSE of Officers Gulch Campground, Summit Co., T. 6 S, R. 78 W, sec. 20, on shaded faces of talus boulders; elevation about 3050 m. August 29, 1975 Coll.: R. Anderson s.n. [R. Anderson: Lich. W-N Amer. 9] |
Isotype |
Lecidea fujikawae M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 12: 48. 1936. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Todai, Miwa-mura, Kami-Ina-gun. October 15, 1935 Coll.: F. Fujikawa [Y. Asahina: Lichenes Japoniae Exsiccati, 269] |
Isotype |
Lecidea gypsicola Llimona in Vězda, Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati, fasc. 47: 3 (no. 1160). 1973. SPANIEN, Prov. Pamplona: Las Bardenas. Nahe Caparosso (42 20'N, 1 39'W). Auf fe stem Gipsboden, Expos. 30-50: NW. Elevation 400 m. Sehr haufig im Aspicilio-Lecideetum gypsicolum. September 24, 1972 Coll.: X. LLimona [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 45] |
Isotype |
Lecidea leproloma R. Sant. in Moberg, Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Uppsaliensis, Fasc. 1 (nos 1-25): 6. 1986. Sweden. Harjedalen Prov., Tannas par., Mt. Gruvvalen, 0.2 km SSW of Lake Glimsjon (c. 1.8 km NE of Ramundbergets Fjallgard) (62 43'N, 12 25'E). On a vertical rock wall; elevation 920 m. August 19, 1985 Coll.: R. Santesson 31390 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 14] |
Isotype |
Lecidea leucosoralis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 160. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Daisen. On bark. November 13, 1913 Coll.: M. Nakaji (hb. A. Yasuda 95) |
Isotype |
Lecidea luridopallens Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 67. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. September 28, 1915 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 167) |
Isolectotype |
Lecidea ocellaris Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 68. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: (precise locality not indicated). Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 327) |
Isotype |
Lecidea olivacea (Dufour) Fr. var. caesitia Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 69. 1921. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Nemuro: Akkeshi. August 16, 1918 Coll.: A. Yasuda 334 |
Isotype |
Lecidea pseudohaematomma Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29.225. 1954. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi: Hananoego, Yakushima Island. July 27, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 33727). |
Holotype |
Lecidea pseudohandelii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 359. 1957. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamato: Mt. Kongo. On bark of Cryptomeria japonica; elevation 1120 m, October 7, 1956 Coll.: Y. Tanaka s.n. |
Holotype |
Lecidea spumosula Zahlbr. Annal. Mycolog. 14: 51. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Mt. Akagi. September 19, 1912 and December 20, 1917 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 512) |
Isotype |
Lecidea subleucothallina Mas. Inoue Journ. Sci. Hiroshima University, ser. B. Div.2 (Botany), 18: 45. 1982. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Daisetsu (Goshikigahara), Kamikawa-mura, Kamikawa-gun. On rock; elevation 1680 m. August 11, 1974 Coll.: M. Inoue 8666 |
Isotype |
Lecidea tiliae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 161. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Sendai. Ad corticem Tiliae miquelianae. June 10, 1913 Coll.: A. Yasuda 93 |
Isotype |
Lecidea ullrichii Hertel Lecideaceae exsiccatae, Fascicle X (nos 181-200) (München): 4. 1988. DEUTSCHLAND: Niedersachsen. Harz Ramelsberg bei Goslar (51 55'N, 10 25'E). Auf bodennahen. Lichtoffenen Steinplatten (Wissenbacher Schiefer) eines kahlen Schutthugels unterhalb des Maltermeister Turmes im Bergwerksge-lände. Elevation about 400 m. October 26, 1982 Coll.: H. Ullrich [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 190] |
Isotype |
Lecidea yasudae Vain. J. Jap. Bot. 32: 158. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Oyama. October 26, 1913 Coll.: S. Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 88) |
Isotype |
Leciophysma japonicum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 36(3): 65. 1961. (Miscell. Bryol. Lichenol. 2: 30. 1960, nom. nud.) Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mikawa: Chiiwa Gorge, Minami-Shidara-gun. On rock with mosses. April 1, 1960 Coll.: Y. Asahina 6041, S. Kurokawa & M. Nuno |
Holotype |
Lepraria caesiella Harris Opuscula Philolichenum 2: 51. 2005. U.S.A. Pennsylvania. Monroe Co.: Community Drive Wetlands, drained portions boarded by Alnus, and swampy portions primarily with Acer and Fraxinus, bisected by Hogback Ridge forest with dense hemlocks (Tsuga) and large semi-calcareous rock exposures and boulders. On a large dead birch (Betula); elevation 700-800 ft. April 24, 2004 Coll.: C. Lendemer 2304 & R.C. Harris et al. [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 172] |
Isotype |
Leproloma diffusum J.R. Laundon var. chrysodetoides J.R. Laundon Lichenologist 21(1): 18. 1989. Sweden. Värmland Prov., Burtjärn par., on the western slope of the hill between Trettondetjärnen and Svarttjarnen (59 29'N, 14 24'E). Over mosses on perpendicular rock in a clearing, previously very likely in shaded situation; elevation 920 m. November 8, 1977 Coll.: L-E. Muhr 598 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 61] |
Isotype |
Leptogium arisanense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 252. 1936. Formosa. Prov. Taichu; Mt. Ari-san. July 14, 1935 Coll.: M. Ogata s.n. |
Isotype |
Leptogium delavayi Hue f. fuliginosulum Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 28. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Numanohira, Mt. Ari-san. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-197 |
Isotype |
Leptogium hildenbrandii (Garov.) Nyl. f. fusisporum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 554. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shirahone. September 23, 1934 Coll.: Y. Asahina 34923 |
Lectotype |
Leptogium loriforme P.M. Jørg. & Kashiw. Lichenologist 40(2): 123-125. 2008. Papua New Guinea, Central distr., Mt. Albert Edward, en route from Woltape Airstrip to the summit. Elevation about 2500 m. January 22, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 12006 |
Holotype |
Leptogium menziesii (Sm.) Mont. var. dissectum Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 290. 1932. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 6, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 528 |
Isotype |
Leptogium menziesii (Sm.) Mont. var. dissectum Zahlbr. f. spathulatum Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 33: 205. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Kakusidaira-dani, Kawakami-mura, Yosino-gun. On mossy rocks in humid ravine. October 6, 1954 Coll.: M. Tagawa 297 |
Isotype |
Leptogium nanum Herre Bryologist 59: 40. 1956. U.S.A. California. Santa Clara Co.: Summit Road. December 23, 1953 Coll.: J.W. Thomson & A.W. Herre 4560 |
Isotype |
Leptogium palmatum (Huds.) Mont. var. fusidosporum Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 31: 193. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Hinata-Ohya, Ryogami-mura, Chichibu-gun. November 2, 1955 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 550523 |
Holotype |
Leptogium pedicellatum P.M.Jørg. Herzogia 3: 448. 1975. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Amagi Pass. Over mosses on rocks; elevation about 700 m. November 15, 1967 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 67211 |
Holotype |
Leptogium splendens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 12: 253. 1936. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Numanohira, Mt. Ari-san. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-206 |
Lectotype |
Leptogium trichophoroides P.M. Jørg. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 32: 123. 1997. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mino: Higashishirakawa-mura, Kamo-gun. On bark of Morus alba; elevation about 400 m. January 2, 1937 Coll.: M. Yasue s.n. |
Holotype |
Leptogium trichophorum Müll. Arg. f. microsporum Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 28. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Tacihu: Toryoyen, Mt. Ari-san. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-203 |
Isotype |
Letharia togashii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 27: 295. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. Ad corticem Picea politae. August 11, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 66] |
Holotype Isotype |
Lichen tiliaceus Hoffm. Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 96. 1784. Sweden. Skåne, Eslöv par., Ellinge, at the castle (55 48 42 N, 13 17 15 E). On Aesculus hippocastanum. April 8, 2010 Coll.: A. Thell 1001 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 435] |
Isoepitype |
Lichenostigma supertegentis Ihlen & R. Sant. in Ihlen, Lichenologist 36: 185. 2004. Sweden. Harjedalen Prov., Tannas par., Mt. Gruvvalen, 1 km SE of Lake Glimsjon (62 43'N, 12 25'E). On Aspicilia supertegens (thallus) on siliceous rock; elevation 920 m. July 13, 1991 Coll.: R. Santesson 32946 & R. Moberg (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 386] |
Isotype |
Lichina macrospora Henssen, Büdel & Wessels Mycotaxon 22(1): 171. 1985. South Africa: Ost-Transvaal, Graskop 2430DD, Panorama Falls, Lookout Point. Auf Sandsteinplatten am Rande von Rinnsalen bei, ca. 1400 m. June 8, 1982 Coll.: A. Hennsen 28405a & D. Wessels [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 32] |
Isotype |
Lichina pygmaea (Lightf.) C. Agardh Syn. Alg. Scand.: xii, 9. 1817. Scotland. East Lothian, Firth of Forth, North Berwick, The Leithies (56 03'48.6''N, 2 41'08.56''W). Grid 36(NT)5730.8576. On volcanic rock in the eulittoral. July 26, 2006 Coll.: B.J. Coppins 21797 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 426] |
Isoepitype |
Llimoniella chilensis Zhurb. Lichenologist 52: 446. 2021. Chile. Region X, Prov. Valdivia, Fundo San Martín (Universidad Austral de Chile), c. 30 km S of San José de la Mariquina (40°38'S, 73°05'W). On the thallus of terricolous Dibaeis sp. in mixed forest with Nothofagus obliqua; elevation 10 m. November 18, 1987 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 35425a (TNS-L-129848) |
Holotype |
Lobaria adscripta (Nyl.) Hue f. inactiva Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 405. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Gotemba. July, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3070 |
Lectotype |
Lobaria adscripturiens f. laevigata Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 310. 1971. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Ashikawa, Ogata, Hata-gun. Elevation 100 m. May 3, 1961 Coll.: I. Yoshimura 2702 |
Isotype |
Lobaria asiatica Vain. Philippine J. Sci. sec. C, 8: 130. 1913. Philippines. Prov. Benguet. Panai. Elevation 2100 m. June, 1909 Coll.: R.C. McGregor 8535 |
Isolectotype |
Lobaria buiensis Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 144. 1940. Formosa. Mt. Bui, on bark of trees. July 15, 1922 Coll.: A. Yasuda 679 |
Isotype |
Lobaria chinensis Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 281. 1971. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Shussuiha. October 8, 1934 Coll.: H. Masuda s.n. |
Holotype |
Lobaria clemensiae Vain. var. crassa Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 263. 1971. Papua New Guinea. Western Highland Distrct: Quip Saw Mill, logging area, 15 miles north of Mt. Hagen. Elevation about 2450 m. November 25, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6280 |
Holotype |
Lobaria crassior Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 64. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Mt. Senzoku-yama, Yazu-gun. September 25, 1915 Coll.: Y. Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda 149) |
Isotype |
Lobaria discolor (Bory) Hue var. inactiva (Asahina) Yoshim. f. subadscripta Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 266. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Gotemba-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 12, 1930 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Lobaria ferax Vain. var. genuina Vain. Philippine J. Sci. sect. C, 8: 132. 1913. Philippines. Prov. Benguet: Mt. Tonglon. June, 1909 Coll.: M. Ramos s.n. |
Isolectotype |
Lobaria fuscotomentosa Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 311. 1971. Japan. Honhsu. Prov. Echigo: On trail between the summit and Akayu Hot Spring, Mt. Naeba. On trunk of trees. August 17, 1957 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 57194 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 172] |
Holotype Isotype |
Lobaria fuscotomentosa Yoshim. f. stenoloba Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 312. 1971. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Omogo, on bark of Quercus phylliraeoides. August 10, 1961 Coll.: I. Yoshimura 2765 |
Isotype |
Lobaria gyrophorica Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 275. 1971. Formosa. Prov. Ilan: Piyanan Pass. On trees; elevation 1600-1900 m. January 16, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 794 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 365] |
Holotype Isotype |
Lobaria horikawai Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 215. 1941. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Nagato: Chomon-kyo Gorge. April 2, 1939 Coll.: S. Inumaru 3184 |
Lectotype |
Lobaria insularis Vain. Philippine J. Sci., sect. C, 8: 136. 1913. Philippines. Dist. Lepanto. January, 1909 Coll.: E. Bacani s.n. |
Isolectotype |
Lobaria isidiosa (Müll. Arg.) Vain. var. subisidiosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 21: 84. 1947. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Agura. August 13, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Lobaria japonica (Zahlbr.) Asahina var. pallidior Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 128. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri, Mt. Fuji. July, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 64 |
Lectotype |
Lobaria kurokawae Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 297. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. Elevation about 800 m. April 4, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56068 |
Holotype |
Lobaria laetevirens (Lightf.) Zahlbr. var. pallescens Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 158. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Daisen. Ad truncos arborum. November 9, 1913 Coll.: Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 20) |
Isolectotype |
Lobaria lobulata Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 314. 1971. Formosa. Nan-Fu-Ta-San. Elevation 1500-2400 m. January 19, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 909 |
Holotype |
Lobaria lobulata Yoshim. f. reagens Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 315. 1971. Formosa. Prov. Nantoh: Lisan. January 17, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 868 |
Holotype |
Lobaria meridionalis Vain. Philippine J. Sci. sect. C, 8: 128. 1913. Philippines. Benguet: Mt. Pulog. May, 1911 Coll.: H.M. Curran s.n. |
Isotype |
Lobaria meridionalis Vain. var. spathulata Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 13: 221. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shibunoyu Hot Spring, Yatsugatake Mts. Elevation about 1800 m. August 3, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58261 |
Neotype |
Lobaria meridionalis Vain. var. spathulata Inumaru f. nigrotomentosa Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 13: 221. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. February 7, 1926 Coll.: Y. Numajiri s.n. |
Neotype |
Lobaria nipponica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 454. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Higashiyama, Gotemba. August 28, 1928 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Lobaria nipponica Asahina var. angustifolia Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 458. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. April 7, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Lobaria ochracea Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 214. 1943. Formosa. Prov. Takao: Rokkisyo. March 24, 1941 Coll.: S. Inumaru 6182 |
Neotype |
Lobaria ochrotropa Zahlbr. Fedde, Repertor. 33: 30. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Arisan, Toroyen. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-1 |
Isotype |
Lobaria pulmonaria f. microphyllina Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 216. 1941. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai (Pref. Yamanashi): on trail from Masutomi Hot Spring to Kanayama. April 11, 1952 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 521091 |
Neotype |
Lobaria retigera (Bory) Trevis. var. sanguinolenta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 21: 83. 1947. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 22, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Lobaria sachalinensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 162. 1957. Sakhalin: Aikawa. August 23, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype Isotype |
Lobaria sachalinensis Asahina var. kazawaensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 23: 68. 1949. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Kazawa, Agatsuma-gun. October 16, 1933 Coll.: S. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Lobaria sublaevis (Nyl.) Yoshim. f. subnipponica Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 318. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Suishochi, Amagi Pass. August 20, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina 5682 |
Holotype |
Lobaria subretigera Inumaru Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 214. 1941. Formosa. Pref. Taitung: Antung Pass. Elevation 400-995 m. January 27, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 2655 |
Neotype |
Lobaria tuberculata Yoshim. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 280. 1971. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Nemuro: Ochiishi. On trunk of Salix sp.; elevation about 50 m. September 1, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 65767 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 178] |
Holotype Isotype |
Lobaria yakushimensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 21: 84. 1947. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi: Kurio, Yakushima Island. July 28, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa 1086 |
Lectotype |
Lobaria yoshimurae Kurok. & Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 4: 123. 1978. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Oirase Gorge, Kamikita-gun. Elevation 350-400 m. September 21, 1979 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 70908 |
Holotype |
Lobaria zahlbruckneri Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 9: 452. 1933. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga (Pref. Shizuoka): Subashiri, Mt. Fuji. July 9-11, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 61 |
Lectotype |
Lobothallia epiadelpha Paukov & A. Nordin in Paukov et al., Lichenologist 51: 308. 2019. RUSSIA. Orenburgskaya Oblast’, Gaiskiy District, 17 km to the west of Novotroitsk Town (via Akkerma-novka), hills around ‘The King’s Spring’ (51°08′56.1′′N, 58°02′32.0′′E). On serpentine outcropsin a dry stony steppe; elevation 299 m. June 17, 2016 Coll.: A. Paukov, no. 1881 (UFU–L3189—holotype) |
Isotype |
Lopadium ferrugineum Müll. Arg. Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 23: 127. 1891. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Ontake. August 15, 1889 Coll.: M. Miyoshi 109 |
Isotype |
Lopadium hiroshii Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 12: 686. 1969. Japan. Bonin Island. Chichijima Island: Mt. Chuo. On bark of Schima mertensiana; elevation 100-300 m. November 20, 1968 Coll.: H. Inoue 18974 |
Holotype |
Lopadium nipponicum M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 11: 634. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Osorezan. May 30, 1935 Coll.: M. Sato 158 |
Holotype |
Lopadium nymanii R. Sant. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 526. 1952. Indonesia. Java. (no precise locality and date cited). Coll.: Nyman 11a |
Isotype |
Lopadium shikokianum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 140. 1941. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Mt. Dairyuji, Kamotani-mura, Naka-gun. On mosses. November 23, 1940 Coll.: T. Inobe 107 |
Holotype |
Lopadium subcoralloideum Aptroot & Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, fasc. XVI (nos 628-650):6. 2017. Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Serra da Mantiqueira; Itatiaia, between Registro do Picú and Agulhas Negras, in а dense, dark rainforest (22 20'S, 44 45'W). Elevation 1900 m. July 23, 1978 Coll.: К. Каlb & G. Plöbst (Holotype in UFMS-Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul) [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 636] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Malcolmiella subgranifera Kalb & Elix in Kalb, Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 13(nos 526-575): 12. 2001. Australia. Queensland: Umgebung von Cape Tribulation, ca. 40 km N von Mossman, in einem Fluss (16 05'S, 145 33'E). Elevation 20 m. September 5, 1992 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 555] |
Isotype |
Malmidea gymnopiperis Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 14 (nos 576-600): 8. 2011. Venezuela. Aragua. Nationalpark ''Henry Pittier'', bei km 12 der Straβe von Maracay nach Ocumare de la Costa; biologische Station Dr. Alberto Fernandez Y.''; Aufstieg von der Station auf den Cerro Rancho Grande. An einem ± jungen Laubbaum in einem alten, tropischen Bergregenwald (selva nublada) (10 21 08 N, 67 40 08 W). Elevation 1300 m. August 3, 2010 Coll.: K. Kalb & J. Hernandez [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 591] |
Isotype |
Maronella laricina M. Steiner Öst. bot. Z. 106: 441. 1959. Austria. Tirol: Wipptal, Steinach-Mauern, auf Borke von Larix, besonders am Grunde der Stamme. Elevation about 1180 m. August 9, 1959 Coll.: M. Steiner [Kryptogamae Exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi, 4217] |
Isotype |
Megalospora carneorosula Bouly de Lesd. Lichens de Meique. 23. 1914. Mexico. Michoacan, Morelia, Cerro Azul. February 5, 1910 Coll.: A. Brouard 4059 |
Isotype |
Megalospora marginiflexoides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 20: 132. 1944. New Zealand. South Island: Silver Peak, near Dunedin. On Nothofagus menziesii; elevation 450 m. October 19, 1933 Coll.: J.S. Thomson 2 |
Lectotype |
Megalospora nipponensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 97. 1957. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Akitsugawa. 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 109 |
Holotype |
Menegazzia pedicellata Bjereke Lichenologist 36: 21. 2004. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. September 4, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Microphiale lutea (Dicks.) Zahlbr. f. theae Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 152. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ise. August 15, 1922 Coll.: Yasuda 663 |
Isotype |
Muhria urceolata P.M. Jørg. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 44(3): 581-599. Sweden. Varmland. Dalky: Goabacken, 6 km N of Sysselback. June 8, 1981 Coll.: L. Muhr 4208 |
Isotype |
Mycocalicicum japonicum Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 162. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Minato, Yonago-city. In rupe. February 22, 1914 Coll.: Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 73) |
Isolectotype |
Myelochroa siamea Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 73: 13. 1998. Thailand. Prov. Chien Mai: Maetang District. Elevation about 1000 m. Februaly 18, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 1760b |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Neofuscelia loriloba (Essl.) Essl. Mycotaxon 7(1): 51. 1978. South Africa. Cape Province. Ladismith District, Toverkop (grid 3321 CA), in sandy rock basins. Elevation about 2300 m. September 5, 1947 Coll.: E. Esterhuysen 14014 [O. Almborn: Lichenes Africani, 110] |
Isotype |
Nephroma sikkimense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 38: 193. 1963. India. Sikkim: Orotang-Jongri. May 23, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 60501) |
Holotype |
