Abalistes stellaris, 23.5 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Abalistes stellaris (Annonymous, 1798) Starry Triggerfish
D III + 25-27; A 24-25; P1 15-16 (usually 15).
Scales enlarged above pectoral-fin base and just behind gill opening to form a flexible tympanum. A groove in front of eye. Mouth terminal. Caudal peduncle depressed, wider than deep. Color: grayish brown to olivaceous on back, with small page blue or yellow spots dorsally and large yellow spots ventrally; 3 large white blotches on back, disappearing in large specimens. Size: maximum 60 cm. Distribution: widespread in Indo-West Pacific, from East Africa to northern Australia, north to southern Japan. Remarks: occurring on sand, sponge, and weed bottoms to depths of 100 m. Feeds on marine invertebrates.