Aulostomus chinensis (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Aulostomus chinensis (photo by Niphon Phongsuwan)
Aulostomus chinensis (Linnaeus, 1766) Chinese Trumpetfish
D VIII-XII, 24-27; A 26-29; P1 14-16; LLp 244-258.
Body elongate and compressed. Mouth located at tip of elongate snout; single barbel on chin. First dorsal fin with a series of isolated spines; second dorsal fin and anal fin opposite to each other and similarly shaped; pelvic fins small, abdominal. Body covered with small ctenoid scales, except naked area on head and anterior part of back. Color: overall color variable, most commonly brownish with irregular light bars, or with white horizontal stripes, or uniformly yellow; a black maxillary stripe usually present, but may be reduced; dorsal and anal fins light, but with a dark basal bar; caudal fin usually with 2 round black spots; a black spot at the base of each pelvic fin. Size: maximum length about 80 cm, commonly to 40 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to Hawaii and Easter Island. Remarks: found in clear, shallow water, in rocky and coral areas of protected and seaward reefs to 120 m depth. Feeds on small fishes and shrimps. Usually solitary.