Nephroma sordideluteum Inumaru Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 8: 223. 1939. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Higo: Mt. Ichibusa. August 29, 1938 Coll.: S. Inumaru |
Neotype |
Nephromopsis platyphylloides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 19. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Mt. Fuji, Ohmiyaguchi 2-gome. Elevation about 1500 m. June 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Nephromopsis rugosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 12. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Kobushi. July 22, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Ochrolechia orientalis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 54. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Daisen. On tree bark. November 23, 1913 Coll.: Yasuda 99 |
Isotype |
Opegrapha lichenicola G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 49. 2000. Japan. Ryukyu: Mt. Omoto-dake, Ishigaki Island, Yaeyama Island. Janauary 9, 1973 Coll.: I. Yoshimura 12869d |
Holotype |
Opegrapha phaeophysciae R. Sant., Diederich, Ertz & Christnach in Ertz, Christnach, Wedin & Diederich, Bibliotheca Lich. 91: 132. 2005. RUSSIA. Primorskii Region, Lazovskii District, Lazovskii Reserve, small hill along the seashore, c. 5 km S of Glazovska village. On Phaeophyscia hispidula (thallus) on Quercus mandchurica in the southern slope towards the sea; elevation 30 m. September 22, 1991 Coll.: R. Santesson 33270 (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 360] |
Isotype |
Oropogon asiaticus Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 13: 596. 1937. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Nippara. October 16, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Oropogon formosanus Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 27: 242. 1952. Formosa. Mt. Ari-san, Numanohira. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-137a |
Holotype |
Oropogon salazinicus Essl. Systematic Botany Monographs 28: 109. 1989. Formosa. Mt. Nan-Fu-Ta-shan. Elevation 1500-2400 m. January 19, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 934A |
Holotype |
Oropogon satoanus Essl. Systematic Botany Monographs 28: 109. 1989. Formosa. Mt. Tsu-Tson-shan, Mt. Ali. Elevation 2300-2900 m. December 31, 1963 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 164A |
Holotype |
Oropogon tanakae Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 371. 1954. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamato: Bunze, Kuzu-mura, Minamikatsuraki-gun. October 3, 1954 Coll.: Y. Tanaka 120 |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Pannaria asahinae P.M.Jørg. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 1. 2001. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi, 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 23, 1932 Coll.: A. Hashimoto s.n. |
Holotype |
Pannaria decipiens P.M. Jørg. & D.J. Galloway Flora of Australia 54: 315. 1992. Australia. New South Wales: Monga State Forest, 20 km SE of Braidwood, along Mongarlowe River, c. 5 km S of Monga (35 38'S, 149 55'E). On stringy-barked Eucalyptus in humid forest along a stream; elevation 730 m. April 7, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 12166 [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 133] |
Isotype |
Pannaria emodi P.M. Jørg. Lichenologist 33: 298. 2001. Bhutan. Shodu-Barshong. Elevation 3500-3800 m. May 24, 1967 Coll.: H. Hara et al. |
Holotype |
Pannaria formosana P.M. Jørg. Lichenologist 33: 301. 2001. Taiwan. Taitung Pref.: Chinsueiin Pass. Elevation 400-1200 m. February 11, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 2965 |
Holotype |
Pannaria fulvescens (Mont.) Nyl. var. lepidella Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 145. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Nakama-mura, Saihaku-gun. November 12, 1913 Coll.: Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 681) |
Isotype |
Pannaria insularis P.M. Jørg. & Kashiw. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 6. 2001. Japan. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): Mt. Inokawa-dake, Oshima-gun, Tokunoshima island. Elevation 520 m. March 21, 1967 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 2018 |
Holotype |
Pannaria laceratula Hue Bull. Soc. Fr. 46: 59. 1902. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu (Pref. Aomori): Mt. Hakkoda. Ausut 10, 1904 Coll.: U. Faurie 5946 |
Isolectotype |
Pannaria leucosticta Tuck. var. subconcolor Müll.Arg. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Italiano 24: 194. 1892. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Nikko. August 1, 1890 Coll.: M. Miyoshi 217 |
Isotype |
Parmelia acrobotrys Kurok. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 142. 1964. Indonesia. Java, Tjibodas. May, 1949 Coll.: Neervoot 60 |
Isotype |
Parmelia acrotrycha Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 126. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Eastern Highland District: Kundibesa logging area, 22 miles east of Kainantu. Elevation 1560 m. November 18, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6086 |
Holotype |
Parmelia adusta Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 77. 1985. Australia. New South Wales: Granite boulder, New England Highway 1 mile S of Bendermeer. Elevation about 800 m. October 28, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5194 |
Holotype |
Parmelia alabamensis Hale & McCull. Bryologist 71: 44. 1968. U.S.A. Alabama: sandstone outcrops in woods, along a stream, 6 miles E of Leeds, St. Claie Co. June 20, 1966 Coll.: M.E. Hale 24072 |
Isotype |
Parmelia almbornii Hale Bot. Notiser 124: 345. 1971. South Africa. Cape Prov.: Distr. Cape, Table Mt., near Upper Cableway Station. On rocks; elevation about 3000 ft. August 4, 1953 Coll.: O. Almborn 1728 |
Isotype |
Parmelia amagiensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 228. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. August 24, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina 95 |
Holotype |
Parmelia anaptychioides Kurok. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 165. 1964. Dominica. Cordillera Central, on low ridge connecting La Rucilla and Pico Trujillo, Maciso Central. Elevation about 8000 ft. August 8, 1958 Coll.: C. Wetmore 3617 |
Isotype |
Parmelia apophysata Hale & Kurok. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 138. 1964. Dominica. Prov. of La Vega, Vicinity of Piedra Blanca. On mangrove tree in pine barrens; elevation 200-500 m. October 14, 1947 Coll.: H.A. Allard 16073 |
Isotype |
Parmelia arcana Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 151. 1964. Angola. in desert NE of Baba, Mocamedes. February 5, 1961 Coll.: G. Degelius s.n. |
Isotype |
Parmelia arisani Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 57. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Nimandaira, Mt. Arisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-85 |
Isotype |
Parmelia arnoldii Du Rietz f. pallescens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 600. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa, Yatsumi. December 9, 1923 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia arsenei Hale Phytologia 22: 40. 1971. Mexico. Michoacan, Morelia, Carrindapaz. February, 1979 Coll.: G. Arsene 8016b |
Isotype |
Parmelia asahinae Yasuda ex Asahina Acta phytotax. geobot., Kyoto 14: 33. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. September 4, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia barbellata Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 8: 35. 1982. Australia. New South Wales: 9 miles E of Cooma on Numeralla Road. Elevation about 850 m. December 2, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6452 |
Holotype |
Parmelia bellatula Kurok. & Filson Aust. J. Bot. 30: 521. 1982. Australia. Victoria: 6 miles W of Red Cliffs along the Werrimull Road. Elevation about 50 m. December 8, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6620 |
Holotype |
Parmelia capnoides Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 78. 1985. Australia. Western Australia: 18 miles E from Kondinin. On granite; elevation 340 m. December 13, 1974 Coll.: S. Nakanishi 11c |
Holotype |
Parmelia cerussata Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 79. 1985. Australia. New South Wales: Moonbi Lookout, Moonbi Ranges, Main Divide, 17 miles N of Tamwarth. Elevation about 800 m. October 28, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5154 |
Holotype |
Parmelia cetrata Ach. f. granularis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 16: 593. 1940. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Keitau. December 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 33125 |
Holotype |
Parmelia cetrata Ach. f. platyloba Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 154. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Tone-gun. April 3, 1914 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 107) |
Isotype |
Parmelia chiapensis Hale Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 323. 1965. Mexico. Chiapas, Monte Ovando. January 1, 1925 Coll.: E. Matuda 105 |
Holotype |
Parmelia chicitae Hale Phytologia 22: 30. 1971. Costa Rica. San Jose, along the Carretera Inter-Americana at Asuncion, Cerro de la Muerte. On rock; elevation 3335 m. March 28, 1967 Coll.: W.L. Culberson 13220 |
Isotype |
Parmelia commensurata Hale Phytologia 22: 31. 1971. Mexico. Veracruz: open pasture, scattered Cactus and Acacia, 9 km E of Jalapa along highway 140. Elevation 1240 m. March 13, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 19405 & T.R. Soderstom |
Isotype |
Parmelia confoederata W. Culb. Am. J. Bot. 48: 169. 1961. U.S.A. North Carolina, Brunsuwick Co., Near Shallotte. On Quercus laevis in a Pinus palustris-Quercus laevis woodland. August, 1959 Coll.: W.L. Culberson 9010 |
Isotype |
Parmelia congesta Kurok. & Filson Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 1: 36. 1975. Australia. Victoria: Podinna Rock, 24.1 km N of Minnipa, growing on granite. October 25, 1970 Coll.: R. Filson 11901c |
Isotype |
Parmelia crenata Kurok. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 168. 1964. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Kuisi, Tosa-gun. December 14, 1961 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 60154 |
Holotype |
Parmelia cryptoxanthoides Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 17: 297. 1974. Brazil. Paraná: Jardin Paraizo, 9 km W of Curitiba. On trees; elevation about 800 m. July 9, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8245 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 232] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia curtata Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 130. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Western Highland District: Mt. Wilhelm, en route from Keglsugl to Kombugomanbuno. On bark of tree; elevation about 2800 m. January 6, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 11223 |
Holotype |
Parmelia dahlii Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 8: 36. 1982. Australia. New South Wales. Along the sturt Highway about 7 miles E of Mildura, on soil. April 14, 1970 Coll.: E. Dahl s.n. |
Isotype |
Parmelia deflectens Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 130. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Bulolo. Elevation about 780 m. November 12, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5810 |
Holotype |
Parmelia dentella Hale & Kurok. Index of Fungi Supplement (Lichens): 47; in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 172. 1964. U.S.A. Near cabins 9 & 10, Cheaha State Park, Clay Co., Alabama. On granite. March 16, 1962 Coll.: H.A. McCullough 570 |
Isotype |
Parmelia diffugiens Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 348. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: on summit of Mt. Nishi-Komagatake. July 26, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 542 |
Isotype |
Parmelia dissitifolia Kurok. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 15: 228. 1986. Australia. Western Australia: 18 miles S of Collie. Elevation about 230 m. December 14, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6642 |
Holotype |
Parmelia echinocarpa Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 40: 265. 1965. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Buzen: Mt. Hikosan. On bark of Fagus crenata. November 5, 1963 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 63163 |
Holotype |
Parmelia elabens Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 17: 298. 1974. Brazil. Parana, Jardim Paraizo, 9 km W of Curitiba. On trees; elevation about 800 m. July 9, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8253 |
Holotype |
Parmelia elacinulata Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 131. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Eastern Highland District: Andandara logging area, 25 miles S of Kainantu. Elevation about 1600 m. November 17, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6015 |
Holotype |
Parmelia elongata Hillmann var. stricta Hillmann Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 45: 171. 1938. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga (Pref. Shizuoka): Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 6, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 49 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia entotheiochroa Hue Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris ser. 3. 1: 161. 1899. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Oshima: Hakodate. March, 1897 Coll.: U. Faurie 104 |
Isotype |
Parmelia expallida Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 191. 1968. Formosa. Pref. Kaohsiung: Shunsan, Mt. Nanfong. Elevation about 1200m. February 8, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 2930 |
Isotype |
Parmelia explanata Hale J. Jap. Bot. 40: 199. 1965. Thailand. Phu Kradung. Elevation 1200-1300 m. February 25, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 1860 |
Holotype |
Parmelia exporrecta Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 174. 1964. Mexico. State of Oaxaca, mature pine-oak forest, Trail leading to Cerro San Felipe, overlooking Oaxaca. Elevation about 3000 m. April 1, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20722 |
Isotype |
Parmelia exquisita Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 13: 11. 1987. Uruguay. Dept. Canelones: Carrasco (Franklin Roosevelt) National Park. On trunk of Eucalyptus sp. August 12, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8524 |
Holotype |
Parmelia exviata Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 8: 36. 1982. Australia. New South Wales: 9 miles E of Cooma on Numeralla Road. Elevation about 850 m. December 2, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6449 |
Holotype |
Parmelia flaccidifolia Kurok. Studies on Cryptogams of Papua New Guinea (Tokyo): 133. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Eastern Highland District: Obihaka Cofee Plantation, W of Goroka. Elevation about 1590 m. November 16, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5915 |
Holotype |
Parmelia flexilis Kurok. in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya 607. 1966. India. Darjeeling, Senchal. Elevation 2400 m. April 6, 1961 Coll.: H. Hara et al. s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia fluorescens Hale J. Jap. Bot. 40: 202. 1965. Malaysia. Sabah, Kinabalu National Park, Woods below second radio tower (above Kambaranga), Tourist Trail. Elevation about 2200 m. August, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 28637 |
Isotype |
Parmelia formosana Zahlbr. Fedde, Repertorium 33: 57. 1933. Formosa. Nimandaira, Mt. Arisan. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F 70 |
Isotype |
Parmelia fragillima Hillmann Repeert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 45: 172. 1938. Sakhalin. Sakaehama. July 21, 1932 Coll.: Asahina s.n. |
Neotype |
Parmelia fraudans (Nyl.) Nyl. subsp. subfraudans Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 352. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Inokashira Park, Tokyo. June 23, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 23a |
Isotype |
Parmelia fujisanensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 11: 310. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiriguchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. On bark of Larix leptolepis. April 7, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1035 |
Holotype |
Parmelia fumigata Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 81. 1983. Australia. Western Australia: 18 miles E from Konidin. On granite; elevation 340 m. December 13, 1974 Coll.: S. Nakanishi 17 |
Holotype |
Parmelia gemmulosa Kurok. Studies on Cryptogams of Papua New Guinea (Tokyo): 134. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Western Highland District: Korn Farm, Mt. Hagen. Elevation about 1700 m. November 22, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6118 |
Holotype |
Parmelia gigas Kurok. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 177. 1964. Colombia. Laguna Verjou, above Bogota. On rocks. 1922 Coll.: A. Joseph B 70 |
Isotype |
Parmelia glareosa Kurok. & Filson in Filson, Aust. J. Bot. 30: 536. 1982. Australia. New South Wales: 9 miles E of Cooma on Numeralla Road. Elevation about 850 m. December 2, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6447 |
Holotype |
Parmelia gloriosa Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 135. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert Edward, around Abios Hut. Elevation about 2600 m. October 31, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9113 |
Holotype |
Parmelia gloriosa Kurok. Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 135. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert Edward, aound Abios Hut. On bark of Pandanus sp.; elevation about 2600 m. October 31, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9113 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 368] |
Isotype |
Parmelia haitiensis Hale Bryologist 62: 20. 1959. Jamaica. Blue Mountains. September 7, 1927 Coll.: C.R. Orcutt 2987 |
Isotype |
Parmelia hakonensis Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 348. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone. October 15, 1922 Coll.: S. Yamashita 13 |
Isotype |
Parmelia hayachinensis Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 43: 350. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuchu (Pref. Iwate): Kadomaguchi, Mt. Hayachine. Elevation about 970 m. July 25, 1967 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 67081 |
Holotype |
Parmelia hirtifructa Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 136. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Rain forest, on branch of a tall tree, 6 km SW of Bemband Camp, Edenburg River, 1200 m. February, 1939 Coll.: L.J. Brass 12773 |
Isotype |
Parmelia homogenes Nyl. f. minor Asahina Lich. Jap. 2: 78. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka. March 23, 1941 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia honoluluana Gyeln. Fedde, Repert. 36: 155. 1934. U.S.A. Hawaii. Oahu: Honolulu. April, 1909 Coll.: U. Faurie 443 |
Isotype |
Parmelia huei Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 194. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka. October 17, 1938 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1017 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia hypoprotocetrarica Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 46: 113. 1971. Australian Capital Territory, Coppins Crossing, growing on porphyry boulders. 1970 Coll.: J.A. Elix 101 |
Holotype |
Parmelia hypotrypella Asahina Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 34. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Hafu. July 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 33724 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia ikomae Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 134. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Taikoga-hara. September 24, 1950 Coll.: Y. Ikoma 2763 |
Holotype |
Parmelia imitata Hale & M.Wirth Phytologia 22: 38. 1971. Mexico. Michoacan, Carrindapaz, Morelia. Elevation 2100 m. November 8, 1911 Coll.: G. Arsene 8042 |
Isotype |
Parmelia incognita Kurok. in Hara, The Flora of Eastern Himalaya, 608. 1966. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Motohakone. August 12, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2033 |
Holotype |
Parmelia infirma Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 179. 1964. India. Sikkim. Kurseong, Darjeeling. April 12, 1961 Coll.: H. Hara et al. |
Holotype |
Parmelia insueta Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 10: 371. 1967. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Middle Creek Logging area, Bulolo. Elevation about 850 m. November 11-12, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5766 |
Holotype |
Parmelia interposita Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 81. 1983. Australia. Western Australia: 18 miles E from Kondinin. On granite; elevation about 340 m. December 13, 1974 Coll.: S. Nakanishi 11b |
Holotype |
Parmelia ischnoides Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 155. 1964. South Africa. Cape Prov., Distr. Wynberg, Kirstenbosch, on rocks near Window Stream. August 3, 1953 Coll.: O. Almborn 1698 |
Isotype |
Parmelia jamesii Hale Phytologia 23: 179. 1972. New Zealand. North Island, Wellington. On Nothofagus by coast. January, 1963 Coll.: P.W. James NZ2118 |
Isotype |
Parmelia japonica Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 146. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. September 4, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina (hb. A. Yasuda 682) |
Isotype |
Parmelia kaisenikiana Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 60: 120. 1985. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: between Wau and Kaisenik. Elevation 1500-1700 m. November 22, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9668 |
Holotype |
Parmelia keitauensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 293. 1951. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Keitau. December 28, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2026 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia kinabalensis Hale J. Jap. Bot. 40: 204. 1965. Malaysia. Sabah, Kinabalu National Park, open ridge between E. and W. Mesilau Rivers. Elevation about 1800 m. August, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 29243 |
Isotype |
Parmelia kingii Hale J. Jap. Bot. 43: 324. 1968. Thailand. Prov. Nakhon Nayok, 14 km S of Khao Yai Forest Station and 111 km E of Sarabari, semidense forest. Elevation about 1280 m. July 2, 1963 Coll.: P.M. King c-255 |
Isotype |
Parmelia koyaensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 67. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. On rock. October 19, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52101 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia koyaensis Asahina f. inactiva Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 68. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami, Moto-Hakone. August 12, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2033 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia laevigata (Sm.) Ach. f. albissima Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 330. 1951. Japan. Hachijo Island, Izu Islands. December 16, 1940 Coll.: I. Sasaki s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia laevigata (Sm.) Ach. f. esorediata Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 351. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami, Moto-Hakone. January 5, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 18 |
Isotype |
Parmelia laevigata (Sm.) Ach. subsp. extremi-orientalis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 289. 1951. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Keitau. December 23, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia leucotyliza Nyl. f. rugulosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 257. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Mt. Higane, Hakone. October 15, 1922 Coll.: S. Yamashita (hb. Y. Asahina 17) |
Lectotype |
Parmelia leucotyliza Nyl. f. sublaevis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 258. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Kadoike. August 17, 1929 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia lineariloba Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 180. 1964. Dominica. Pine Forest at summit of Alto de la Bander Cordillera Central, La Vega. Elevation 2800 m. August 5, 1958 Coll.: C.M. Wetmore 3475 |
