Acanthurus bariene (photo by Ashley J. Boyd)
Acanthurus bariene, 20.0 cm SL (from Okinawa Pref., Japan; photo by Tetsuo Yoshino)
Acanthurus bariene Lesson, 1831 Roundspot Surgeonfish
D IX, 26-28; A III, 25-26; P1 17; P2 I, 5; GR 19-23.
Body deep, 1.9-2.0 in SL. Dorsal profile of head notably convex in large adults. Teeth fixed, denticulate on all of margin, with expanded incurved tips. Caudal fin lunate in adults. Caudal peduncle with 1 folding spine. Color: body brown, shading to yellowish brown ventrally, with numerous irregular longitudinal gray-blue lines; a round black spot about as large as eye at upper end of gill opening; a yellow bar from behind spot to below pectoral fin; dorsal fin yellow with a narrow blue line at margin and base; lobes of caudal fin yellow. Size: maximum length about 50 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, including the Andaman Sea, Ryukyu Islands and Great Barrier Reef. Remarks: usually found on outer coral reef slopes, generally at depths grater than 30 m.