Petroscirtes thepassi, 4.9 cm SL (from North Sulawesi, Indonesia; preserved specimen; photo by Koichi Shibukawa)
Petroscirtes thepassi Bleeker, 1853 Thepas' SabreTooth blenny
D X-XI, 16-18; A II, 16-18; P1 13-15; V 40-42.
Body elongate. Snout elongate, slightly overhanging mouth. Orbital and posttemporal cirrus absent. Ventral end of gill opening entirely above pectoral-fin base. Canine teeth in lower jaw lacking deep groove along anterior surface. Caudal fin lacking branched rays. Lateral line present, extending posteriorly. Color: body and head brownish olive, superimposed with small dark brown dots and pale spots; dorsal and anal fins similarly mottled and spotted but chestnutsalmon colored proximally; tips of anal-fin rays white; base of caudal fin salmon colored. Size: reaching to ca. 5 cm. Distribution: Indo-Australian Archipelago, including the Andaman Sea, Indonesia, Palau, New Guinea and Solomon Islands. (Hisashi Imamura)