Isotype |
Parmelia lipidifera Hale & M. Wirth Phytologia 23: 37. 1971. Mexico. Chipas, scrub deciduous forest bordering rim of El Sumidero, El Sumidero canyon, north of Tuxtla Gutierrez. Elevation 1220 m. March 21, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20064 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Isotype |
Parmelia lithophila Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 83. 1985. Australia. New South Wales: Ardglen Gap, Liverpool Range, 5 miles north of Murrurundi, Great Diviging Range. October 28, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5175 |
Holotype |
Parmelia lithophiloides Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 84. 1985. Australia. New South Wales: sandstone escarpment on the road 5 miles east of Nerriga. Elevation about 750 m. December 1, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6403 |
Holotype |
Parmelia loriloba Essl. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 119. 1977. South Africa. Cape Province. Ladismith District, Toverkop (grid 3321 CA) in sandy rock basins. Elevation about 2300 m. September 5, 1947 Coll.: E. Esterhuysen 14014 |
Isotype |
Parmelia manshurica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 75. 1941. China. Hsin-An-Ling. August 2, 1940 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia marmariza Nyl. f. angustifolia Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 353. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Shimoda. Janury 4, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia marmariza Nyl. var. physcioides Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 352. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi, Mt. Buko. November, 1923 Coll.: Y. Asahina 24 |
Isotype |
Parmelia marmorophylla Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 69: 211. 1994. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Hatcho-ike, Mt. Amagi. November 4, 1981 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 81015 |
Holotype |
Parmelia matudae Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 59: 194. 1984. Mexico. Chiapas, Monte Ovando. March 25, 1932 Coll.: E. Matuda 27a |
Holotype |
Parmelia metaphysodes Asahina Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 33. 1950. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi, Mt. Fuji. April 6, 1932 Coll.: Fujikawa s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia metarevoluta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 97. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Azusayama, Minamisaku-gun. On rocks; elevation about 1400 m. August 8, 1959 Coll.: M. Nuno & S. Kurokawa 59243 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia michoacanensis de Lesd. Lich. Mexique 7. 1914. Mexico. Michoacan, Jesus del Monte, Morelia. Elevation 2000 m. August 2, 1910 Coll.: G. Arsene 4456 |
Isotype |
Parmelia miranda Hale Cont. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 273. 1965. Mexico. Oaxaca, Pine-scrub oak mountainside, Km. 686 on highway 190, northwest of Tehuantepec. On deciduous trees; elevation 1160 m. March 31, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20653 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Isotype |
Parmelia murina Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 85. 1985. Australia. New South Wales: large boulder on the western side of the road just north of Reedy Creek Bridge, Windsor to Singleton Road. October 27, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5129 |
Holotype |
Parmelia mussooriensis D.D. Awasthi Indian Journal of Forest Research 1: 146. 1978. India. Mussoorie. NW Himalaya. On bark of conifer tree; elevation 6500-7000 ft. July 7, 1957 Coll.: D.D. Awasthi 3800 |
Isotype |
Parmelia myelochroa Hale Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 256. 1965. Mexico. Chiapas, Deciduous mist forest, 50 km west of Tuxtla Gutierrez on highway 190. Elevation 1040 m. March 18, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 21049 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Isotype |
Parmelia nakanishii Hale Phytologia 22: 434. 1971. U.S.A. Tennessee, Mt. Le Conte (Alum Cave trail), Great Smoky Mts., Sevier Co., slope near mountain top. On trunk of Abies faslii; elevation 1961 m. May 8, 1971 Coll.: S. Nakanishi 205 |
Isotype |
Parmelia nana Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 11: 86. 1985. Australia. Western Australia: 4 miles W from Midland Junction, Perth. On granite; elevation 190 m. December 13, 1974 Coll.: S. Nakanishi 1 |
Holotype |
Parmelia nanfongensis Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 13: 12. 1987. Formosa. Pref. Kaohsiung: Mt. Nanfong. Elevation 800-1300 m. February 7, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 2787 |
Holotype |
Parmelia nebulosa Kurok. & Filson in Filson, Aust. J. Bot. 30: 547. 1982. Australia. Australian Capital Territory, on summit of Mt. Coree. Elevation 1390 m. November 30, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6350 |
Holotype |
Parmelia neglecta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 71. 1941. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-61 |
Holotype |
Parmelia neocirrhata Hale & M.Wirth Phytologia 23: 37. 1971. Mexico. Michoacan, Cerro Azul, Morelia. Elevation 2300 m. October 3, 1910 Coll.: G. Arsene 3726 |
Isotype |
Parmelia niitakana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 332. 1951. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Hsinkao, Mt. Niitaka (Mt. Morrison). October 11, 1927 Coll.: S. Sasaki (hb. Asahina F-403) |
Isotype |
Parmelia nimandairana Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 55. 1933. Formosa. Nimandaira, Mt. Arisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-63 |
Isotype |
Parmelia nimandairana Zahlbr. f. sublaevis Asahina Lich. Jap. 2: 139. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi, Mt. Buko. April 4, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina 35 |
Holotype |
Parmelia nodakensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 34: 226. 1959. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Hizen, Mt. Nodake, Unzen. August 31, 1958 Coll.: Y. Asahina & M. Togashi |
Holotype |
Parmelia notata Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 46: 33. 1971. Australia. New South Wales: sandstone escarpment on the road 5 miles east of Nerriga. Elevation about 750 m. December 1, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6401 |
Holotype |
Parmelia olivacea (L.) Ach. f. albopunctata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 194. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiyaguchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 6, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 51 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia ontakensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 323. 1954. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hida: Hidaguchi 6-gome, Mt. Ontake. August 19, 1954 Coll.: Y. Asahina 54819 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia orientalis Hale Phytologia 22: 435. 1971. Thailand. Prov. Chieng Mai, Doi Sutep. Elevation 1000-1676 m. February 16, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 1650 |
Isotype |
Parmelia owariensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 135. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Owari: Inuyama, saxicolous. August 26, 1938 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia pacifica Kurok. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11: 28. 1978. Japan. Bonin Islands, Hahajima Island, en route between Oki-mura and Cape Minami-zaki. Elevation about 60 m. August 3, 1977 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 77014 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 370] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia pantherina Kurok. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11: 28. 1978. Australia. Victoria: You Yangs near Geeling, south-western Victoria. On granite and soil, in open forest; elevation 1100 ft. February 17, 1968 Coll.: G.C. Bratt 68/98 |
Holotype |
Parmelia parahypotropa W.L. Culb. Bryologist 76: 29. 1973. Formosa. Prov. Koshun: Kural. Elevation 250 m. February 1, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 1487 |
Holotype |
Parmelia pernambucana Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 17: 298. 1974. Brazil. Pernambuco, Ibimirim. On open dry outcrop; elevatiuon about 600 m. June 23, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8094 & l. Xaxier Filho |
Holotype |
Parmelia planatilobata Hale J. Jap. Bot. 40: 200. 1965. Indonesia. Mountain Garden of Tjibodas. Elevation 1400 m. March 12-13, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 2160 |
Holotype |
Parmelia praeinsueta Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 59: 196. 1984. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Watut Valley. Epiphyte on upper branches of Araucaria husteinii; elevation about 1500 m. March, 1973 Coll.: B. Gray s.n. |
Isotype |
Parmelia praesquarrosa Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 69: 264. 1994. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Senjogahara, Nikko. On trunk of Malus sieboldii; elevation about 1400 m. September 22, 1981 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 81081 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 521 as Parmelia fertilis Müll.Arg.] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia praetermissa Kurok. & Filson Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 1: 41. 1975. Australia. South Austgralia: on rocky hillside, Olive Grove Station 14.48 km South of Quorn, growing on rock in exposed positions. November 30, 1970 Coll.: R. Filson 11995 |
Isotype |
Parmelia predisjuncta Essl. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 50. 1977. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Azusayama, Kawakami-mura, Minamisaku-gun. Elevation 1400-1500 m. August 8, 1959 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 59241 |
Holotype |
Parmelia prolongata Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 182. 1964. Haiti. Dept. du Sud, Morne Macaya, rather open pine forest with bracken fern and black berries on ridge leading to Pic Macaya. On tree; elevation 6400-7000 ft. July 27, 1958 Coll.: C.M. Wetmore 3233 |
Isotype |
Parmelia pseudoborreri Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 259. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi, Tochimoto, Chichibu. July 27, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudoformosana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 292. 1951. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Keitau. December 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 33241 |
Holotype |
Parmelia pseudohyporysalea Asahina in Kihara, Fauna Fl. Nepal Himalaya 1: 54. 1955. Nepal. Downside of Katunje Bazar. Elevation 1130 m. April 30, 1953 Coll.: S. Nakano s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia pseudohypotrypa Asahina in Nuno, J. Jap. Bot. 39: 99. 1964. India. Sikkim. Jongri-Gamotang. May 26, 1960 Coll.: H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, M. Togashi & T. Tuyama, s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia pseudolaevior Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 331. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Sengen Shrine, Subashiri. August 21, 1929 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudolivetorum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 27: 16. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. November 25, 1934 Coll.: Y. Asahina 34125 |
Holotype |
Parmelia pseudonilgherrensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 370. 1954. Korea. Prov. Hamkyongnam-do: Mt. Hokusui-Hakusan, Kankyo-Nando. August 13, 1936 Coll.: U. Tsutani s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudophysodes Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 100. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiyaguchi 3-gome, Mt Fuji. August 21, 1932 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudorutidota Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 27: 17. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Nakamura, Nagachi-mura, Suwa-gun. February 21, 1931 Coll.: M. Takahashi 195 |
Holotype |
Parmelia pseudosaxatilis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 354. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi, Mt. Buko. November, 1923 Coll.: Y. Asahina 24 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudoshinanoana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 334. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Ohmiya-guchi 2-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 6, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia pseudosinuosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 329. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shimohirano-mura, Suwa-gun. March 17, 1931 Coll.: M. Takahashi 99 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia psoromifera Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 10: 374. 1967 Mexico. Jalisco, 25 km south of Guadalajara, on rock. July, 1961 Coll.: M. Wirth 22 |
Isotype |
Parmelia pumila Kurok. & Filson Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 1: 42. 1975. Australia. South Australia: Eiyre Highway 40 km east of Kimba, growing on sand. October 22, 1970 Coll.: R. Filson 11740 |
Isotype |
Parmelia pustulifera Hale Brittonia 24: 22. 1972. U.S.A. Georgia, Rockdale C., Mt. Arabia, on conifers. April, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 30865 |
Isotype |
Parmelia quaesita Kurok. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 5: 4. 1986. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert Edward, en route from tent side to summit area. Elevation about 3000 m. October 24, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9391 |
Holotype |
Parmelia quintaria Hale Bot. Notiser 124: 353. 1971. South Africa. Cape Province: Distr. Cape, Hottentots Huise, on marine rocks (granite). July 23, 1953 Coll.: O. Almborn 950 |
Isotype |
Parmelia radiculata Kurok. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 139. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert-Edward, en route from the Woitape Airstrip to the summit of Mt. Albert-Edward. On bark of tree; elevation about 1500 m. January 23, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 11724 |
Holotype |
Parmelia ramescens Zahlbr. Ark. Bot. 31(6): 97. 1944. U.S.A. Hawaii, Yao valley, Maui Island. August, 1909 Coll.: U. Faurie 516 |
Isotype |
Parmelia ramosissima Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 145. 1964. Indonesia. Moluccas, Tanimar Island. P. Jamdena, ca. 15 km ENE from Otimmer. April 2, 1938 Coll.: P. Buwalda 4583 |
Isotype |
Parmelia reptans Kurok. in Baker, Elix, Murphy, Kurokawa & Sargent, Aust. J. Bot. 21: 137. 1973. Australia. Vicgtoria: 6 miles W of Red Cliffs along the Werrimull Road. On soil; elevation about 50 m. December 8, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6621 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 372] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia retrospinosa Kurok. & Kashiw. in Kurokawa (ed.), Studeis Crypto. Papua New Guinea 140. 1979. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Kaisinik, about 30 km SE of Wau. On bark of tree; elevation 1900-2000 m. December 22, 1973 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 10728 |
Holotype |
Parmelia rigidula Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 184. 1964. India. Phalut, Darjeeling. June 6, 1960 Coll.: H. Hara et al. s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia rimalis Kurok. in Kurokawa & Filson, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 1: 43. 1975. Australia. South Australia: Wilgena Hill, 6.4 km N of Kingoonya-Tarcoola road, 67.5 km W of Kingooya. On rock on rocky hillsides. October 26, 1970 Coll.: R. Filson 11923 |
Isotype |
Parmelia scotyphylla Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 1: 45. 1975. Australia. New South Wales: Ardglen Gap, Liverpool Range, 5 miles N of Murrurundi, Great Dividing Range. October 28, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5174 |
Holotype |
Parmelia scytodes Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 185. 1964. India. Batasi. Darjeeling. May 6, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia scytophylla Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 185. 1964. India. Sikkima, Migotang. Elevation 3900 m. May 30, 1961 Coll.: H. Hara et al. s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia sectilis Hale J. Jap. Bot. 43: 326. 1968 Philippines. Prov. Luzon: summit of Mt. Data. Mountain mossy oak forest; elevation about 2300 m. July, 1964 Coll.: M. E. Hale 27536 & J. Banaag |
Isotype |
Parmelia setomaritima Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 36: 260. 1961. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Sanuki: on trail between Enoura and Kamanokoshi, Hiroshima Island. Elevation 100-200 m. May 11, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi 61511 |
Holotype |
Parmelia shinanoana Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 349. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Yatsugatake Mts. May 30, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 548 |
Isotype |
Parmelia shinanoana Zahlbr. f. calvescens Zahlbr. Fedde Repert. 33: 56. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Hsinkao, Mt. Niitaka (Mt. Morrison). October 11, 1927 Coll.: S. Sasaki (hb. Asahina F-403) |
Isotype |
Parmelia simodensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 72. 1941. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Simoda, saxicolous. April 28, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia spectabilis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 292. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Takigahara, on the foot of Mt. Fuji. September 4, 1928 Coll.: Y. Yamamoto 1032 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia spinibarbis Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 17: 299. 1974. Brazil. Rio De Janeiro: Petropolis. On trees; elevation 810 m. July 17, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8348 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 238] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia spodochroa Kurok. & Filson Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 1: 46. 1975. Australia. South Australia: Warren Gorge, Flinders Ranges, 17.7 km N of Quorn, growing high up on the cliff face about 25 m above the valley floor. October 30, 1970 Coll.: R. Filson 11976 |
Isotype |
Parmelia spumosa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 259. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Higashimurayama, Kitatama-gun. April 24, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia squarrosa Hale |
Isotype |
Parmelia stenopteris Kurok. in Kurokawa & Mineta, Ann. Rep. Not. Mar. Lab. 13: 75. 1973. Sri Lanka. Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Central Province. Elevation about 1500 ft. March 6, 1966 Coll.: H. Inoue 12581 |
Holotype |
Parmelia subaurulenta Nyl. var. myriocarpa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 227. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. December 30, 1932 Coll.: S. Inumaru 1232 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia subconspersa Nyl. var. submonophylla Asahina Lich. Jap. 2: 63. 1952. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Mt. Rokko, Kobe. March, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2001 |
Holotype |
Parmelia subcorallina Hale J. Jap. Bot. 37: 345. 1962. Formosa. Prov. Taichu: Keitau. December 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3312 |
Holotype |
Parmelia subdistorta Kurok. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 212. 1969. Australia. Victoria: 6 miles W of Red Cliffs along the Werrimull Road. On soil; elevation about 50 m. December 8, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6617 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 184] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia subdivaricata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 356. 1951. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Nimandaira, Mt. Arisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-71 |
Lectotype |
Parmelia subinflata Hale J. Jap. Bot. 40: 201. 1965. Philippines. Porv. Negros Occidental: ILCO logging area about 50 miles south of Fabrica, near Mt. Mandalagan, virgin dipterocarp forest. Elevation about 850 m. July, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 26641 & J. Banaag |
Isotype |
Parmelia sublaevigata Nyl. f. subradiata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 291. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: base of Mt. Fuji. September 4, 1928 Coll.: A. Yamamoto s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia sublanea Kurok. in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U. S. Nat. hb. 36: 146. 1964. Indonesia. Halmahera, on route between Ake Biaur and Tolewang, +400 m. October 12, 1951 Coll.: P. Groenhart 8409 |
Isotype |
Parmelia submarmariza Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 65. 1953. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Mt. Kenzan. August 20, 1934 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia submundata Oxner f. colorans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 99. 1951. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Ashibetsu. July 26, 1935 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia subnuda Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 46: 114. 1971. Australia. New South Wales: Ardglen Gap, Liverpool Range, 5 miles north of Murrurundi, Great Dividing Range. October 28, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5178 |
Holotype |
Parmelia subramigera Gyeln. Fedde, Repert. 29: 281. 1931. U.S.A. Hawaii: Rainbowfall, Insula Hawaii. Elevation 50 m. May, 1909 Coll.: A. Faurie 856 |
Isotype |
Parmelia subramigera Gyeln. var. imbricata Gyeln. Fedde, Repert. 36: 165. 1934. U.S.A. Hawaii: In volcano Kilauea, Hawaii Island. Elevation 1200 m. (date not given). Coll.: U. Faurie 857 |
Isotype |
Parmelia subramigera Gyeln. var. primaria Gyeln. Fedde, Repert. 36: 165. 1934. U.S.A. Hawaii: Waialeale, Kauai Island. December, 1909 Coll.: U. Faurie 68 |
Isotype |
Parmelia subscortea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 32: 98. 1957. Formosa. Prov. Nantou: Keitau. December 24, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3324 |
Holotype |
Parmelia subsulphurata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 26: 228. 1951. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mino: Higashishirakawa-mura, Kamo-gun. August, 1936 Coll.: M. Yasue s.n. |
Lectotype |
Parmelia subturgida Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 40: 268. 1965. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Bandagamori, Tosa-gun, on rocks. March 12, 1888 Coll.: T. Makino s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia subvagans Gyeln. Ann. Mycol. 36: 292. 1938. Mexico. Puebla, Esperanza. Elevation 2400 m. November 18, 1907 Coll.: G. Arsene 8148 |
Isotype |
Parmelia sulcifera Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 8(2): 37. 1982. Australia. New South Wales: 9 miles E of Cooma on Numeralla Road. On rocks; elevation about 850 m. December 2, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6450 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 583] |
Holotype Isotype |
Parmelia tanakae Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 29: 371. 1954. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamato, Bunze, Kuzu-mura, Minami-katuragi-gun. October 3, 1954 Coll.: Y. Tanaka s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelia terrestris Kurok. & Filson in Filson, Aust. J. Bot. 30: 574. 1982. Australia. Victoria: 6 miles west of Red Cliffs along the Werrimul Road, elevation about 50 m. December 8, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6615 |
Holotype |
Parmelia thamnoides Kurok. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 213. 1969. Australia. Queeensland: Freshwater Gorge, North-west of Cairns. Elevation 130 m. November 6, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5723 |
Holotype |
Parmelia tinctorum Despr. ex Nyl. var. chrysophora Zahlbr. Ex Hillmann Fedde, Repert. 48: 10. 1940. Indonesia. Java, Prov. Batavia: ad arborum truncos in horto botanico Buitenzorgensi. Elevation 260 m. November 15, 1893 Coll.: V. Schiffner 3196 |
