Apogon moluccensis (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Apogon moluccensis Valenciennes, 1832 Moluccan Cardinalfish
D VII+I, 9; A II, 8; P1 13-14; LL 24.
Body oblong, moderately deep and compressed; lateral line well developed, extending posteriorly to caudalfin base. Snout moderately pointed. Posterior margin of preopercle serrated. No enlarged caninoid teeth on jaws. Base of anal fin subequal to base of second dorsal fin in length; caudal fin emarginate. Color: head and body dusky dorsally, pale reddish or orange brown ventrally; 5 blackish brown longitudinal stripes (becoming paler and indistinct posteriorly) on head, two or three of them extending onto body; interspaces of these dusky stripes pale or pale blue when alive (those through eye broadest and most vivid); a minute white spot just behind posterior end of base of second dorsal fin; indistinct dark brown barred pattern on side of belly; fins translucent, tinged with red; anterodorsal part of first dorsal fin dusky. Size: 6 cm SL. Distribution: Andaman Sea and West Pacific. Remarks: inhabits coral reefs; found in pairs or aggregations. Apogon ventrifasciatus Allen, Kuiter and Randall, 1994 is a synonym (Fraser et al., 2002).