Atherion elymus, 4.3 cm SL (from Mie Pref., Japan; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Atherion elymus (from Mie Pref., Japan; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Atherion elymus Jordan and Starks, 1901 Bearded Silverside
D III-V + I, 8-13; A I, 12-15; P1 12-15; LR 40-44; LGR 10-14.
Body elongated, compressed. Mouth small, upper jaw not reaching to a vertical through front margin of eye; preopercular notch absent; head with rows of denticles or small spines. Anus situated just before anal fin origin. Color: greenish gray dorsally, whitish below; a wide (ca. 1 scale width) silvery longitudinal band on side, extending to caudal fin; small dark or black spots usually scattered on ventrolateral body. Size: maximum length about 7 cm SL. Distribution: widely distributed in eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean, from Andaman Sea to Fiji, north to southern Japan. Remarks: occurring in rocky reefs.