Isotype |
Parmelia tortula Hale & Kurokawa in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 157. 1964. South Africa. Cape Prov., Distr. Namaqualand between O'okiep and Springbok. On rocks. September 15, 1953 Coll.: O. Almborn 4805a |
Isotype |
Parmelia vexans Zahlbr. Feddes Repert. spec. nov. regn. veg. 33: 55. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Kainoodai, Mt. Arisan. December 26, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-79 |
Isotype |
Parmelia virginica Hale in Hale & Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 186. 1964. U.S.A. Virginia: Hawksbill Mts., Page Co. On exposed spruce tree; elevation 1200 m. June 26, 1962 Coll.: M.E. Hale 21592 |
Isotype |
Parmelia viridiflava Hale Cont. U.S. Nat. hb. 36: 275. 1965. Mexico. Lagos de Monte Bello near the Mexico-Guatemala border, about 50 km southeast of Comitain. On deciduous trees, mature pine forest; elevation 1220 m. March 25, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20415 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Isotype |
Parmelia willissi Kurok. & Filson in Filson, Aust. J. Bot. 30: 577. 1982. Australia. South Australia: , Nullarbor region, Eyre Highway 11 miles Koonalda. October 18, 1961 Coll.: J.H. Willis s.n. |
Isotype |
Parmelia woitapensis Kurok. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 5: 7. 1986. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Around Woitape. Elevation about 1600 m. October 19, 1975 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 9306 |
Holotype |
Parmelia yasudae Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 84. 1940. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo: Bohjyo, Misho-cho, Minami-Uwa-gun. September 23, 1922 Coll.: Ogata (hb. A. Yasuda 656) |
Isotype |
Parmelia yodae Kurok. J. Coll. Arts Sci. Chiba Univ. 5: 97. 1967. Nepal. Rowling Himal, Sikri. Elevation about 2300 m. April 26, 1963 Coll.: K. Yoda 53a |
Holotype |
Parmeliella adpressa P.M. Jørg. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 289. 2001. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Kinpu. Elevation 2100-2450 m. July 28, 1965 Coll.: Y. Jinzenji 176 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella alnophila P.M. Jørg. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 291. 2001. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuchu: Mt. Iwate-san, Iwate-gun. On bark of Alnus sp.; elevation about 1250 m. August 9, 1971 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 8879 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella incisa Müll. Arg. Nuovo giorn. bot. Italiano 24(3): 194. 1892. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke:Yumoto, Nikko. August 1, 1890 Coll.: M. Miyoshi s.n. |
Isotype |
Parmeliella leptophylla Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 64. 1921. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Hizen: Mt. Unzen. Ad terram nudam. August 27, 1919. Coll.: A. Yasuda 365 |
Isotype |
Parmeliella microphylla Müll. Arg. f. brunnescens Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 322. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri, Mt. Fuji. July 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 237 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella nigrocincta (Mont.) Müll. Arg. f. isidiosa Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 33: 118. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Lakeside of Ashinoko, Hakone. November 10, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Isotype |
Parmeliella nigrocincta (Mont.) Müll.Arg. f. isidiosa Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 33: 118. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami (Pref. Kanagawa): Hakone, Lakeside of Ashinoko. Novmber 10, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina |
Holotype |
Parmeliella pannarioides P.M. Jørg. & Sipman J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 100: 713. 2006. Papua New Guinea. Western Highalnd District: Mt. Wilhelm. En route from Kombugomanbuno to the Pindaunde Lakes. On bark; elevation 3400-3650 m. January 3, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 11064 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella serpentinicola P.M. Jørg. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 293. 2001. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa (Pref. Kochi): Mt. Shiraga, en route from Fuyunose to the summit of Mt. Shiraga. Elevation 1100-1470 m. On serpentine rock. November 2, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 12601 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella subincisa Zahlbr. Annales Mycologici 29: 80. 1931. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone. On tree bark. August 30, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 537 |
Holotype |
Parmeliella verruculosa P.M. Jørg. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 295. 2001. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone, Lakeside of Ashinoko. November 10, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Parmelina crassata Hale Smiths. Contr. Bot. 33: 22. 1976. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. August 23, 1955 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 550466 |
Isotype |
Parmelina rhytidodes Hale Smiths. Contr. Bot. 33: 43. 1976. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Amagii Pass. Elevation about 800 m. December 1, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58601 |
Isotype |
Parmotrema actatum Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 27: 3. 2001. Mexico. Nayarit: Near Tepic, Rt. 15 km. 865. On tree. July 1961 Coll.: M. Wirth 26 |
Isotype |
Parmotrema cornigerum Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B 27: 4. 2001. Mexico. Scrub deciduous forest bordering of El Sumidero Canyon, N of Tuxtla Gutierrez. Elevation 1220 m. March 21, 1961 Coll.: M.E. Hale 20078 & T.R. Soderstrom |
Isotype |
Parmotrema gibberosum Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 3: 17. 1998. Brazil. Parana: Jardin Paraizo, 9 km west of Curitiba. Elevation about 800 m. July 9, 1971 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 8262 |
Holotype |
Parmotrema kainantum Kurok. & K.H. Moon Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 3: 20. 1998. Papua New Guinea. Eastern Highland District: Andandara logging area, 25 miles S of Kainantu. Elevation aobut 1600 m. November 17, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6021 |
Holotype |
Parmotrema machupicchuense Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 3: 22. 1998. Peru. Dept. Cuzco. Prov. Urubamba: Machupicchu (Pte de Ruina); in open place in Ceja de Selva zone. Elevation 2300-2400 m. September 20, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22092 |
Holotype |
Parmotremopsis uruguayensis Kurok. & Osorio Comun. Bot. Mus. Nacion. Dist. Nat. Antrop. 123: 2. 2002. Uruguay. Dept. Rocha, Castillos, Cerro Lechiguana (9 km N from Castillos city). On bark. April 21, 2001 Coll.: G. Geymonat s.n. |
Isotype |
Patellaria peltiformis Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Botan. Ital., 24: 198 Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Kegon, Nikko. August 13, 1890 Coll.: [Lichenes Yatabeani 282] |
Isotype |
Paulia japonica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 129. 1958. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Yokogura, Takaoka-gun. On calcareous rocks. August 27, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. (hb. Y. Asahina 31287) |
Isotype |
Paulia japonica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 129. 1958. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Yokogura, Takaoka-gun. On calcareous rocks. August 27, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. (hb. Y. Asahina 31287) |
Holotype |
Peltigera malacea (Ach.) Funck f. hasimotoi Asahina & Inumaru Inumaru, Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 12: 8. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Kaminotake. Over mosses under Pinus pumila. July 24, 1936 Coll.: A. Hasimoto & Y. Asahina [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 43] |
Isotype |
Peltigera retifoveata Vitik. Ann. Bot. Fennici 22: 296. 1985. Finland. Prov. Koillismaa (Ks). Kuusamo: Juuma, Jakalavuoma. Among mosses on ground; elevation 180 m. July 6, 1981 Coll.: O. Vitikainen 10135 |
Isotype |
Peltula cylindrica Wetmore Ann. Mo. bot. Gdn 57: 182. 1971 [1970]. U.S.A. Georgia. DeKalb Co.: Mt. Arabia, 20 km E von Atlanta. In Sickerwasserstreifen und Vertiefungen auf anstehendem Granit, dazwischen Lager mit Makroconidien von Lichenothelia tenuissima Henssen Aggr. 1969 Coll.: C. Wetmore 19264 [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 33] [C.M. Wetmore: Lichenes Exsiccati Min., 45] |
Isotype |
Pentagenella fragillima Darb. Ber. Dt. Bot. Ges. 15: 5. 1897. Chile. Coquimbo Prov., 22 km N La Serena (29 43'S, 71 20'W). On vertical boulders and cliffs near the sea; elevation 50 m. November 24, 2001 Coll.: A. Tehler 8381 [G, Odelvik & Tehler: Lichenes Austroamericani ex Herbario Regnelliano, 644] |
Isoepitype |
Perforaria epileiodes Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 58. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Harima: Mt. Hokke, Kasai-gun. Ad corticem arboris. December 10, 1916 Coll.: A. Yasuda 169 |
Isotype |
Perigrapha cetrariae Zhurb. Folia cryptog. Estonica 55: 17. 2018. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: trail from Mt. Kokushi to Mt. Kobushi (35°53–54’N, 138°41–43’E). On Cetraria laevigata (lobes, mainly their lower parts); elev. 2200–2500 m. July 22, 1954 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 540276 |
Holotype |
Pertusaria acroscyphoides Sipman Willdenowia 16(1): 281. 1986. Colombia, Departamento Boyaca. Paramos NW of Belen, between Laguna Grande and El Pulpito. Common lichen in vegetation with Plantago monticola, Draba, Racomitrium, Thamnolia y Bidens sp. Elevation 3830 m. May 6, 1973 Coll.: A. M. Cleef 9781 [H. Sipman: Lichenotheca Latinoamericana, 32] |
Isotype |
Pertusaria boninensis Shibuichi J. Jap. Bot. 54: 236. 1979. Japan. Bonin Island. Chichijima Island: Mt. Tsutsuji. Elevation about 260 m. August 7, 1977 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 77076a |
Holotype |
Pertusaria cinereoobscurata Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 56. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. April 19, 1918 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 283) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria commixta Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 57. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Yashiro-mura, Yazu-gun. September 1, 1914 Coll.: Y. Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda 177b) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria conformis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 56. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Kami-Hotchi-mura, Tone-gun. May 7, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 705 (hb. A. Yasuda 286) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria corallina (L.) Arnold f. minor Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 96. 1940. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Bungo: Nishi-Hita-mura, Hita-gun. Saxicola. Febrary 21, 1922 Coll.: Nakayama (hb. A. Yasuda 423) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria coreana Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 96. 1940. Korea. On rock. (Without detail locality). Coll.: H. Sone (hb. A. Yasuda 638) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria flavosulphurea Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 54. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Harima: Mt. Hokke, Kasai-gun. January 21, 1917 Coll.: A. Yasuda 174 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria haematommoides Zahlbr. Feddes Repert. 33: 50. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 263 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria hakkodensis Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 94. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Hakkoda. August 2, 1903 Coll.: A. Yasuda 631 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria ikomae Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 95. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Karo-mura, Ketaka-gun. On bark of Pinus thunbergii. October 4, 1920 Coll.: Y. Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda416) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria inabensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 57. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Mt. Kago, Yazu-gun. November 27, 1915 Coll.: Y. Ikoma (hb. A. Yasuda285) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria kashiwadanii Shibuichi J. Jap. Bot. 54: 234. 1979. Japan. Bonin Islands. Chichijima Island: Mt. Mikazuki. Elevation 210 m. June 10, 1977 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 13842 |
Holotype |
Pertusaria kotsukensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 156. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mikuni Pass, Tone-gun. Ad corticem arboris. July 5, 1913 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 244 (hb. A. Yasuda 51 pr.p.) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria kurohiensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 156. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Kurohi. Ad corticem arborum. September 19, 1914 Coll.: A. Tsunoda 306 (hb. A. Yasuda 114) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria laeviganda Nyl. var. obscurior Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 156. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mikuni Pass, Tone-gun. Adcorticem arboris. July 5, 1913 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 160 (hb. A. Yasuda 51 pr.min.p.) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria leucosoroides Nyl. var. violascens Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 96. 1940. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Bungo: Takase-mura, Hita-gun. Saxicola. November 27, 1921 Coll.: A. Yasuda 730 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria mariae B. de Lesd. Lich. Mexique: 17. 1914. Mexico. Michoacan: Loma Santa Maria, Morelia. Elevation 1950 m. January 13, 1910 Coll.: G. Arsene 3839 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria matsuzawae Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 95. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Awaji: Mt. Mikuma. Corticolous. August 25, 1919 Coll.: A. Yasuda 417 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria melanophthalma Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 24: 196. 1892. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Mt. Kohshin. Corticola. August 13, 1890 Coll.: R. Yatabe 287 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria naritae Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 94. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Iwashiro: Nozawa-mura, Yama-gun. Corticola. August 11, 1918 Coll.: T. Narita (hb. A. Yasuda 450) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria pachyplacoides Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 95. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Nabewari. Saxicola. December 22, 1920 Coll.: K. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 420) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria petrophyes C. Knight var. hokiensis Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 56. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Minato, Yonago-city, in rupe. February 28, 1914 Coll.: Yokoo (hb. A. Yasuda 180) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria platypora Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 24: 196. 1892. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Nikko. Corticola. August 13, 1890 Coll.: R. Yatabe 229 |
Isotype |
Pertusaria pseudamara K.H. Moon & Shibuichi J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 86: 207. 1999. Korea. Prov. Kangwon: En route from Mangyongdae to Mt. Daechongbong, Mt. Sorak, Socho city (38 07'N, 128 28'E). On rocks; elevation 1000-1480 m. July 17, 1996 Coll.: K.H. Moon 907 & H. Kashiwadani |
Holotype |
Pertusaria radiata Oshio J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B. Div. 2. 12: 118. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Honryuji Temple, Nirayama. On bark. January 5, 1956 Coll.: Y. Asahina 147 |
Holotype |
Pertusaria rugulosa Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 57. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. May 12, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 717 (hb. A. Yasuda 289) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria stenostoma Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 55. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Daisen. Ad corticem arboris. November 23, 1913 Coll.: M. Nakaji (hb. A. Yasuda173) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria sublaeviganda Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 58. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. May 12, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 715 (hb. A. Yasuda 288) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria sublaeviganda Vain. var. pauperior Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 58. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. May 12, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 116 (hb. A. Yasuda 290) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria subobductans Nyl. var. cinereoglauca Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 155. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mikuni Pass. Ad corticem arboris. July 5, 1913 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 161 (hb. A. Yasuda 83) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria trochophora Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 155. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Sanzugawa, Mt. Akagi. On trunk of Fagus crenata. November 15, 1914 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 312 (hb. A. Yasuda 53) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria tuberculifera Nyl. var. nakamurae Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 95. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Echigo: Kashiwazaki-machi, Kariwa-gun. Ad. corticem Fraxini bungeanae var. pubinervis. April 16, 1922 Coll.: M. Nakamura 192 (hb. A. Yasuda 451) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria vaginatula Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 55. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Arayama, Akagi Mts. Ad corticem arboris. December 20, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 470 (hb. A. Yasuda 299) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria velatula Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 55. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. April, 1918 Coll.: K. Tsunoda 687 (hb. A. Yasuda 295) |
Isotype |
Pertusaria yasudae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 57. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hoki: Mt. Awashima, Saihaku-gun. Ad corticem arboris. October 31, 1913 Coll.: M. Nakaji (hb. A. Yasuda 177a) |
Isotype |
Phacopsis lethariellae Hafellner & Rambold in Triebel, Rambold & Elix, Bryologist 98(1): 77. 1995. Canary Islands. La Gomera, Fortaleza SE above the village Chipude (28 05 40 N, 17 16 00 W). On Lethariella intricata (thallus) on vertical rocks; elevation 1180 m. February 20, 1991 Coll.: J. Hafellner 31037 [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 275] |
Isotype |
Phaeocalicium asciiforme Tibell Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27(no. 1): 200. 1987. New Zealand. South Island. Westland: Authur's Pass National Park, 3 km NNE of Otira, lower part of Kelly's Creek (42 48'S, 171 34'E). On branches of Coprosma sp. in open area by river. 1980 Coll.: L. Tibell 9944b [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 168] |
Isotype |
Phaeocalicium triseptatum Tibell in Tibell, Frisch & Thor, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 51(3): 190. 2014. JAPAN. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: along the trail from Iwaobetsu hot-spring hotel (Onsen) to Mt. Rausu-dake, NW slope of Shiretoko Peninsula c. 10 km NE Utoro town, Shiretoko National Park, Shari-cgho, Shari-gun (44.08406N, 145.12316E). On Betula ermanii; elevation 1198 m. July 17, 2010 Coll.: G. Thor 25411 |
Isotype |
Phaeographina albogranulifra M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo Ser B 28: 109. 2002. Vanuatu. Prov. Sanma. Espiritu Santo: Butmas. On bark; elevation 520 m. October 24, 2000 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 43209 |
Holotype |
Phaeographina endofusca M. Nakan. Hikobia 8: 92. 1977. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Kuki, Owase. April 2, 1972 Coll.: I. Yoshimura 12657 |
Isotype |
Phaeographina laevigata M. Nakan. Hikobia 8: 94. 1977. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Nakatsugawa, Hata-gun. On bark of Chamaevyparis obtusa; elevation 500 m. April 30, 1962 Coll.: M. Oshio 7602 |
Isotype |
Phaeographina microma Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 219. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 30, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-376 |
Lectotype |
Phaeographina montagnei Müll. Arg. f. macrospora Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 219. 1933. Formosa: Soozan prope Taihoku. December 18, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-372 |
Isotype |
Phaeographina vanuatuenesis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser B 28: 109. 2002. Vanuatu. Prov. Sanma. Espiritu Santo: Butmas. On bark of Citrus sp.; elevation about 520 m. October 24, 2000 Coll.: K.H. Moon 5563 |
Holotype |
Phaeographis flavicans Kashiw. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (14): 52. 1981. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Shoji-guchi 3-gome, Mt. Fuji. On bark of Abies veitchii; elevation about 1700 m. June 6, 1980 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 15798 |
Holotype |
Phaeographis fujisanensis Kashiw. & M. Nakan. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (14): 54. 1981. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Shoji-guchi 3-gome, Mt. Fuji. On bark of Abies veitchii; elevation about 1700 m. June 6, 1980 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 15798 |
Holotype |
Phaeographis gracilenta Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 211. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-301 |
Holotype |
Phaeographis kalbii Staiger Biblthca Lichenol. 85: 332. 2002. Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Serra da Mantiqueira. Itatiaia, zwischen Registro do Picu und Agulhas Negras. Am Rande eines feuchen Bergregenwaldes. November 1, 1978 Coll.: K. Kalb & G. Plöbst [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 238] |
Isotype |
Phaeographis nornotatica A.W. Archer & Elix Mycotaxon 72: 93. 1999. Australia. Queensland: Mcllwraith Range, Llankelly Creek, 9 km NE of coen (13 53'S, 143 16'E). Elevation 530 m. October 18, 1995 Coll.: H. Streiman 56937 |
Isotype |
Phaeographis oricola Lendemer & R.C. Harris Phytotaxa 189: 167. 2014. U.S.A. North Carolina. Dare Co.: Buxton Woods Coastal Reserve, SE of jct of Great Ridge Rd. and Water Association Rd., E of West Trail (N35 14 51, W75 34 57). On Ilex vomitoria; elevation 5 ft. Sand ridge-swale complex with maritime forest of Pinus and mixed hardwoods (Quercus, Ilex, Carpinus, Persea). March 18, 2013 Coll.: J. C. Lendemer 36066 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 472] |
Isotype |
Phaeophyscia spinellosa Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Ser. B, 10: 46. 1984 Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Fujieda-city. On rocks; elevation about 20 m. August 10, 1974 Coll.: K. Sugiyama [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 585] |
Holotype Isotype |
Phaeophyscia squarrosa Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Ser. B, 10: 47. 1984. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Tokachi: Mt. Tsurugi. On bark of Fraxinus mandshurica; elevation about 450 m. July 28, 1970 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 7659 |
Holotype |
Phloeopeccania australiensis Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fascicle 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg) 2: 10, no. 49. 1990. Australia. Western Australia: Kustenebene zwischen Denham und Nanga. In Vertiefungen auf horizontalen Felsplatten aus Muschelkalk. August 31, 1987 Coll.: A. Hennsen 31366a [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 49] |
