Acanthurus thompsoni, 17.0 cm SL (from Okinawa Pref., Japan; photo by Tetsuo Yoshino)
Acanthurus thompsoni (Fowler, 1923) Thompson's Surgeonfish
D IX, 23-26; A III, 23-26; P1 17.
Body elongate, 2.2-2.4 in SL. Dorsal profile of head distinctly convex. Teeth fixed, denticulate on all of margin, with expanded incurved tips; adults with about 20-21 upper and 24 lower teeth. Caudal fin deeply emarginate, the caudal concavity 5.0-9.0 in SL. Caudal peduncle with 1 folding spine. Color: body usually uniformly brown to dark brown with a darker brown spot in axil of pectoral fin and extending a short distance below and a small black spot at rear base of dorsal fin; caudal fin white. Size: attaining to 27 cm. Distribution: widespread in Indo-West Pacific, including east coast of Africa, southern Japan, Hawaiian Islands and New Caledonia. Remarks: generally seen in less than 30 m and may occurring in as little as 4 m.