Plagiotremus tapeinosoma (photo by Mark Strickland)
Plagiotremus tapeinosoma (Bleeker, 1857) Piano Fangblenny
D VII-IX (usually XIII), 34-39; A II, 28-33; P1 11-13; P2 I, 3; V 15-16 + 32-38 = 48-53.
Body elongate. Snout bluntly conical and strongly overhanging mouth. Orbital and posttemporal cirrus absent. Canine teeth in lower jaw lacking deep groove along anterior surface. Gill opening restricted to side of head. Dorsal-fin origin over or slightly posterior to vertical margin of preopercle. Caudal fin slightly emarginated, lacking branched rays. Lateral line absent. Color: body grayish dorsally, with a black stripe from front of snout through upper two thirds of eye to caudal fin; a white line above stripe, and a broad white stripe below; a narrow black stripe from dorsally to snout along back at base of dorsal fin. Size: attaining to 11 cm. Distribution: occurring throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean, except for the Hawaiian Islands. Remarks: inhabits coral and rocky reefs. (Hisashi Imamura)