平野 實 論文リスト Publications by Minoru Hirano

出版年 発行所 著者 タイトル 書名 巻
1942/ 1943 Geobot Hirano,M The Desmids-Florula of the Oze-district,I-III Acta Phytotax 11 272-302
12 17-45, 71-98
1943 平野 實 関西の南方系デスミッド 植物分類,地理 13 147-152
1944 平野 實 九州泥炭地ノ鼓藻類 植研 20 33-50
1948 Hirano,M Desmidiaceae novae Japonicae(I) Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto Ser. B,19 65-69
1949 Hirano,M Some New or noteworthy desmids from Japan. Acta Phytotax 14 1-4.
1952 Hirano,M Plankton desmids from Lakes Ikeda and Unagi. Acta Phytotax 14 101-103
1953 Hirano,M The alpine desmids from the Japanese Alps,1,2. Bot.Mag.Tokyo 66 125-134, 205-210
1954 Hirano,M The desmid-flora of the Nasu volcanic range Jap. Journ. Bot. 14 215-234
1955-1960 Hirano,M Flora Desmidiarum Japonicarum, Nos.1-7 Cotrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ 1 1-56, pls.1-9
2 57-105, pls,10-16
4 107-165, pls.17-25
5 155-225, pls.26-30
7 226-301, pls.31-38
9 302-386, pls.39-52
11 387-474, pls.53,54
1960 平野 實 国後島の淡水藻類 陸雑 21 113-123
1963/ 1964 平野 實 八重山群島の淡水藻 1,2 植物分類,地理 19 142-145
21 55-64
1964 Hirano,M Freshwater algae of Afghanistan. Res. Kyoto Univ. Sci. Exped. Karakorum and Hindukush,1955 3 167-245
1965 Hirano,M Freshwater algae in the antarctic regions. Monogr.Biol. 15 127-193
1966 Hirano,M Freshwater algae of Karakoram and Swat-Himalaya. Res.Kyoto Univ.Sci.Exped. Karakorum and Hindukush,1955 8 55-66
1967 Hirano,M Freshwater algae collected by the Joint Thai-Japanese Biological Expedition to Southeast Asia 1961-62. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia (Publ. Faun. Fl. Resd. Soc. Kyoto) 5 1-71, pls.1-16
1968 Hirano,M Desmids of Arctic Alaska. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 21 1-53, pls.1-13
1969 Hirano,M Freshwater algae from Rangtang Himal,Nepal Himalaya. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 22 1-42, pls.1-5
1970 平野 實・岩城住江 大雪山の珪藻(1) 藤女子大学・藤女子短期大学紀要 8, ser.II 59-105
1971 Hirano,M Freshwater algae of the northwestern Himalayas. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 23 81-100, pls1-7
1972 Hirano,M Desmids from Cambodia,with special reference to phytoplankton of Lake Grands Lacs(Tonle Sap) Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 23 123-157, pls.1-13
1973 Hirano,M Freshwater algae from Mesopotamia. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 24 105-119, pls.1-9
1976 尾瀬の珪藻 梅花短期大学研究紀要 25 75-87. pls.1-9
1979-1983 鼓藻類雑記1-7 植物分類,地理 30 11-14, 119-126
31 52-56, 182-188
32 68-74
34 81-86, 109-113
1982 平野 實・岩城住江 雨竜沼の珪藻 藤女子大学・藤女子短期大学紀要 20, ser.I 27-50
1983 Hirano,M Freshwater algae from Skarvsnes,near Syowa Station,Antarctica. Mem. Nat'l. Inst. Polar Res. Ser. E35 1-31, pls.1-19
1984- 1994 内田老鶴圃 平野 實 他 Closterium abruptum W.West ほか多数. 山岸高旺・秋山優(編) 淡水藻類写真集
1992 Hirano,M Desmids from Thailand and Malaysia. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 28 1-98, pls.1-51
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