Ctenochaetus binotatus, 11.6 cm SL (photo by Richard Winterbottom)
Ctenochaetus binotatus Randall, 1955 Twospot Bristlethooth
D VIII, 24-27; A III, 22-25; P1 15-17.
Body deep, 1.9-2.3 in SL. Teeth movable, with expanded incurved tips which bearing only lateral denticulations. Margin of lips smooth. Caudal fin lunate in adults, the caudal concavity 3.9-5.8 in SL. Caudal peduncle with 1 folding spine. Color: body dark orangish brown with slightly irregular, longitudinal blue (sometimes pale yellow) lines, breaking into very small spots anteriorly; a prominent black spot at rear base of dorsal and anal fins; iris blue. Size: attaining to 20 cm. Distribution: Indian and Pacific Oceans widely, including East Africa, southern Japan and Tuamotu Archipelago. Remarks: found in coral reefs and adjacent sand-rubble areas in 2-53 m.