Isotype |
Phloeopeccania hispanica Henssen & Willems in Henssen, Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fascicle 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 10, no. 48. 1990. Spain. Andalusien: Sierra de Cabo de Gata, Las Negras, Nordhang am Meeresufer. In kleinen Vertiefungen auf etwa 80: genelgten Flachen grosser Muschelkalkblocke. January 2, 4, 1989 Coll.: A. Hennsen 33008a & G. Willems [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 48] |
Isotype |
Phylliscum japonicum Zahlbr. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 41: 320. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Tamba: Oninokakehashi, Hikami-gun. May 16, 1926 Coll.: M. Ogata (hb. Y. Asahina 2651) |
Isotype |
Phylliscum microphyllum Asahina Materials for a lichen flora of Japan 1: 93. 1931. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hitachi: Mt. Tsukuba. On rock. June 14, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 31414) |
Lectotype |
Phyllopsora formosana Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 43. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-156 |
Isotype |
Phyllopsora stenosperma Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 44. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Arisan, Toroyen. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-170 |
Isotype |
Physcia aegialita (Afzel. ex Ach.) Nyl. Var. murina Zahlbr. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 41: 362. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Ito. On tree bark along coast. June 8, 1924 Coll. Y. Asahina 172 |
Isotype |
Physcia japonica Vain.var. denigrata Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 15. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke. Ad corticem arboris. Norvember 5, 1912 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 31) |
Isotype |
Physcia nipponica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 21: 6. 1947. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Kurisukawa, Nishimuro-gun, March 29, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Physcia orientalis Kashiw. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (18): 101. 1985. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mishima. January 1, 1928 Coll.: Y Asahina 201 |
Holotype |
Physcia pulverulenta (Schreb.) Hampe ex Fürnr. var. subvenusta Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 140. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Nikko. August 1, 1900 Coll.: M. Miyoshi (hb. A. Yasuda 734) |
Isotype |
Physcia saxatilis Kashiw. Ginkgoana 3: 52. 1975. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Iyo (Pref. Ehime): Iwayaji, Mikawa-mura, Kamiukena-gun. On rock; elevation about 500 m. October 2, 1970 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 8478 |
Holotype |
Physconia hokkaidensis Kashiw. Ginkgoana (3): 57. 1975. Japan. Hokkaido. Soya: Wakasakanai, Toyotomi-cho, Teshio-gun. On bark of Quercus dentata; elevation about 20 m. August 15, 1970 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 7938 |
Holotype |
Physconia kurokawae Kashiw. Ginkgoana (3): 58. 1975. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Tokachi: Toyoni, Hiroo-gun. On bark of Quercus dentata; elevation about 60 m. July 26, 1970 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 7729 |
Holotype |
Physconia lobulifera Kashiw. Ginkgoana (3): 60. 1975. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Tokachi: Toyoni, Hiroo-gun. On bark of Quercus dentata; elevation about 60 m. July 26, 1970 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 7763 |
Holotype |
Physma hondoanum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 38: 65. 1963. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Kobushi, Chichibu. July 23, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 33723 |
Holotype |
Pilophoron curtulum Kurok. & Shibuichi J. Jap. Bot. 66: 157. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hida: Mt. Ontake. Elevation 1900-2800 m. August 13, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 64180 |
Holotype |
Pilophoron nigricaule M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 16: 175. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Uzen: Mt. Gassan. August 25, 1932 Coll.: M. Sato s.n. (Oou 56) |
Holotype |
Placidium lacinulatum (Ach.) Breuss var. atrans Breuss in Lendemer, Opuscula Philolichenum 1: 54. 2004. U.S.A. Maryland. Cecil Co.: On the N/E shore of Conowingo Creek, ca. 3/4 mile SE of Pilot, Pilot [Serpentine] Barrens, Nature Conservancy Property (39 42 08 N, 76 11 25 W). On soil, in a serpentine barren with sparse grass; elevation 300 ft. May 26, 2003 Coll.: J. C. Lendemer 867 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 102] |
Isotype |
Placopsis asahinae I.M. Lamb Lilloa 8: 239. 1947. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Toroyen, Mt. Arisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 142 |
Holotype |
Placopsis auriculata Lumbsch & Kashiw. Pl. Syst. Evol. 185(3-4): 287. 1993. Papua New Guinea. Morobe Deistrict: Mt. Kaindi, Wau. Elevation about 2200 m. December 19, 1973 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 10676 |
Holotype |
Platismatia erosa W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 34: 526. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano (Pref. Nagano): Mt. Kita-Yoko-dake, Yatsugadake Mts. August 6, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58349 |
Holotype |
Platismatia interrupta W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. Contr. U.S. Nat. hb. 34: 539. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano (Pref. Nagano): Mt. Norikura. August 6, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Platythecium acutisporum Staiger Biblthca Lichenol. 85: 375. 2002. Brazil. Sao Paulo: Ilha da Cananeia. An Rhizophora mangle in einer lichten Mangrove (25 00'S, 47 50'W). Elevation 1 m. July 16, 1979 Coll.: K. Kalb & G. Plöbst [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 564] |
Isotype |
Plectocarpon bunodophori Wedin, Ertz & Diederich in Ertz, Christnach, Wedin & Diederich, Biblthca Lichenol. 91: 25. 2005. New Zealand. North Island, Gisborne, Urewera Nat. Park, Lake Waiakaremoana, along N garmoko Track. Open ridge with mixed Nothofagus menziesii - lxerba brexioides-Dracophyllum forest. On Bunodophoron patagonicum (thallus); elevation 960 m. February 24, 1992 Coll.: M. Wedin 4060 (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 388] |
Isotype |
Plectocarpon concentricum Ertz, Diederich & Wedin in Ertz, Christnach, Wedin & Diederich, Bibliotheca Lich. 91: 34. 2005. New Zealand. South Island, Nelson, NW of Maruia Springs, E of Springs Junction, along Rough Creek Walk (42 20’S, 172 11’E). On Pseudocyphellaria homoeophylla (thallus) on rotten log in mature Nothofagus fusca forest; elevation 750 m. January 16, 1990 Coll.: M. Wedin 2710 (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 389] |
Isotype |
Plectocarpon latisporum Ertz, Diederich & Wedin in Ertz, Christnach, Wedin & Diederich, Bibliotheca Lich. 91: 52. 2005. Argentina. Tierra del Fuego, c. 4 km NW of Ushuaia, Glaciar Martinal, below upper end station of chairlift (54 47’S, 68 23’W). On Pseudocyphellaria coriifolia (thallus) on trunk of Nothofagus antarctica in Nothofagus pumilio forest; elevation 550 m. January 6, 1989 Coll.: M. Wedin 1033 (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 390] |
Isotype |
Plectocarpon pseudoleuckertii Diederich, Ertz & Wedin in Ertz, Christnach, Wedin & Diederich, Bibliotheca Lich. 91: 89. 2005. Argentina. Rio Negro, Reserva National Nahuel Huapi, c. 30 km SW of Bariloche, 3 km SE of Villa Mascardi, along Arroyo Negro (41 27’S, 71 28’W). On Pseudocyphellaria coriifolia (thallus) on a trunk of Nothofagus dombeyi in a Nothofagus dombeyi N. pumilic forest along a stream; elevation 1000-1070 m. January 16, 1990 Coll.: M. Wedin M. I. Messuti 1847 (Holotype in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 393] |
Isotype |
Pleurotheliopsis asahinae Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 204. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taipei: Mt. Sohzan. December 19, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 297 |
Isotype |
Pleurotheliopsis erigens Kashiw. J. Jap. Bot. 53: 181. 1978. Japan. Bonin Islands: Mt. Chibusa, Haha-jima Island. On bark of Leucaea glauca; elevation about 300 m. June 14, 1977 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 14103 |
Holotype |
Polyblastiopsis pertusarina Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 199. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Arisan, Toroyen. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y Asahina F-299 |
Holotype |
Porina cupreola (Müll.Arg.) F. Schill. var. nipponica G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 50. 2000. Japan. Yaeyama Islands: Iriomote-jima island, along the trail in the mountains along the Urauchi river, 7.5 km NNW of Ohara village, Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama-gun. February 11, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 13275 |
Holotype |
Porina formosana Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 200. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Nantou: Vicinity of Hori. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y Asahina F-305 |
Lectotype |
Porina subrubrosphaera Kurok. J. Jpn Bot. 33: 206. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Osorezan. July 29, 1956 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 56191 |
Holotype |
Porina tetralocularis Aptroot Flora of the Guianas, Series E: Fungi and Lichens. Fascicle 2 (Königstein): 39. 1993. Guyana, Upper Mazaruni district. E-bank of Waruma river, c. 12 km S of confluence with Kako river (campsite 3) (05 24'N, 60 47'W). On trunk (50 cm diam.) in c. 25 m tall virgin riverain forest; elevation 550 m. February 10, 1985 Coll.: H. Sipman & A. Aptroot 18631 [H. Sipman: Lichenotheca Latinoamericana, 139] |
Isotype |
Porina thujopsicola G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 53. 2000. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kaga: Yamanaka Hot Spring. On bark of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai. September 7, 1954 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Porocyphus kalbarrensis Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fasc. 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 9. 1990. Australia. Western Australia: Kalbarri National Park, Red Bluff, Sandstein in fast vollstandig ausgetrocknetem Bachbett, auf leicht geneigten Felsflachen. August 29, 1987 Coll.: A. Hennsen 31358a (Holotypus in MB) [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 46] |
Isotype |
Pronectria japonica Zhurb., Tadome & Y. Ohmura Herzogia 31: 495. 2018. Japan. Honshu. Pref. Saitama: Mt. Mitsumine (35°55′N, 138°55′E). On Ochrolechia sp. (discs and thalline margins of apothecia) in Acer dominated forest; elevation 1100 m. December 24, 2016 Coll.: K. Tadome 16122403 |
Holotype |
Protoblastenia amagiensis Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 97. 1940. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mt. Amagi. September 4, 1922 Coll.: Asahina (hb. A. Yasuda 670) |
Isotype |
Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis R. Sant. in Galloway, Lichenologist 18(2): 150. 1986. CHILE. Prov. Valdivia, Lago Rinihue, Enco (39 52'S, 72 10'W). Corticolous in humid mixed forest. October 12, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 3872 [J. E. Mattsson: Lichenes Austroamericani ex Herbario Regnelliano, 501] |
Isotype |
Pseudocyphellaria santessonii D.J. Galloway Lichenologist 18: 152. 1986. Chile. Prov. Valdivia: Lago Rinihue, Enco. On Nothofagus dombeyi in open rainforest (39 52'S, 72 10'W). September 25, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 3680 (J.F. Mattsson: Lich. Austroamer. Ex. Herb. Regnell., 502) |
Isotype |
Pseudopyrenula bicincta Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 200. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi (Lienhuachih). December 30, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-304 |
Isotype |
Pseudopyrenula cinereoglaucescens Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 76. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Ad corticem arboris. (date not given). Coll.: A. Yasuda 197 |
Isotype |
Pseudosphaerophorus kinabaluensis M. Satô Misc. Bryol. & Lichenol. 4: 108. 1967. Malaysia. Sabah: Tourist Trail between Layang and Paka Cave, Mt. Kinabalu, Kinabalu National Park. Elevation 2700-2900 m. August, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 28656 |
Isotype |
Psoroma boninense Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 12: 688. 1969. Japan. Bonin Islands. Chichi-jima: Mt. Tsutsuji, around mountain top. November 25, 1968 Coll.: H. Inoue 19066 |
Holotype |
Psorotichia rimosa Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fasc. 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 11. 1990. France. Languedoc: Ariege, Montagnes du Plantaurel, anstehender Kalk an der Strasse zwischen Mas d'Azlle und Sabarat bei ca. 280. Auf senkrechten bis 45° geneigten Sickerwasserflachen. June 5, 1983 Coll.: A. Hennsen 29172a [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 50] |
Isotype |
Pterygiopsis australiensis Henssen Lichenes Cyanophili et Fungi Saxicolae Exsiccati, Fasc. 2 (nos 26-50) (Marburg): 9. 1990. Australia. Western Australia: Kalbarri National Park, Red Bluff, Sandstein in fast vollstandig ausgetrocknetem Bachbett, auf Sickerwasserflachen. August 29, 1987 Coll.: A. Hennsen 31357 [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 44] |
Isotype |
Pterygiopsis foliacea Henssen Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18: 76. 1963. Chile. Prov. Santiago: Boca del Rio Maipu, Punta Santo Domingo. On sea-shore rocks. A sun exposed surface about 10 m above the mean water level. August 25, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 3048 |
Isotype |
Punctelia diffractica Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 4: 27. 1999. Peru. Dept. Cuzco.: Prov. Cuzco, Saylla. On calcareous rock in pasture beside the road;elevation about 3200 m. September 8, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21194 |
Holotype |
Punctelia pallescens Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 4: 28. 1999. Australia. Western Australia: Dumbleyung to Wagin road, 6 miles west of Dumbleyung near Nippering siding. On trunk of Acacia acuminata. October 12, 1966 Coll.: R. Filson 9386 |
Holotype |
Punctelia tomentosula Kurok. Bull. Bot. Gard. Toyama 4: 30. 1999. Peru. Dept. Cuzco.: Prov. Paucartambo, around Challabamba; in 'Ceja de Selva' zone. On bark of Alnus sp.; elevation 2800 m. September 18, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22058 |
Holotype |
Pyrenula collospora Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 162. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Mt. Akagi. Ad corticem arboris. September 18, 1913 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (hb. A. Yasuda 74) |
Isotype |
Pyrenula cylindrica Kashiw. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (22): 44. 1989 Japan. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): upper strem of Sumiyou River, Sumiyou-mura, Oshima-gun, Amami Oshima. On bark of Schima liukiuensis; elevation about 140 m. December 2, 1988 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 35557 |
Holotype |
Pyrenula japonica Kurok. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 4: 66. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Kawaura-dani, Arakawa-mura, Chichibu-gun. On trunk of Ilex macropoda. September 18, 1913 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 550003 |
Holotype |
Pyrenula shirabeicola Kurok. & S. Nakan. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 4: 66. 1971. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Hida: Mt. Ontake. On trunk of Abies veitchii; elevation 1900-2000 m. August 13, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 64172 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 188] |
Holotype Isotype |
Pyrgillus boninensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 8: 30. 1932. Japan. Japan. Bonin Islands. Anishima. July, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Pyrgillus cambodiensis Kashiw., K.H. Moon & Aptroot J. Jap. Bot. 87: 282. 2012. Cambodia. Prov. Siem Reap: Western Prasat Top, Angkor Wats complex, Siem Reap (13°26′N, 103°51′E). On bark of Dipterocarpus elatus, elevation about 30 m. November 24, 2010 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 50508 & K. H. Moon |
Holotype |
Pyrrhospora aurea Kalb & Elix in K. Kalb, Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 13 (nos 525-575): 15. 2001. Australia. Northern Territory: Lichfield National Park, circa 100 km S von Darwin, in einem hellen Monsunwald mit machtigen Sandsteinfelsen. An dunnen Asten abgestorbener Straucher (13 07'S, 130 45'E). Elevation 200 m. September 8, 1992 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 570] |
Isotype |
Pyrrhospora bullata Kalb & Elix in Kalb, Lichenes Neotropici, Fascicle 13 (nos 525-575): 15. 2001. Australia. Western Australia: Yilliminnig Rock, circa 12 km E von Narrogin, an Laubbaumen im Schatten grosser Felsen (32 50'S, 117 23'E). Elevation 350 m. August 16, 1994 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 571] |
Isotype |
Pyxine daedalea Krog & R. Sant. in Moberg, Thunbergia 2: 7. 1986. Costa Rica. Prov. Cartago Prov: 13 km SE of Cartago, 2.5 km SE of Orosi near the bridge over Rio Grande de Orosi (9 47'N, 83 50'W). On a large boulder in a field; elevation about 1150 m. January 10, 1979 Coll.: H. Krog & R. Santesson 29074 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 17] |
Isotype |
Pyxine patellaris Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12: 689. 1969. Japan. Bonin Islands. Chichijima: Between Okumura and Ohgiura, along trail in the forest of Calophyllum inophyllum-Terminalia catappa; elevation 0-100 m. November 21, 1968 Coll.: H. Inoue 19027 |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Ramalina ahtii Kashiw. & T.H. Nash Acta Bot. Fennica 150: 88. 1994. Mexico. Estado de Chihuahua: Sierra Madre Occidental, Cascade de Baseseachic, pine-oak forest above the falls (28 12'N, 108 14'W). On rock; elevation about 1950 m. May 22, 1922 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 37311 |
Holotype |
Ramalina asahinana Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 355. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke: Anahara, Azuma-mura, Tone-gun. July 1924 Coll.: M. Asano (hb. Y. Asahina 92) |
Isotype |
Ramalina azorica Aptroot & Schumm Sauteria 15: 24. 2008. Portugal, Azoren, Sao Miguel: Westkuste, Ponta da Ferraira, an porosen schwarzen Lavablocken in Meernahe (37 51.624'N, 25 51.144'W). Elevation 0 m. June 4, 2003 Coll.: Schumm 04.06.2003 (10) [Ex Herbarium Dr. Schumm, Fungi & Lichenes-Nr: 11104] |
Isotype |
Ramalina boninensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 14: 253. 1938. Japan. Bonin Islands. Wakihama, Haha-jima Island. December 27, 1936 Coll.: T. Kusaka 337 |
Holotype |
Ramalina cerinelloides H. Magn. Ark. Bot. ser. 2, 3(10): 357. 1955. U.S.A. Hawaii. Kauai: Gay Summer House. On bark; elevation about 1000 m. February, 1910 Coll.: Faurie 337 |
Isotype |
Ramalina chihuahuana Kashiw. & T.H. Nash Mycotaxon 83: 386. 2002. Mexico. Estado de Durango: Sierra Madre Occidental, 47 km W of Durango, E-facing hillside above creek (23 56'N, 104 57'W). On rocks; elevation 2215 m. May 26, 1992 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 37324 |
Holotype |
Ramalina commixta Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 207. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Mt. Fuji. 1936 Coll.: T. Komiyama 1003 |
Lectotype |
Ramalina congesta Kashiw., K.H. Moon & J.E. Han J. Jap. Bot. 98: 306. 2023. KOREA. Prov. Jeollanamdo. Palgeum-do Island: Gosan Dock, Danggori, Palgeum-myeon, Sinan-gun, on rocks along the coast, elevation about 10 m, 4 October 2019 Coll.: K.H. Moon, H. Kashiwadani & J.E. Han 16088 (NIBR–holotype; TNS–isotype) TLC: evernic acid, obtusatic acid, and usnic acid. |
Isotype |
Ramalina coreana Kashiw. & K.H.Moon Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B 28(1): 1. 2002. Korea. Prov. Kangwon: Mt. Shinsun-bong, Mt. Kumgang. On rocks. August 1, 1916 Coll.: T. Nakai s.n. |
Holotype |
Ramalina darwiniana Aptroot & Bungartz var. curvida Aptroot Lichenologist 39: 530, 2007. Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Santa Cruz Puerto Ayora, near CDRS (0 44 32 S, 90 18 10 W). On shrub; elevation 5 m. May 24, 2005 Coll.: A. Aptroot 63029 |
Isotype |
Ramalina disciformis Kashiw., K.H. Moon & J.E. Han J. Jap. Bot. 98: 310. 2023. JAPAN. Hokkaido. Prov. Abashiri: Futatsu-iwa, Abashiri City, on rock along the coast. July 14, 2021 Coll.: H.Kashiwadani 52638 (TNS–holotype; NIBR–isotype) TLC: evernic acid, obtusatic acid, and usnic acid. |
Holotype |
Ramalina dissecta Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 14: 125. 1988. Peru. Dept. Junin. Prov. Tarma: Around Tarma, along the road to La Oroya. On rock; elevation 3400 m. October 9, 1964 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22737 |
Holotype |
Ramalina exilis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 221. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kohzuke: Nanjai, Kitakannraku-gun. October 16, 1921 Coll.: E. Uematsu (hb. Y. Asahina 344) |
Lectotype |
Ramalina exilis Asahina f. nana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 222. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shinyu Hot Spring, Mt. Tadeshina. Elevation about 1500 m. August, 1938 Coll.: Y. Sakurai (hb. Y. Asahina 345) |
Holotype |
Ramalina flabelliformis Asahina in Kihara (ed.), Fauna and flora of Nepal Himalaya, 1: 61. 1953 Nepal. Pisan. Elevation 3200 m. May 25, 1953 Coll.: not indicated (collected by a member of Japanese Expedition to Nepal Himalaya 1952-53) |
Lectotype |
Ramalina gallowayi Kashiw., T.H. Nash & K.H. Moon Bibl. Lich. 95: 335-340. 2007 Brazil. Minas Gerais: km post 605, 17 km W of Diamantina (43 45'W, 18 12'S). On acidic rock; elevation about 1200 m. June 3, 1990 Coll.: T. H. Nash 29260 (Holotype in ASU) |
Isotype |
Ramalina grumosa Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Stud. Crypt. South. Peru 135. 1987. Peru. Dept. Pasco. Prov. Oxapampa: around Laguna El Oconal, S of Villarrica. On bark; elevation 1500 m. October 5, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22541 |
Holotype |
Ramalina hokkaidensis Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 12: 89. 1986. U.S.S.R. Saghalien. Chinnai. August 8, 1933 Coll.: M. Sato 246b |
Holotype |
Ramalina incana Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Stud. Crypt. South. Peru 135. 1987. Peru. Dept. Cuzco. Prov. Quispicanchis: Luisanpampa near Oropesa. On rock; elevation about 3150 m. September 8, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21215 |
Holotype |
Ramalina intestiniformis Kashiw. & K.H. Moon in Moon, Ahn, Han & Kashiwadani, J. Jap. Bot. 91(Suppl.): 381. 2016. Korea. Prov. Chunranam-do (全羅南道): seaside, Ial. Oinaro-do (外羅老島), Yeanae-ri, Bongrae-myeoun, Goheung-gun (高興郡) (N34 27 10.00, E127 31 21.60). On rocks; elevation 5 m. October 20, 2013 Coll.: K. H. Moon 13980, C. Ahn & H. Kashiwadani |
Isotype |
Ramalina kurokawae Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 22: 55. 1996. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Bungo: Mt. Monjusen, Kunisaki Peninsula. November 14, 1962 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 62425 |
Holotype |
Ramalina litoralis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 220. 1939. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Isa. August 25, 1931 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Ramalina macrospora Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Stud. Crypt. South. Peru 135. 1987. Peru. Dept. Pasco. Prov. Oxapampa: Around Laguna El Oconal, S of Villarrica. On bark; elevation 1500 m. October 5, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22472 |
Holotype |
Ramalina osorioi Kashiw., T.H. Nash & K.H. Moon Bibl. Lich. 95: 335-340. 2007 Uruguay, Lavelleja-Hügel: Arequita. On vertical cliffs with a southern exposition; elevation 150-200 m. August 22, 1957 Coll.: H. S. Osorio s.n. (Holotype in MVM) [Kryptogamae Exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi, 4331] |
Isotype |
Ramalina pacifica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 213. 1939. U.S.A. Mariana Islands: Saipan. June 28, 1925 Coll.: Y. Kimura s.n. |
