Acanthurus lineatus (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Acanthurus lineatus, 18.4 cm SL (from Okinawa Pref., Japan; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Striped Surgeonfish
D IX, 27-30; A III, 25-28; P1 16-17; GR 14-16.
Body deep, 2.1-3 in SL. Head profile strongly convex. Teeth fixed, denticulate on all of margin, with expanded incurved tips. Caudal fin lunate, corners greatly expanded in adults. Caudal peduncle with 1 folding spine. Color: dorsal three-fourths of body yellow with many black- or deep blue-edged blue lines; ventral side of body blue; dorsal and anal fins yellowish with blue margin; pelvic fin yellow or orange with blackish lower margin. Size: maximum length 30 cm, commonly to 25 cm. Distribution: widespread in Indo-Pacific. Remarks: found on coral and rocky reefs.