Alectis ciliaris, 17.8 cm SL (from Mie Pref., Japan; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Alectis ciliaris (Bloch, 1787) African Pompano
D IV-VII (embedded) + I, 18-20; A II (embedded) + I, 15-17; GR 4-6 + 12-17 = 18-22.
Body deep, diamond shaped in juvenile, becoming more elongated with growth, strongly compressed; profile of forehead to nape rounded. Anterior soft rays of dorsal and anal fins very long, filamentous in juveniles; pelvic fins elongated in juveniles. Body superficially naked, scales minute and embedded where present; straight part of lateral line with scutes (8-30) only posteriorly. Color: body silvery bluish or grayish dorsally, silvery white ventrally; 5 chevron-shaped blackish bands on body in juveniles; a black botch at base of anterior soft portion of dorsal fin. Size: maximum length about 1.5 m. Distribution: Worldwide in tropical seas. Remarks: occurring in coastal waters. Feeds mainly on crustaceans and fishes. Marketed fresh, dried, or salted.