Lectotype |
Ramalina palmiformis Kashiw. & T.H. Nash Acta Bot. Fenn. 150: 89. 1994. MEXICO. Nuevo Leon. Sn. Roberto. 10 km S potosi near junction of highway 57 & 60 (road to Linares). Yucca dominated desert just west of the Sierra Mader Oriental (24 40'N, 100 20'W). On Lycium; elevation 1860 m. June 21, 1976 Coll.: T.H. Nash 14127 [T. H. Nash: Lichenes Exsiccati Arizona State University, 3] |
Isotype |
Ramalina pateliiformis Kashiw. in H. Inoue (ed.), Stud. Crypt. South. Peru 136. 1987. Peru. Dept. Pasco. Prov. Oxapampa: around Laguna El Oconal, S of Villarrica. Elevation 1500 m. October 5, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22535 |
Holotype |
Ramalina pertusa Kashiw. Mem. Natl. Sci, Mus., Tokyo 18: 102. 1985. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Tamba: Terayama, Yamakuni-mura, Kitakuwata-gun. November 7, 1955 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 55117) |
Holotype |
Ramalina pseudosekika Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 139. 1941. Korea. Prov. Pyongannam-do: Kisilin, Heijo (Pyongyang). 1930 Coll.: H. Den (hb. Y. Asahina 334) |
Holotype |
Ramalina psoromica Kashiw. & T.H. Nash Mycotaxon 83: 388. 2002. Mexico. Estado de Sinaloa: 1.7 km S of La Reforma (25 06'N, 108 02'W). On Fouqueria in coastal thorn forest; elevation 10 m. November 27, 1975 Coll.: T.H. Nash 12303 |
Isotype |
Ramalina reptans Kashiw., C.W. Sm. & K.H. Moon J. Jap. Bot. 77: 351. 2002. U.S.A. Hawaii. Molokai Island. Molokai District: Pohakuloa Pt., ca 1 km NE of Waialua. On exposed rock along coast; elevation about 10 m. November 2, 1997 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 39973 |
Isotype |
Ramalina ryukyuensis Kashiw. & K.H. Moon J. Jap. Bot. 92: 28. 2017. JAPAN. Okinawa Pref., Aguni-jima Island, Mahanamo, Shimajiri-gun (26°35ʹ18.6ʺN, 127°12ʹ53.9ʺE). On twigs of Sageretia theezans, elevation 57 m. April 18, 2015 Coll.: M. Yokota 931 |
Holotype |
Ramalina sanctae-helenae Aptroot Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 158: 165, 2008 U.K. (South Atlantic Is.) St. Helena. Prosperous Bay Plain, N slope of Dry Gut on track of runway at proposed fill (15 57.641'S, 5 39.080'W) (AstroDos 71/4). On rock (vertical basalt cliff); elevation 280 m. October 17, 2006 Coll.: A. Aptroot 66266 |
Isotype |
Ramalina scopulorum (Ach.) Ach. var. semicuspidata Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 87. 1940. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima). August 22, 1903 Coll.: A. Yasuda 370 TLC: usnic, salazinic acids. |
Isotype |
Ramalina sekika Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 138. 1941. China. Manchuria. Mt. Lao-t'ieh-shan, Port Arthur. July 19, 1940 Coll.: Y. Asahina 333 |
Holotype |
Ramalina shinanoana Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 12: 122. 1986. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: North Valley of Yanagigawa River, Yatsugatake Mts. August 20, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58406 |
Holotype |
Ramalina sonorensis Kashiw. & T.H. Nash Acta Bot. Fenn. 150: 90. 1994. Mexico. Baja California Sur: 22 km WSW of Villa Constitucion. Desert community on old beach ridge. On Fouqueria peninsularis; elevation 30 m. March 18, 1976 Coll.: T. H. Nash 12837 [T. H. Nash: Lichenes Exsiccati Arizona State University, 9] |
Isotype |
Ramalina sphaerophora Kashiw. & K.H. Moon in Moon, Ahn, Han & Kashiwadani, J. Jap. Bot. 91(Suppl.): 383. 2016. Korea. Prov. Chunrabuk-do (全羅北道): Munyeodo-ri, Ocdo-myeon, Gunsan-si (N35 48 21.6, E126 26 21.1). On rocks; elevation about 5 m. April 16, 2013 Coll.: K.H. Moon 13187 & C. Ahn |
Isotype |
Ramalina stevensiae Elix Mycotaxon 40: 42. 1991. Norfolk Island: Summit trail to Mt. Bates (29 00'S, 167 56'E). On Citrus limon in subtropical rainforest; elevation 300 m. December 6, 1984 Coll.: J.A. Elix 18582 & H. Streimann [J. A. Elix: Lichenes Australasici Exsiccati, 243] |
Isotype |
Ramalina subfarinacea (Nyl. ex Cromb.) Nyl. var. salazinica D. Hawksw. Bot. Notiser 121: 318. 1968. UK. British Isles. Scottia. Perthshire: Fingsask. On Fraxinus excelsior. May 8, 1968 Coll.: PB. Topham s.n. |
Isotype |
Ramalina sublitoralis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 15: 221. 1939. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Izu: Mito Seashore, January 4, 1929 Coll.: Y. Asahina 162 |
Lectotype |
Ramalina subrotunda Kashiw., C.W. Sm. & K.H. Moon J. Jap. Bot. 77: 353. 2002. U.S.A. Hawaii. Hawaii Island. South Kohara District: Koaia Tree Sanctuary, 400 m N of Puu Kawaiwai (20 03 N, 155 44 W). On bark of Acacia koaia; elevation 960-1000 m. June 10, 1999 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 42028 |
Isotype |
Ramalina superfraxinea Follmann & Sánchez-Pinto Philippia 4(3): 193. 1980. Spain. Kanarische Inseln, Tenerife: vogelnestartig im halbschattigen Unterkronenteil solitarer Nadelbäume auf jungen Lavastromen im Ramalinetum subgeniculatae KLEM., NO-NW, pH 6, 5, Kiefernkampfzone im unteren Nebelgürtel bei San Juán del Reparo am nord-westlichen Inselabfall. Elevation 800 m. April, 1978 Coll.: G. Follmann & L. Sánchez-Pinto [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 314] |
Isotype |
Ramalina tigrina Follmann Willdenowia 4: 227. 1966. Chile. Nordhile, Prov. Antofagasta: gesellig auf Erosionstrippen (Granodiorittuff), auch über Kakteenresten im Ramalinetum inanis Follm., S-W, pH 6,9, Nebeloase Cerro Moreno bei Antofagasta. Elevation 600 m. September, 1965 Coll.: I. -A. Follman-Schrag & G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 10] |
Isotype |
Ramalina tumescens Kashiw., K.H. Moon & J.E. Han J. Jap. Bot. 98: 313. 2023. JAPAN. Prov. Oki (Shimane Pref.): Tsudo, Okinoshima-cho, Okigun. On rocks along the coast; elevation 2 m. October 30, 2020 Coll.: H.Kashiwadani & S.Takeshita 52631 (TNS–holotype; NIBR–isotype). TLC: evernic acid, divaricatic acid and usnic acid. |
Holotype |
Ramalina wirthii Aptroot & Schumm in Türk, John & Hauck (eds), Sauteria 15: 25. 2008. Portugal. Azoren, Sao Miguel; Westküste, Ponta da Ferraira, an porösen, schwarzen Lavablöcken in Meeresnähe, (37 51.624'N, 25 51.144'W). Elevation 0 m. June 4, 2003 Coll.: F. Schumm 11114 04.06.2003(10) |
Isotype |
Ramalina yokotae Kashiw. & K. H. Moon J. Jap. Bot. 92: 29. 2017. JAPAN. Kagoshima Pref.: Tokunoshima Island, In-nojofuta, Amagi-cho, Ohshima-gun (27°47.795ʹN, 128°53.409ʹE). On creeping stems of Zoysia pacifica; elevation about 3 m. May 5, 2014 Coll.: M. Yokota 232 |
Holotype |
Ramboldia aurea (Kalb & Elix) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix Nova Hedwigia 86(1-2): 31. 2008. Australia. Nothern Territory: Lichfield National Park, circa 100 km S von Darwin, in einem hellen Monsunwald mit machtigen Sandsteinfelsen. An dunnen Asten abgestorbener Straucher (13 07'S, 130 45'E). Elevation 200 m. September 8, 1992 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 570] |
Isotype |
Rhizocarpon renneri Poelt Planta 51: 306. 1958. U.S.A. Colorado: on low, exposed outcrops and boulders SE of Prospector Campground near Dillon Reservoir, WSW of Keystone, T. 5 S, R. 77 W, sec. 20, Summit Co. Elevation 2880 m. August 22, 1976 Coll.: R. Anderson & J. Anderson |
Isotype |
Rhizocarpon sipmanianum Kalb & Aptroot Lichenes Neotropici, fasc. 16: 9. 2017. Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Serra da Mntiqueira; Itatiaia, between Registro do Picú and Agulhas Negras, on granitic boulders at the edge of a dense rainforest (Mata Atlântica) (22 20'S, 44 45'W). Elevation 1900 m. November 1, 1978 Coll.: К. Каlb & G. Plöbst (Holotype in UFMS-Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul) [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 645] |
Isotype |
Rhizocarpon smaragdulum Davydov & Yakovchenko Lichenologist 49: 461. 2017. RUSSIA. Republic of Tuva, Mongun-Taiginsky Raion: Mongun-taiga massif, headwaters of the Orta-Shegetei River at 4.5 km upstream of the Sive-Khol' lake, stonefield near the Larix sibirica forest (N50 09 11, E90 01 37). On granite boulders around depressions in stones accumulating water; elevation 2415 m. July 8, 2014 Coll.: E. A. Davydov 14339 & L. S. Yakovchenko (Holotype in LE) |
Isotype |
Rhizocarpon vulcani Mas. Inoue Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, B 27: 16. 2001. JAPAN. Honshu. Pref. Akita: Tamagawa Spa, Tazawako-machi, Senpoku-gun. On rock among active humaroles; elevation 760 m. October 15, 1983 Coll.: M. Inoue, no. 16569 |
Holotype |
Rimelia albinata K.H. Moon & Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 76: 322. 2001. U.S.A. Hawaii. Molokai Island. Molokai District: below Puu Kokekole (21 05'N, 156 54'W). On soil; elevation about 1150 m. November 4, 1997 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 4210 |
Isotype |
Rimularia fuscosora Muhr & Tønsberg Nord. J. Bot. 8: 649. 1989. Sweden. Västerbotten Prov., Skellefteå par., c. 3 km NE of Mt. Stora Blåbergsliden, by the small stream Djupgrovbäcken (65 40'N, 20 21'E). On Alnus incana in a rather shaded situation; elevation 185 m. August 8, 1984 Coll.: Lars-Erik Muhr 7540 [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 94] |
Isotype |
Rinodina calculiformis W.A. Weber Bryologist 67: 473. 1964. Mexico. Baja Californa. Isla Guadalupe: Melpomene Cave, southern tio of the island; abundant on cubbles, level summit of first plateau just above the weather station, near the rim of the cliffs of the southeast coast. Elevation 200-500 ft. April 21, 1963 Coll.: W. A. Weber & C. J. McCoy Jr. [W. A. Weber: Lichenes Exsiccati, 94] |
Isotype |
Rinodina kozukensis Yasuda ex Räsänen J. Jap. Bot. 16: 139. 1940. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Kozuke (Pref. Gunma): Haga-mura. January 21, 1921 Coll.: A. Tsunoda (Herb. A. Yasuda, no. 446) |
Isolectotype |
Rinodina sipmanii Aptroot Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., Ser. C, Biol. Med. Sci. 90: 241. 1997. Guyana, East Demerara District. Along western dike at mouth of Mahaica river. Cultivated coastal plain (57 55'W, 6 41-43'N). On tree in village; elevation 0 m. March 5, 1985 Coll.: H. Sipman & A. Aptroot 19505 [H. Sipman: Lichenotheca Latinoamericana, 42] |
Isotype |
Rinodina tenuis Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 24: 195. 1892. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Musashi (Pref. Saitama): Mt. Buko, Chichibu. April 3, 1891 Coll.: Yatabe 246 |
Isotype |
Roccellina conformis Tehler Opera Botanica 70: 50. 1983. U.S.A. Carifonia. Los Angeles Co.: in canyon just west of Hamilton Beach, Avalon, Santa Catalina Island. On bark of Heteromeles arbutifolia. July 5, 1976 Coll.: A. Tehler 1402 |
Isotype |
Roccellina flavida Tehler Opera Botanica 70: 54. 1983. Chile. Prov. Antofagasta: Mt. Moreno, on the vertical south-exposed side of rocks and boulders in the most southern slope of the mtn. Elevation 25-500 m. January 24, 1977 Coll.: A. Tehler 2551 |
Isotype |
Roccellina nigrocincta Tehler Opera Botanica 70: 61. 1983. Peru. Dept. Lambayeque. Prov. Chiciayo: Cerro de Reque (c. 12 km SE of Chiciayo) (6 52'S, 79 47'W). Elevation 200-500 m. April 12, 1981 Coll.: R. Santesson & A. Tehler P132: 9 |
Isotype |
Roccellina obscura Tehler Opera Botanica 70: 69. 1983. Chile. Prov. Coquimbo: Coquimbo. Just south of Coquimbo. On the sourtern vertical side of rocks and cliffs in costal shrub vegitation. Elevation 50 m. January 29, 1977 Coll.: A. Tehler 2836 |
Isotype |
Roccellina olivacea Follmann Philippia 4(2): 111. 1979. Chile: Nordchile, Prov. Coquimbo, gesellig an schattseitigen, durch Gischtstaub beeinflussten Stirn-flachen und Uberhangen von Dioritfelsen im Roccelletum portentosae FOLLM., 30 m, SO-SW, pH 6, 6, Kustenformation nordlich der Limarimundung. September, 1965 Coll.: G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 296] |
Isotype |
Roselliniopsis falklandica Zhurb., Tadome & Y. Ohmura Falkland Islands (British Overseas Territory), West Falkland, UTM Grid 21F TC 9138, Fox Bay, NE of Kelp Pt (ca 51°56'S, 60°05'W). Empetrum heath, on thallus of Psoroma cinnamomeum; elevation 10 m. February 9, 1968 Coll.: H. A. Imshaug 42265 & R. C. Harris (TNS-L-133463) |
Holotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Santessoniella saximontana T. Sprib., P.M. Jørg. & M. Schultz in Spribille, Jørgensen, Schultz & Houde, Biblthca Lichenol. 96: 288. 2007. Canada. British Columbia, Rocky Mountains, Albert River drainage, c. 10 air km north of confluence with Palliser River, c. 6 air km west of British Columbia/Alberta provincial boundary, west side of valley (50 37.693 N, 115 32.973 W). On bases of stumps of Thuja plicata at edge of oldgrowth forest; elevation 1220 m. August 1, 2006 Coll.: T. Spribille 21173 & I. Houde |
Isotype |
Sarcographa albomaculans Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 221. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Raisha. Jaunuary 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-352 |
Isotype |
Sarcographa macrohydrina M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo Ser B 28: 110. 2002. Vanuatu. Prov. Sanma. Espiritu Santo: Butmas. On bark of Citrus sp.; elevation 520 m. October 24, 2000 Coll.: K.H. Moon 5556 |
Holotype |
Sarcogyne endopetrophila Tokizawa & Y. Ohmura in Tokizawa et al., J. Jap. Bot. 90: 46-51. 2014. JAPAN. Honshu. Prov. Aki (Pref. Hiroshima): Ohta-cho, Yamagata-gun (N34 43, E132 12). On rock; elevation about 300 m. July 25, 2010 Coll.: M. Tokizawa |
Holotype |
Schistophoron variabile Tibell Lichenologist 14(3): 242. 1982. Costa Rica. Limon: 1 km NW of Pto. Limon (10 00'N, 83 02'W). On trunk of Cocos nucifera at the seashore; elevation 5 m. January 9, 1979 Coll.: L. Tibell 8514 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exsiccatae, 96] |
Isotype |
Sclerophyton actinoboloides Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 223. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-320 |
Isotype |
Scoliciosporum pennsylvanicum R.C. Harris Opuscula Philolichenum 6: 152. 2009. U.S.A. Pennsylvania. Wyoming County: State Game Lands No. 57, Sorber Mountain, orange trail, ca. 1.5 mi S of Stull, E of Noxen, Noxen Township (41 42 25 N, 76 05 30 W). Dry oak (Quercus)- birch (Betula) forest with stands of poplar. On Quercus (in deep grooves). August 20, 2008 Coll.: James C. Lendemer 13611 [J.C. Lendemer: Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, 339] |
Isotype |
Sphaerophorus formosanus (Zahlbr.) Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 14: 667. 1938. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-274 |
Isotype |
Sphaerophorus notatus Tibell Publ. Herb. Univ. Uppsal. 10: 9. 1982. New Zealand. Otago: Mount aspiring National Park, 10 km NNE of Makaroa, close to Cameron Flat Campsite (44 10'S, 169 18'E). On trunk of Nothofagus menziesii in rather dense and moist Nothofagus forest on SE-facing slope; elevation 360 m. January 23, 1981 Coll.: L. Tibell 10604 [L. Tibell: Caliciales Exs., 73] |
Isotype |
Sphaerophorus turfaceus Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 14: 665. 1938 Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Daisetsu. August 10, 1932 Coll.: F. Fujikawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Sphaerophorus venerabilis Wedin, Högnabba & Goward Bryologist 112(2): 372. 2009. Canada. British Columbia, Clearwater River Drainage, W side of Clearwater Lake (south end) (51 07'N, 120 10'W). Interior Cedar-Hemlock Zone (Lower Oroboreal Subzone). On branch of old Tsuga heterophylla under Tsuga plicata; elevation 700 m. November 23, 2006 Coll.: T. Goward & C. Bjork 06-2222 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 444] |
Isotype |
Sphinctrina intermedia Tibell in Tibell, Frisch & Thor, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 51(3): 192. 2014. JAPAN. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: N of the small road to Iwaobetsu hot-spring hotel (Onsen), NW slope of Shiretoko Peninsula c. 7 km NE Utoro village, Shiretoko National Park, Shari-cho, Shari-gun (44.09991N, 145.05798E). On Padus ssiori; elevation 74 m. July 18, 2010 Coll.: G. Thor 25696 |
Isotype |
Spilonemella japonica Henssen Bryologist 103(1): 116. 2000. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone. November 9, 1931 Coll.: M. Sato 31119 |
Holotype |
Sporodophoron primorskiense Frisch & Y. Ohmura in Frisch, Ohmura, Ertz & Thor, Lichenologist 47(4): 251. 2015. RUSSIA. Primorsky Kray: Chandolaz, ca. 13 km W of Novitskoye (N43 03 02, E133 01 04). On bark of broad-leaf deciduous tree; elevation 220 m. September 20, 2013 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 10509 |
Holotype |
Staurolemma perforatum P.M. Jørg. Nova Hedwigia, 90: 155. 2010. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mikawa (Pref. Aichi): Mt. Iwagoya, Waichi, Shitara-cho, Kitashitara-gun (35 05'N, 137 36'E). On mosses; elevation 600-700 m. December 4, 1996 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 2797 |
Holotype |
Staurothele yunnanica H. Harada & Li S. Wang [as 'yunnana'] Lichenologist 28(4): 298. 1996. China. Yunnan, Degin-Xian, en route from Merili Snow Mountain to Degin. On rock cliff by a road near the bottom of valley along Lancang-jiang (Mekong R.); elevation 2100 m. October 1, 1984 Coll.: H. Harada & L.S. Wang 14562 |
Isotype |
Stephanocyclos henssenianus Hertel Lecideaceae exsiccatae, Fascicle V (München): no. 96. 1983. Antarctica. Subantarktische Inseln, Marion Island. L Nellie Humps, zwischen Junior’ s Kop und Meteorologischer Station (46 53’S, 37 51’E). Niedrige, bizarre Lava-Felsen ("black lava") im moorigen Gelainde. Vorzugsweise an bodennahen Steilflachen. Elevation 35 m. April 13, 1982 Coll.: H. Hertel [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae, 96] |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon aogasimense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 30: 223. 1955. Japan. Izu Islands: Aogashima. October 16, 1954 Coll.: M. Mizushima (hb. Y. Asahina 54116) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon arbuscula Nyl. var. aberrans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 282. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Tenso-zan, Nippara, Hikawa, Nishitama-gun. July 30, 1940 Coll.: I. Sasaki 1251 |
Lectotype |
Stereocaulon armatulum Zahlbr. Feddes Repert. 33: 47. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taipei: Sohzan. December 19, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-215 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon canescens Kashiw. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 7: 69. 1981. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Yanoko Pass, Owase-city. On rocks; elevation about 800 m. July 27, 1978 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 14683 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon curtatoides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 267. 1969. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Satsuma: Hananoego, Yakushima Island. July 25, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 1109) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon dendroides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 36: 231. 1961. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Mt. Kenzan. 1934 Coll.: F. Fujikawa 1207 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon dusenii I.M. Lamb J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 292. 1977. Chile. Prov. Magallanes: Isla Desolacion, Puerto Angusto. On rocky ground; elevation 150 m. March 29, 1896 Coll.: P. Dusen 186 |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon exile Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 293. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Iwashiro: Moniwa, Iizaka-cho, Shinobu-gun. On rocks; elevation about 200 m. July 13, 1957 Coll.: T. Higuchi (hb. Y. Asahina 6283) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon exutoides I.M.Lamb. ex M.Satô, nom. nud. in Misc. Rept. Res. Inst. Nat. Resource (17-18): 172. 1951. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi: Hananoego, Yakushima Island. June 25, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb Y. Asahina 1240) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon flabellatum Mineta Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 10: 134. 1984. Papua New Guinea. Central District: Mt. Albert-Edward. En route from the Woitape Airstrip to the summit of Mt. Albert-Edward. On rock; elevation about 2500 m. January 22, 1974 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 11983 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon formosana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 295. 1961. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 30, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-222 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon hokkaidense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 36: 46. 1961. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Nemuro: Mt. Mitsumine, Shiretoko Peninsula. July 21, 1959 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 5902) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon japonicum Th. Fr. var. commixtum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 290. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Owari: Inuyama. August 26, 1938 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1200 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon japonicum Th. Fr. var. etigoense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 291. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Echigo: Yuzawa Hot Spring, Minamiuonuma-gun. July 19, 1954 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 54719) |
Lectotype |
Stereocaulon japonicum Th. Fr. var. tokioense Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 98. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Tokyo. On stone wall of the University of Tokyo. May 19, 1943 Coll.: I. Sasaki (hb. Y. Asahina 650) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon meyeri Stein f. tucumanum I.M. Lamb J. Hattori bot. Lab. 43: 297. 1977. Argentina. Prov. Tucumán, Dept. Chicligasta, between La Cascada and Las Cuevas, altit. 2800 m.s.m., on rock in subalpine pasture at the tree limit. 1949 Coll.: T. Meyer |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon montagnearum I.M. Lamb J. Jap. Bot. 40: 272. 1965. Malaysia. Cameron Highland. On exposed rocks; elvation about 8000 ft. February 1, 1962 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 62236) |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon novoarbuscula Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 283. 1943. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Ohtoyama, Aki-gun. August 14, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujikawa 1248 |
Lectotype |
Stereocaulon octomerelloides Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 40: 68. 1970. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Echigo: Pasturage of Sasagamine. July 2, 1949 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1521 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon octomerellum Müll. Arg. Huov. Giorn. Botan. Ital. 24:190. 1892. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shimotsuke: Yumoto, Nikko. August 1, 1890 Coll.: M. Miyoshi (hb. A. Yasuda 173) |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon octomerum Müll.Arg. f. robustior Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 36: 230. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Mt. Tateyama. July 29, 1928 Coll.: Y. Asahina 612 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon pendulum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 17: 247. 1941. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Kuroiwa, Chichibu. July 26, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1228 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon pileatum Ach. var. nipponicum I.M. Lamb J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 227. 1977. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Higo: Aida. November 13, 1927 Coll.: K. Mayebara s.n. |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon prostratum Zahlbr. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 340. 1927. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Hakkoda. August 8, 1924 Coll.: Y. Asahina 149 |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon pseudarbuscula Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 19: 282. 1943. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Chichibu. July 23, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1249 |
Lectotype |
