水野 真 業績リスト Publications by Makoto Mizuno
論 文
- M. Mizuno. 1977. Sexual reproduction of Melosira sp. from Oshoro Bay, Hokkaido. 藻類 25巻増補: 149-157.
- 水野 真. 1977. 樹枝状群体珪藻Berkeleya rutilans (Trentepohl)について. 藻類 25(3): 143-9.
- M. Mizuno. 1979. Taxonomic study on Berkeleya obtusa (Grev.) Grunow from Hokkaodo, Japan. 藻類 27(4): 175-81.
- 舘脇正和, 水野 真. 1979. 藻類各種, 特に褐藻に対する二酸化ゲルマニウムの成長阻害. 藻類 27(4): 205-12.
- M. Mizuno. 1981.Berkeleya sparsa sp., nov., a tube-dwelling diatom from Hokkaido, Japan. 藻類 29(2): 95-9.
- M. Mizuno. 1982. Change in striation density and systematics of Cocconeis scutellum var. ornata (Bacillariophyceae). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 95(4): 349-57.
- 水野 真. 1983.海産樹枝状群体珪藻Berkeleya obtusa の栄養要求について. 道都大学紀要教養部 2: 45-51,
- M. Mizuno. 1984.Environment at the front shore of the Institute of Algological Research, of Hokkaido University. Sci. Pap. Inst. Algol. Res., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ. 7(2): 263-92.
- 水野 真. 1984. 海産樹枝状群体珪藻Berkeleya rutilans の季節的消長と大きさの変化. 藻類 32(3): 262-8.
- 水野 真. 1984. 水の動きによる珪藻Berkeleya obtusaの管状群体珪藻について. 道都大学紀要教養部 3: 67-70.
- M. Mizuno & K. Okuda. 1985. Seasonal Change in the distribution of the cell size of Cocconeis scutellum var. ornata (Bacillariophyceae) in relation to growth and sexual reproduction. J. Phycol. 21(4): 547-53.
- M. Mizuno. 1987. Morphological variation of the attached diatom Cocconeis scutellum var. scutellum (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 23(4): 591-7.
- M. Mizuno. 1988. Effect of extracellular products of green and brown seaweeds on the secretion of the gelatinous materials of Berkeleya obtusa. 道都大学紀要教養部 7: 49-54.
- M. Mizuno. 1989. Autecological studies on the marine tube-dwelling diatom Berkeleya obtusa (Grev.) Grunow. Sci. Pap. Inst. Algol. Res., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ. 8(2): 63-115.
- 水野 真, 斎藤捷一. 1990. 津軽十二湖湖沼群王池のプランクトン珪藻. Diatom 5: 69-89.
- M. Mizuno. 1991. Influence of cell volume on the growth and size reduction of marine and estuarine diatoms. J. Phycol. 27(4): 473-8.
- M. Mizuno. 1992. Influence of salinity on the growth marine and benthic diatoms. Jpn. J. Phycol. 40(1): 33-7.
- H. Okuyama, K. Kogame, M. Mizuno, W. Kobayashi, H. Kanazawa, S. Ohtani, K.Watanabe, H. Kanda. 1992. Extremely psychrophilic microalgae isolated from the Antarctic Oceans. Proc. NIPR Symp. on Polar Biol. 4: 1-9.
- M. Mizuno. 1994. Sexual reproduction and auxospore formation in Achnanthes javanica f. subconstricta. Diatom Res. 9(1): 133-41.
- M. Mizuno. 1998. Sexual reproduction and auxospore formation of the marine monoraphid diatom Cocconeis pellucida. Diatom Res. 13(1): 103-12.
- M. Mizuno. 2000. Sexual auxosporulation of the marine diatom Navicula directa var. directa. Phycol. Res. 48(2): 103-6.
- M. Mizuno. 2006. Evolution of meiotic patterns of oogenesis and spermatogenesis in centric diatoms. Phycol. Res. 48(2): 103-6.
- M. Mizuno. 2008. Evolution of centric diatoms inferred from patterns of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Phycol. Res. 56: 156-165.
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