Archamia fucata (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Archamia fucata (Canton, 1849) Orangelined Cardinalfish
D VI+I, 9; A II, 15-17; P1 13-15; LLp 25.
Body oblong, moderately deep and compressed; lateral line well developed, extending posteriorly to caudalfin base. Snout moderately pointed. Posterior margin (at least posteroventral corner) of preopercle serrated. No enlarged caninoid teeth on jaws. Base of anal fin longer than base of second dorsal fin in length; caudal fin emarginate. Scaly sheath developed around base of anal fin. Color: body translucent gray with a large black spot (near eye-sized) at caudal-fin base; 20-23 narrow, curved oblique orange lines on body; fins largely transparent. Size: 7 cm SL. Distribution: Indo-Pacific. Remarks: inhabits coral and rocky reefs.