Stereocaulon pseudodepreaultii Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 35: 293. 1961. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Wakasa: Mt. Aoba-yama. July, 1956 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon sasakii Zahlbr. Feede, Repert. 33: 48. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Niitaka. October 11, 1927 Coll.: S. Sasaki (hb. Y Asahina F-414) |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon sorediiferum Hue var. esorediosum Asahina ex M. Satô, nom. nud. Miscellaneous reports of Research Institute for Natural Resources (17-18): 172. 1951. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Tsutsujo. July 29, 1931 Coll.: F. Fujukawa (hb. Y. Asahina 1263) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon sorediiferum Hue var. leprosolingulatum I.M. Lamb J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 271. 1977. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Tsu-Tson-San, Mt. Ali. On rocks; elevation 2200-2600 m. January 4, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 475 [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 334] |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon tenerrimum I.M. Lamb & Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 98. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Yatsugadake. October 4, 1932 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 1258) |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon togashii I.M. Lamb J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 278. 1977. Sikkim. Puleg-chu. Elevation 2100 m. May 19, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi 6072 |
Isotype |
Stereocaulon vesuvianum Pers. var. surugaense Asahina, nom. nud. Lich. Japon. Exs. Fasc. 2, no. 97. 1955. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Keigashima. September 2, 1931 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1526 |
Holotype |
Stereocaulon vesuvianum Pers. var. symphycheileoides I.M. Lamb in Vězda, Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati (Průhonice) 52: 2 (no. 1281). 1975. Czechoslovakia. Slovakia: Carpathians, Ms. Slovenske Rudohorie, Mnisek, in valley Smolnik River near Smolnika pila. On old volcanic rocks; elevation 500 m. August 27, 1974 Coll.: A. Kiszely & A. Vězda [I. Pišút: Lich. Slovaliae Exs. 286 as topotype] |
Isotype |
Sticta flabelliformis Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 32. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Numanohira, Mt. Ari. December 25, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-21 |
Isotype |
Sticta formosana Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 33. 1933. Formosa. Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-40 |
Isotype |
Sticta submarginifera Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 33. 1933. Formosa. Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-20 |
Isotype |
Sticta weigelii Isert var. enteroxanthella Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 33: 34. 1933. Formosa. Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-44 |
Isotype |
Sticta yasudae Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 412. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Inaba: Mt. Nagi-san. October 31, 1914 Coll.: M. Nakaji (hb. A. Yasuda) |
Isotype |
Sticta yatabeana Müll. Arg. Botan. Magazin Tokyo 5: 199. 1891. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Ontake. August 15, 1889 Coll.: M. Miyoshi (hb. Yatabeani 194) |
Isotype |
Stigmidium epixanthum Hafellner in Hafellner, Triebel, Ryan & Nash, Mycotaxon 84: 317-319. 2002. Mexico. Baja California Sur, Sierra de la Giganta, about 70 km NE of Ciudad Insurgentes (25 40'N, 111 16'W). Semidesert scrub on NW facing cliff of volcanic rock. On Acarospora sp.; elevation 450 m. February 19, 1993 Coll.: J. Hafellner 44885 & A. Hafellner (Holotype in GZU) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 368] |
Isotype |
Stigmidium phyllobaeidis Zhurb., Etayo & Flakus Lichenologist 52: 446. 2021. Peru. Dept. Cuzco, Prov. Paucartambo, Abra Acjanaco, near Paucartambo, upper part of ‘Ceja de Selva’ zone. On apothecial discs of Phyllobaeis erythrella growing on soil; elevation 3400-3500 m. September 17, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 21946 (TNS-L-129849) |
Holotype |
Strigula bella G. Thor, Lucking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Upsal. 32(3): 57. 2000. Japan. Ryukyu (Pref. Okinawa). Yaeyama Islands: Iriomote-jima island, along the trail in the mountains along the Urauchi river from the small camping site between two streams 7.5 km NNW of Ohara village (2.5 km NNE of the sourthernmost starting point of the trail) and along the trail to ca 2 km to the WNW of the camping site, Taketomi-cho, Yaegama-gun (24 20'N, 123 50-51'E). Dense humid, oldgrowth, subtropical/tropical deciduous forest. On leaves of small tree; elevation 120-160 m. February 11, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 13281 |
Holotype |
Strigula griseonitens R.C. Harris More Florida Lichens, Incl. 10 Cent Tour Pyrenol. (New York): 156. 1995. U.S.A. Florida. Citrus Co.: Withlacoochee State Forest, along Florida Trail N to Brush Sink from Co. Rd. 480, 1 mi E of Co. Rd. 491, ca. 11 mi SW of Inverness (N28 42, W82 26). Oak-pine woods. On Quercus. December 6, 1993 Coll.: R. C. Harris 31825 |
Isotype |
Strigula kaitokensis Sérus. & Polly Mycotaxon 59: 245. 1996. New Zealand. North Island: Kaitoke Waterworks Reserve, N of Wellington (4 32'S , 175 12'E). On leaves of Beilschmiedia tawa in Melicytus ramiflorus and Dacrycarpus dacrydioides forest. March 25, 1995 Coll.: B. Polly s.n. [R. Lücking: Lich. Foliicoli Exs., 147] |
Isotype |
Syzygospora bachmannii Diederich & M.S. Christ. Bibl. Lich. 61: 30-35. 1996. Luxembourg. Gutland, E of Ernster, Warschent. IFBL: L8.57.22; UTM: KA90. (49 40'N, 6 15'E). On Cladonia subrangiformis (thallus) on the ground in a grassy plain. September 25, 1990 Coll.: P. Diederich 9153 [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 294] |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Taeniolella punctata M.S. Christ. & D. Hawksw. in Hawksworth, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Bot. 6(3): 257. 1979. Denmark. Lolland: Ryde, W of Maribo in the wood Kristianssaede Skov. On Carpinus; elevation 9-15 m. July 24, 1977 Coll.: M. S. Christiansen 77.140 |
Isotype |
Teloschistes californicus Sipman Willdenowia 23: 312. 1993. Mexico. Baja California, near km 22 on road from Ciudad Constitucion to San Carlos (Route 22) (24 59'N, 111 51'W). On branches in desert scrub on sandy plain with Acacia constricta, Fouquieria diguetii, etc.; elevation 30 m. January 8, 1989 Coll.: H. Sipman 25056 [H. Sipman: Lich. Latinoamer., 98] |
Isotype |
Tephromela elixii Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fasc. 12 (nos 476-525) (Neumarkt): 15. 1991. Venezuela. Merida. Distr. Rangel: Paramo zwischen der Laguna Mucubaji und dem Pico Mucunuque, etwa 15 km SE von Apartaderos. An Horizontalflachen bodennaher, zeitweise uberschwemmter oder Vertikalflachen zweitwe uberrieselter Felsen. Elevation 3500 m. August 16,1989 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 522] |
Isotype |
Tephromela nashii Kalb Lichenes Neotropici, Fasc. 12 (nos 476-525) (Neumarkt): 16. 1991. Mexico. Baja California: 10 km N El Rosario in Canon del Rosario. Coastal scrub community.Post-batholithic marine sedimentary rocks, Rosario group of Upper Cretaceous origin (30 08'N, 115 46'W). On small pebbles, lying on the ground; elevation 90 m. December 28, 1990 Coll.: K. & A. Kalb & T. Nash [K. Kalb: Lichenes Neotropici, 523] |
Isotype |
Tephromela septentrionalis Hertel & Rambold Bot:. Jahrb. Syst. 107: 495. 1985. GRONLAND: W-Gronland, Gemeinde Umanak: Hange sudlich uber dem kleinen "Sydso", SE Msrmorilik. uber eisenreichem Si1ikatgestein. Elevation 500-600 m. August, 1983 Coll.: J. Poelt & H. Ullrich [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae Fasc. IX (No.161-180) (1987), 178] |
Isotype |
Thamnolia subuliformis (Ehrh.) W.L. Culb. var. subsolida M. Satô Bryologist 71: 50. 1968. Peru. Prov. Junin: Between Tarma and Jauja. November 8, 1965 Coll.: F. Maekawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Thamnolia subvermicularis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 13: 317. 1937. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Ishikari: Mt. Daisetsu. July 26, 1937 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Thamnolia vermicularis Ach. var. solida M. Satô Bryologist 71: 50. 1968. Peru. Prov. Apurmac: Between Abancay and Andahuaylas. On ground among grasses, elevation 3840 m. November 16, 1965 Coll.: F. Maekawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Thelotrema cinerellum Müll. Arg. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Italiano 23: 129. 1891. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Yahazu. August 9, 1888 Coll.: M. Miyoshi s.n. |
Isotype |
Thelotrema formosanum Zahlbr. Fedde, Reprt. 33: 24: 1933. Formosana. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-230 |
Lectotype |
Thelotrema foveolare Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Botan. Ital. 23: 129. 1891. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa. (without detail locality). August, 1889 Coll.: M. Miyoshi |
Isotype |
Thelotrema microstomum Müll. Arg. Flora 74: 113. 1891. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Yahazu. August 9, 1889 Coll.: M. Miyoshi 22? |
Isotype |
Thelotrema microstomum Müll. Arg. var. formosanum Zahlbr. Fedde, Reprt. 33: 24: 1933. Formosa. Prov. Changhua: Rengechi. December 31, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-233 |
Isolectotype |
Thelotrema murinum Zahlbr. Fedde, Reprt. 33: 24: 1933. Formosa. Raisha. January 5, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-228 |
Isotype |
Thelotrema porinaceum Müll. Arg. Nuov. Giorn. Botan. Ital. 23: 130. 1891. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Awa: Mt. Kiyosumi. April 2, 1888 Coll.: Lichenes Miyoshini 17 |
Isotype |
Thyrea latissima Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33(3): 65-69. 1958. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Awa: Sawadani-mura, Naka-gun. November 23, 1957 Coll.: M. Togashi 57112 |
Holotype |
Thysanothecium nipponicum Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 31: 65. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Tada Shrine, Tada-mura, Kawabe-gun. On bark of Cryptomeria japonica. November 29, 1955 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 55129) |
Holotype |
Trapeliopsis granulosa (Hoffm.) Lumbsch var. australis Elix Australas. Lichenol. 73: 47. 2013. Australia. Western Australia, Mount Chudalup, 17 km south-southeast of Northcliffe, 34:46'S, 116:05'E, 165 m above sea level, mixed Eucalyptus forest at base of large rocky outcrops, on base of Eucalyptus. September 14, 1994 Coll.: J. Elix 41223 [W. Obermayer: Lichenotheca Graecensis, 478] |
Isotype |
Trapeliopsis hainanensis Hertel Herzogia 5(3-4): 460. 1981. VOLKSREPUBLIK CHINA, Prov. Guangdong, Insel Hainan. Bergwald-Schutzgebiet im Gebirge Jian Fung Ling im Kreise Ledong. Pionierflechte auf verdichteten, stark verbackenen Sandsteinverwit-terungsboden (und auf murbe verwitterten Sandstein selbst ubergehend) am betretenen Fuβweg. 1000 m (Bergregenwald-Stufe). May 23, 1980 Coll.: H. Hertel [Hertel: Lecideaceae Exsiccatae Fasc. III (No.41-60) (1981), 59] |
Isotype |
Tricharia kashiwadanii G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto Symb. Bot. Ups. 32(3): 62. 2000. Japan. Kyushu. Amami Islands: Amami-Oshima island, 7 km SW of Nishinakama village, ca 100-200 m N of Yagachi river, near the road, Sumiyo-cho, Oshima-gun. On leaves of Quercus sp.; elevation 60-80 m. February 5, 1995 Coll.: G. Thor 12987 |
Holotype |
Trypetheliopsis boninensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 13: 319. 1937. Japan. Bonin Islands. Mt. Asahi-yama, Chichijima Island. On bark of Boninia glabra. January 13, 1937 Coll.: M. Okabe s.n. |
Holotype |
Trypethelium boninense Kurok. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12: 691. 1969. Japan. Bonin Islands. Chichijima Island: Mt. Chuo. Elevation 100-300 m. November 20, 1968 Coll.: H. Inoue 18960 |
Holotype |
Trypethelium formosanum Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 204. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Taipei: Mt. Sohzan. On bark of Acacia confsa. December 19, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-311 |
Holotype |
Tylophoron moderatum Nyl. subsp. orientale Zahlbr. Lamb's Index nom. Lich.: 724. Formosa (Taiwan). Prov. Chiayi: Toroyen, Mt. Alisan. December 24, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-380 |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Umbilicaria formosana Frey Hedwigia 71: 115. 1931. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Niitaka-yama. October 11, 1927 Coll.: S. Sasaki F-412 |
Holotype |
Umbilicaria koidzumii Yasuda J. Jap. Bot. 11: 314. 1935. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Komagatake. July 27, 1921 Coll.: H. Koidzumi (hb. A. Yasuda 234) |
Holotype |
Umbilicaria mayebarae M. Satô J. Jap. Bot. 15: 168. 1950. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ari. March 9, 1930 Coll.: K. Mayebara s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea aciculifera Vain. f. abbreviata Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 76. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yatsugatake Mts. October 4, 1930 Coll.: F. Fujikawa (hb. Y. Asahina 1401) |
Holotype |
Usnea alisani Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 66. 1968. Formosa. Mt. Ali. Elevation 2200 m. December 30, 1963 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 46 |
Holotype |
Usnea alisani Asahina f. condensata Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 66. 1968. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ali. Elevation 2200 m. December 30, 1963 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 46 pr.p. |
Holotype |
Usnea asahinai Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. Pars Syst. 2: 393. 1937. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Mt. Takao. April 4, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2201 |
Isotype |
Usnea baileyi (Stirt.) Zahlbr. subsp. septentrionalis Asahina in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya 598. 1966. India. Sikkim: Pamianche. Elevation about 1000 m. May 13, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea bismolliuscula Zahlbr. f. subramulifera Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 65. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: Ichinomiya. March 30, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea bismolliuscula Zahlbr. f. turgescesns Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 65. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: Ichinomiya. March 30, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52330 |
Holotype |
Usnea bismolliuscula Zahlbr. subsp. pseudomolliuscula Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 66. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone, Lakeside of Ashinoko. October 9, 1951 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 1311) |
Holotype |
Usnea boomiana P. Clerc Candollea 70: 167. 2015. Spain. Canary Islands. El Hierro, SSE of Frontera, near mountain top, S of road HI-1, N and W side of Montaña de la Fuente, along trail in 'fayal brezal' forest with mainly Myrica faya trees and Erica shurubs and trees (N27 44.15, W17 59.50). On Erica sp.; elevation 1300 m. March 31, 2009 Coll.: P. & B. v.d. Boom 42838 |
Isotype |
Usnea capilliformis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 73. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. August 23, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea ceratinella Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 45. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Bandai, in ramis arboris. Coll.: A. Yasuda 230 |
Isotype |
Usnea comosa (Ach.) Röhl. subsp. colorans Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 94. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yoshida-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 10, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi pr.maj.p. |
Lectotype |
Usnea comosa (Ach.) Röhl. subsp. melanopoda Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 94. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yoshida-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 10, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 52810 pr.min.p.) |
Lectotype |
Usnea comosa (Ach.) Röhl. subsp. praetervisa Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 95. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Nakano-mura, Minami-Tsuru-gun. July 30, 1954 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 540328 |
Lectotype |
Usnea confusa Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 97. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi, Mt. Fuji. July 7, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 5277 |
Lectotype |
Usnea confusa Asahina subsp. pygmoidea Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 130. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yoshida-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 10, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea confusa Asahina subsp. rubroreagens Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 98. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Shoji-ko, Mt. Fuji. September, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 52901) |
Lectotype |
Usnea confusa Asahina subsp. subconfusa Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 130. 1968. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. August 11, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea creberrima Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 46. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Yuriage, ad corticem Pinus thunbergii. (date not given). Coll.: Yasuda 137 |
Isotype |
Usnea creberrima Vain. var. fistulescens Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 109. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Kazan-in, Miwa-machi, Arima-gun. On bark of Cryptomeria japonica. August 30, 1953 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 1905) |
Lectotype |
Usnea creberrima Vain. var. simplicior Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 108. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. On bark of Picea. August 11, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 1903) |
Lectotype |
Usnea cribrosa Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 71. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shimo-Ina. (date of collection not indicated) Coll.: unknown |
Holotype |
Usnea croceorubescens Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 46. 1921. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro. 1918 Coll.: A. Yasuda 234 |
Isotype |
Usnea croceorubescens Vain. f. tenuiramea Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 112. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Asagawa-mura, Minami-Tama-gun. May 19, 1940 Coll.: I. Sasaki s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea decipiens Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. Pars Syst. 2: 477. 1937. Tanganika, Njasa Ser. 2300 m. March 14, 1909 Coll.: - |
Isotype |
Usnea diffracta Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 45. 1921. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro. August 21, 1918 Coll.: A. Yasuda s.n. |
Isotype |
Usnea diffracta Vain. f. huei Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 69. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. On bark of Picea polita. August 11, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi |
Lectotype |
Usnea diffracta Vain. subsp. subdiffracta Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 70. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Mt. Fuji. Coll.: T. Watanabe |
Holotype |
Usnea dorogawensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 28: 228. 1953. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamato: Dorogawa, Amakawa-mura, Yoshino-gun. June 12, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea eburnea Motyka Fragm. Florist. et Geobot. I. Pars 2. p. 29. 1954. Madagascar. Morageno. March 17, 1939 Coll.: (Collector not indicated) |
Isotype |
Usnea eizanensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 42: 6. 1967. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ohmi: Anrakuritsuin Temple, Mt. Hiei. November 13, 1953 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 1523) |
Holotype |
Usnea esperantiana Clerc Candollea 47(2): 514. 1992. SPAIN. Canary Islands. Tenerife: Tanque, colline à l'ouest du village abandonné de Los Partidos de Franquis. On branch; elevation 1200 m. September 8, 1986 Coll.: P. Clerc |
Isotype |
Usnea eulychinae Follmann Nova Hedwigia 14: 261. 1967. Chile: Nordchile, Prov. Antofagasta, zerstreut im Dornenwerk von Saulenkakteen im Tornabenietum intricatae (Follm.) Follm., SW, pH 6,5, Stammsukkulentengurtel der Nebeloase Cerro Moreno auf der Halbinsel Mejillones bei Antofagasta. Elevation 500 m. September, 1965 Coll.: I. -A. Follman-Schrag & G. Follmann [G. Follmann: Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensi Editi, 60] |
Isotype |
Usnea evansii Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Monogr. 1: 232, 251. 1936. U.S.A. Alabama. Battles. March 29, 1925 Coll.: A.W. Evans 293 |
Isotype |
Usnea fusca Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. Pars Syst. 2: 471. 1937. Poland. Lydenburg, Transvall. (date of collection not indicated) Coll.: Wilms s.n. |
Isotype |
Usnea galbinifera Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 38: 257. 1963. India. Darjeeling: En route from Phalut to Sandakphu. May 10, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea galbinifera Asahina var. subfibrillosa Asahina in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya 602. 1966. Nepal. E. Nepal: Bibatay Bhanjang. Elevation 2200 m. October 25, 1963 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. subsp. pseudoglabrata Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 95. 1956. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: Bihoro Pass. June 27, 1953 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea glabrescens (Nyl. ex Vain.) Vain. subsp. asiatica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 34: 229. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Shin-yu Hot Spring, Mt. Tateshina. May 21, 1959 Coll.: Y. Asahina 59530, S. Kurokawa & M. Nuno |
Lectotype |
Usnea glabrescens (Nyl. ex Vain.) Vain. subsp. pseudocolorans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 34: 292. 1959. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: en route from Yanagawa to Kitazawa, Mt. Yatsuga-dake. July 25, 1959 Coll.: M. Togashi & S. Kurokawa (hb. Y. Asahina 59725) |
Holotype |
Usnea hakonensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 77. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Hakone, Lakeside of Ashinoko. July 15, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea hakonensis Asahina f. inactiva Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 77. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Sagami: Lakeside of Ashinoko, Hakone. July 15, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea himalayana C. Bab. f. major Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 42: 258 1967. Nepal. East Nepal. En route from Batasay to Bhuspate Danra via Halhale Bhanjang. On bark tree; elevation about 2500 m. December 1, 1963 Coll.: M. Togash s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea hondoensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 87. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Nippara. October, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina 115 |
Holotype |
Usnea hondoensis Asahina subsp. inflatula Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 89. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Shoji, Mt. Fuji. September, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 5290) |
Holotype |
Usnea hondoensis Asahina subsp. inflatula Asahina f. fujisanensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 89. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi, Mt. Fuji. July 16, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52716 |
Holotype |
Usnea hondoensis Asahina subsp. lacunosula Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 90. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Hikawa-machi, Nishitama-gun. May 4, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3015 |
Holotype |
Usnea hossei Vain. f. subtrichodea Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 54. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Settsu: Sengari, Dohjo-mura, Arima-gun. November 30, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea implicita (Stirt.) Zahlbr. f. subcreberrima Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 41: 162. 1966. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Yuriagehama, Natori-gun. March 3, 1965 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea implicita (Stirt.) Zahlbr. var. yokawensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 42: 6. 1967. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Ohmi: Yokawa Chudo, Mt. Hiei. November 13, 1953 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 1520) |
Holotype |
Usnea indigena Motyka Fragm. Florist. Et Geobot. I, Pars 2, 27.1954. Madagascar. Sahamalaza. March 22, 1939 Coll.: (Collector not indicated) |
Isotype |
Usnea intumescens Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 81. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanka, Mt. Fuji. August 11, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52816 & M. Togashi |
Holotype |
Usnea intumescens Asahina f. condensata Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 83. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Kyowa-mura, Kitasaka-gun. December 27, 1921 Coll.: K. Chino s.n. (hb. Y. Asahina 21227) |
Holotype |
Usnea japonica Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 154. 1918. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen. Shobuta, Shichiga-hama-mura, Miyagi-gun. May 10, 1914 Coll.: A. Yasuda 67 |
Isotype |
Usnea japonica Vain. var. boninensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 59. 1956. Japan. Bonin Islands. Haha-jima Island. July, 20, 1926 Coll.: M. Ogata 1217 |
Holotype |
Usnea jezoformosana Y. Ohmura & P. Clerc Folia Crytog. Estonica 60: 48. 2023. JAPAN. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro: Kiritappu Marsh, Yonbanzawa, Hamanaka-cho, Akkeshi-gun (N43 04 59, E145 03 17). On twig of Salix caprea; elevation about 5 m. May 28, 2012 Coll.: Y. Ohmura 8884, K. Onimaru & Y. Takashima |
Holotype |
Usnea kinkiensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 257. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamashiro: Koshihata, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. April 3, 1958 Coll.: Y. Asahina 58411 |
Lectotype |
Usnea kinkiensis Asahina f. gracilior Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 258. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamashiro: Koshihata, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. June 29, 1958 Coll.: Y. Asahina 58629a |
Lectotype |
Usnea koyana Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 78. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kii: Mt. Koya. August 23, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina & M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea kurokawae Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 80. 1956. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Hyuga: Ebara-mura, Minami-naka-gun. July 11, 1955 Coll.: S. Kurokawa s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea kushiroensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 60. 1956. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro: Chimbe, Akkeshi-gun. July 19, 1953 Coll.: M. Tatewaki s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea kushiroensis Asahina subsp. subasiriensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 61. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi, Mt. Fuji. August 8, 1933 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1218 |
Holotype |
Usnea kyotoensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 33: 259. 1958. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Yamashiro: Koshihata, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. November 20, 1957 Coll.: M. Togashi (hb. Y. Asahina 57112) |
Holotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. var. robustior Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 48. 1956. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kushiro: Lakeside of Mashu. June 28, 1953 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. (no. 2) |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. var. vulgata Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 46. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Etchu: Makawa. July 23, 1936 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2412 |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. ambigua Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 48. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai, Yatsugatake Mts. May 28, 1926 Coll.: Y. Asahina 2422 |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. dubia Asahina in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya 603. 1966. India. Darjeeling, Phalut-Sandakphu. June 6, 1960 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. jesoensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 48. 1956. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: Forestry Training Station of Hokkaido University, Okedo-mura, Tokoro-gun. July, 1923 Coll.: Collector not indicated (hb. Y. Asahina 550) |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. persensibilis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 49. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mountainside of Mt. Norikura. August 7, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 5287 |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. sensibilis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 49. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mountainside of Mt. Norikura. August 7, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea longissima Ach. subsp. sensibilis Asahina f. tingens Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 49. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Mountainside of Mt. Norikura. August 7, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea magnifica Motyka Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sect. C, XI, 1956. 143. 1959. Muhavura, Gipfelregion 4000 m. Felsabbruch in Bachrunse, N-expos. February 10, 1954 Coll.: H. U. Staufferi s.n. |
Isotype |
Usnea masudana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 45: 132. 1970. Formosa. Prov. Taitung: Chokakulai. 1936 Coll.: H. Masuda 36001 |
Holotype |
Usnea montis-fuji Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. Pars Syst. 2: 420. 1937. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Mt. Fuji. 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Isotype |
Usnea montis-fuji Motyka f. cinerea Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 51. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Yoshida-guchi, 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. August 10, 1952 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea neoguineensis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 496. 1968. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: Middle Creek logging area, Bulolo. Elevation about 850 m. November 11-12, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5787 [S. Kurokawa: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 149] |
Holotype Isotype |
Usnea neoguineensis Asahina var. gracilior Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 497. 1968. Papua New Guinea. Eastern Highland District: Andandara logging area, 25 miles south of Kainantu. Elevation about 1600 m. November 17, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6061 |
Holotype |
Usnea nidularis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 3. 1969. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Iwaki: Matsukawa-ura, Sohma-gun. On Pinus thunbergii along the coast. July 18, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58098b [S. Kurokawa & H. Kashiwadani: Lichenes Rariores et Critici Exsiccati, 346] |
Holotype Isotype |
Usnea nidularis Asahina var. subnuda Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 4. 1969. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Iwaki: Matsukawa-ura, Sohma-gun. July 18, 1958 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 58718 |
Holotype |
Usnea nipparensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 91. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Nippara. June 4, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina 3101 |
Holotype |
Usnea nipparensis Asahina f. reagens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 47: 257. 1972. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: Lakeside of Yamanaka, Mt. Fuji. August 16, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52816 |
Holotype |
Usnea ogatae Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 45: 129. 1970. India. Darjeeling: Senchal. April 6, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea orientalis Motyka f. esorediosa Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 100. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Musashi: Nippara. October 29, 1922 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1903 |
Lectotype |
Usnea pseudintumescens Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 83. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Matsubara, Takata-cho, Kesen-gun. March 30, 1928 Coll.: G. Toba, s.n. (hb. Y. Asahina 28330) |
Holotype |
Usnea pseudogatae Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 45: 131 1970. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Arisan. 1935 Coll.: M. Ogata 203 |
Holotype |
Usnea pseudomontis-fuji Asahina Lich. Jap.3: 51. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi, 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. July 5, 1931 Coll.: Y. Asahina 201 |
Lectotype |
Usnea pseudorientalis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 355. 1969. Malaysia. Sabah. Acending Mesilau Trail from W Mesilau River, Kinabalu National Park. Elevation about 1700 m. August, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 28267 |
Holotype |
Usnea pseudorubescens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 40: 130. 1965. Formosa. Prov. Ilan: Piyanan Pass. Elevation 1600-1900 m. January 16, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 831a |
Holotype |
Usnea pseudorubescens Asahina var. anaemica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 259. 1969. Malaysia. Sabah: acending Mesilau Trail from W Mesilau River, Kinabalu National Park. Elevation about 1700 m. August, 1964 Coll.: M.E. Hale 28286 |
Holotype |
Usnea pseudosinensis Asahina in Hara, Flora of Eastern Himalaya: 600. 1966. Nepal. East Nepal. Hati Sar-Mangalbare-Lam Pokhai-Minchin Dhap. October 28, 1963 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea pygmea Motyka subsp. kitamiensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 99. 1956. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: Bihoro Pass. June 27, 1953 Coll.: Y. Asahina s.n. |
Lectotype |
Usnea roseola Vain. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 46. 1921. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Sendai. 1913 Coll.: Yasuda 138 |
Isotype |
Usnea roseola Vain. subsp. pseudoroseola Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 105. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Suruga: Subashiri-guchi 1-gome, Mt. Fuji. June 21, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina 17071 |
Holotype |
Usnea rubescens Stirt. subsp. aberrans Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 115. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Rikuzen: Nobiru, Naruse-cho, Monoo-gun. July 19, 1931 Coll.: S. Murai 28 |
Lectotype |
Usnea rubescens Stirt. var. anaemica Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 44: 259. 1969. Papua New Guinea. Western Highland District: Quip saw Mill, logging area, 15 miles north of Mt. Hagen. Elevation about 2450 m. November 25, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6313 |
Holotype |
Usnea rubescens Stirt. var. areolata Motyka Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. Pars Syst. 2: 348. 1937. Peru. Dept. Ayacucho: Pampalca between Huanta and Rio Aprimacu. On sandy soil; elevation about 3200 m. May 4, 5, 18, 1929 Coll.: E. P. Killip 22266 |
Isotype |
Usnea rubicunda Stirt. subsp. aberrans Asahina (=Usnea pseudorubicunda Asahina: J. Jap. Bot. 44: 260. 1969) J. Jap. Bot. 44: 260. 1969. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Sanuki: Kankakei, Shodoshima Island. On rock (granite); elevation about 600 m. July 15, 1953 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
Holotype |
Usnea shikokiana Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 40: 172. 1965. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Mt. Myojin-dake, Nagaoka-gun. February 2, 1962 Coll.: I. Yoshimura 3949 |
Holotype |
Usnea shimadai Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 45: 131. 1970. Formosa. Prov. Shinchiku (Hsinchu): Nihonmatsu, Taiko-gun. On trees; elevation about 1000 m. June 23, 1928 Coll.: Y. Shimada 53 |
Holotype |
Usnea smithii Du Rietz Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 20: 92. 1926. China. Sze-Chuan: reg. bor.-occid. between Merge and Sang-Kar, camp II. On Larix sp.; elevation 4000 m. September 3, 1922 Coll.: H. Smith 5017 |
Isotype |
Usnea spinigera Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 85. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: Ichinomiya. May 30, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52330 |
Holotype |
Usnea spinigera Asahina f. subnuda Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 86. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kazusa: Ichinomiya. March 30, 1952 Coll.: Y. Asahina 52330b |
Holotype |
Usnea stigmatoides G. Awasthi J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 354. 1986. INDIA. Ootacamund: Mysore road, shola at 8-9 miles. On trees; elevation 7000 ft. December 30, 1959 Coll.: D. D. Awasthii 4496 |
Isotype |
Usnea subintumescens Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 47: 129. 1972. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Ohfuna, Izumino-mura, Chino-machi, Suwa-gun. October 15, 1957 Coll.: T. Matsuoka 57105b |
Holotype |
Usnea subintumescens Asahina f. olivaceoviridis Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 47: 129. 1972. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Nakamichi, Izumino-mura, Suwa-gun. May 5, 1958 Coll.: Y. Asahina 58550 & M. Togashi |
Holotype |
Usnea submekista Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 43: 498. 1968. Papua New Guinea. Morobe District: middle creek logging area, Bulolo. Elevation about 850 m. November 11-12, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 5787 |
Holotype |
Usnea subroseola Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 106. 1956. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Tamba: Oyama-mura, Taki-gun. July 14, 1927 Coll.: Y. Asahina 1704 |
Holotype |
Usnea subrubicunda P.Clerc Biblthca Lichenol. 106: 47. 2011. USA. Maine, Washington Co.: Aux abords de Humboldt Field Research Institute, Eagle Hill Rd. (67 56′W, 44 27′N). Elevation 80 m. September, 2006 Coll.: P. Clerc |
Isotype |
Usnea undulata Stirt. f. fruticans Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 42: 322. 1967. South Africa. Natal: Polela Div., Polela Forest. On bark; elevation about 1700 m. November 10, 1953 Coll.: O. Almborn s.n. [O. Almborn: Lich. Africani, 45] |
Lectotype |
Usnea undulata Stirt. f. perspinigera Asahina J. Jap. Bot. 42: 325. 1967. Malaysia. North Borneo: Kundasang, Mt. Kinabalu. Elevation about 1350 m. September 27, 1966 Coll.: M. Togashi 66968 |
Lectotype |
Usnea vesiculata Motyka var. perpendulata Motyka Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sect. C, 11: 109. 1959. Niracongo, Shaherukrater und aufwärts 2800 m, Cornaceen Uebergangswald. November 11, 1954 Coll.: H. U. Stauffer s.n. |
Isotype |
Usnea yakushimensis Asahina Lich. Jap. 3: 72. 1956. Japan. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi: Yakushima Island. July 24, 1933 Coll.: F. Fujikawa, s.n. (hb. Y. Asahina 2008) |
Holotype |
Usnea zahlbruckneri Du Rietz Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 20: 92. 1926. China. Sze-Chuan: reg. bor.-occid, between Merge and Sang-Kar, camp II. On Larix sp.; elevation 4000 m. October 2, 1922 Coll.: H. Smith 5014 |
Isotype |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Verrucaria arisana Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 197. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ari, Toroyen. December, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-293 |
Lectotype |
Verrucaria aspiciliae Zehetl., nom. illegit. Nova Hedwigia 29(3-4): 710. 1978. Croatia. Dalmatien. Sudlicher Velebit: Mali Alan, Felszacken NNO uber Podprag, ostlich der Passstrasse, uber Kalk. Elevation about 900 m. June 11, 1973 Coll.: J. Poelt & G. Zehetleitner [J. Poelt: Plantae Graecenses Graz, 113] |
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Verrucaria protearia Zehetl. Nova Hedwigia 29(3-4): 727. 1978. Austria. Ostalpen. Stubaier Alpen. Tirol: Gschnitztal, unterhalb St. Magdalena bei Gschnitz, Dolomitfelswande. Elevation about 1600 m. September 29, 1973 Coll.: M. Steiner [J. Poelt: Plantae Graecenses Graz, 114] |
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Verrucaria toroyensis Zahlbr. Fedde, Repert. 31: 198. 1933. Formosa. Prov. Chiayi: Mt. Ari, Toroyen. December, 1925 Coll.: Y. Asahina F-295 |
Lectotype |
Vouauxiomyces santessonii D. Hawksw. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 9(1): 69. 1981. Sweden. Uppland: Alsike par., Lunsen, SW of Hjortronmossen. On Platismatia glauca (thallus) on fallen branches of Picea abies in a Picea forest. September 23, 1947 Coll.: R. Santesson (Holotypus in UPS) [R. Santesson: Fungi Lichenicoli Exsiccati, 49] |
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Xanthoparmelia bartlettii Kurok. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 8: 21. 1989. New Zealand. Nelson, South Island. On ultra basic rock near Dunn Saddle (41 21'S, 173 22'E). Elevation about 4800 ft. January 12, 1983 Coll.: J.K. Bartlett 26201 |
Holotype |
Xanthoparmelia botryoides Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 64: 293. 1989. Japan. Kyushu. Goto Islands: Sakiyama, Fukue city, Fukue island. November 25, 1982 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 82106a |
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Xanthoparmelia claviculata Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 64: 296. 1989. Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa: Ikume, Toyo-cho, Aki-gun. On rock along the coast. November 13, 1983 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 83042 |
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Xanthoparmelia commonii Elix & T.H. Nash Mycotaxon 71: 417. 1999. Mexico. Chihuahua: Ridgecrest area along a secondary dirt road to Casas Grandes from Bavispe, Sonora, open pinon pine-juniper-manzanita area (30 24'N, 108 24'W). On acidic pebbles; elevation 2180 m. July 18, 1994 Coll.: T. H. Nash 36422 [T. H. Nash: Lichenes Exsiccati Arizona State University, 349] |
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Xanthoparmelia formosana Kurok. in Kurokawa & Lai, Mycotaxon 77: 280. 2001. Formosa. Mt. Shi-san, Mt. Shinkao-san. Elevation 3300-3600 m. January 1, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 261 |
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Xanthoparmelia kashiwadani T.H. Nash & Elix Bibliotheca Lichenologica 56: 62. 1995. Peru. Dept. Puno. Prov. Azangaro: Jarjani, about 7 km SW of Asillo; in Puna zone. Elevation about 3900 m. September 28, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22369 |
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Xanthoparmelia mongolica Kurok. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 8: 22. 1989. Inner Mongolia. Yetsumiao, Apashyya, Shirinkwaromung. August 18, 1943 Coll.: F. Fujikawa & T. Watanabe 10 |
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Xanthoparmelia nepalensis L.R. Sharma & Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 65: 59. 1990. Nepal. Kyangjin, Langtang Valley, Bagmati. Elevation about 3900 m. November 7, 1988 Coll.: T. Iwashina 530 |
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Xanthoparmelia nigrocephala Kurok. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 8: 24. 1989. Australia. New South Wales: Charlottes Paas, Mt. Kosciusko. Elevation 6039 ft. December 3, 1965 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 6480 |
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Xanthoparmelia orientalis Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 64: 169. 1989. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Aki: Mt. Misen, Miyajima Island. November 20, 1964 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 64403 |
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Xanthoparmelia pulvinaria T.H. Nash & Elix Bibliotheca Lichenologica 56: 86. 1995. Peru. Dept. Puno. Prov. Azangaro: Jarjani, about 7 km SW of Asillo; in Puna zone. Elevation about 3900 m. September 28, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22378 |
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Xanthoparmelia santessonii T.H. Nash & Elix Bibliotheca Lichenologica 56: 93. 1995. Peru. Dept. Puno: Cara Cara, near Pucara, in Polylepis racemosa forest, Prov. Lampa. Elevation 3900-4000 m. September 27, 1984 Coll.: H. Kashiwadani 22313 |
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Xanthoparmelia togashii Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 64: 171. 1989. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Kai: en route between Kuonji Temple and Sankohdo, Mt. Minobu. June 25, 1961 Coll.: M. Togashi s.n. |
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Xanthoparmelia tuberculiformis Kurok. J. Jap. Bot. 64: 291. 1989. Japan. Hokkaido. Prov. Kitami: Otoineppu Cape, 6 km nortwest of Ohmu. August 20, 1970 Coll.: S. Kurokawa 70867 |
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Xanthopeltis rupicola R. Sant. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 43: 560. 1949. CHILE. Prov. Santiago, San Jose, about 35 km SE of Santiago (33 38'S, 70 22'W). On rocks on a dry slope; elevation about 1100 m. June 12, 1940 Coll.: R. Santesson 2420 [J. E. Mattsson: Lichenes Austroamericani ex Herbario Regnelliano, 477] |
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Xanthoria borealis R. Sant. in J. Poelt & W. Petutschnig, Nova Hedwigia 54: 15. 1992. Sweden. Prov.Torne Lappmark: Jukkasjärvi par., Torneträsk, on the island of Abiskosuolo off Abisko (68 22'N, 18 50'E). On the vertical rocks on the W side of the island (bird rocks); elevation 350 m. August 19, 1943 Coll.: R. Santesson 3481 [R. Moberg: Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal., 150] |
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Xanthoria candelaria (L.) Th. Fr. Gen. Heterolich. Eur.: 61. 1861. Sweden. Oland Prov., Boda par., Mensalvaret, the stone wall on the limestone pavement ("alvar"). (57 14'N, 16 57'E). On the top of granitic boulders often visited by birds. August 3, 1983 Coll.: R. Santesson & Tønsberg 30905 [R. Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses, 25] |
Isoneotype |
Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. var. mandshurica Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 590. 1932. China. Manchuria. Vicinity of Dalnii. On rock. September, 1928 Coll.: Y. Asahina 554 |
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Xylographa vermicularis T. Sprib. in Spribille, Resl, Ahti, Pérez-Ortega, Mayrhofer & Lumbsch, Symb. bot. upsal. 37(1): 75. 2014. Russia. Khabarovskiy Krai, Khomi Mountains, De Kastri-Komsomolsk route, between Tsimmermannovka and Cernyy Mys; Gorelaya Mountain, logging road S into mountains, Khivanda Creek drainage, 51 08.565'N, 139 09.775'W. Abies nephrolepis-Picea jezoensis forest, logged area, lignicolous on logs, 460 m. July 21, 2009 Coll.: T. Spribille 31426, C. Printzen & L. Yakovchenko |
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Zahlbrucknerella patagonica Henssen Lichenologist 9: 41. 1977. Argentina. Prov. Santa Cruz: Lago Argentino, Calafate, Cuevas de Hualichu. Sickerwasserflachen auf Schieferfels in Ufernahe. December 18, 1973 Coll.: A. Hennsen 24525a & G. Vobis [A. Henssen: Lichenes Cyanophili Exsiccati, 30] |
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Data Usage Policy General Citation: Ohmura, Y. 2018. Type specimens of lichens housed in the National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS), Tsukuba, Japan. http://www.kahaku.go.jp/research/db/botany/lichentype/ (accessed on YYYY-MM-DD). Occurrence Record Use Policy:
Usage Rights: CC BY-NC (Attribution-Non-Commercial) Acknowledgments. This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant no. 24300314. |