Carangoides coeruleopinnatus, 16.7 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Carangoides coeruleopinnatus (Rüppell, 1830) Coastal Trevally
D VIII + I, 20-23; A II + I, 16-20; GR 5-8 + 15-19 = 21-27; V 10+14.
Body ovate, strongly compressed; dorsal profile more strongly convex than ventral profile. Anterior second dorsal and anal fin rays elongated, filamentous in juveniles, becoming shorter with growth. Breast widely naked to pectoral fin base and behind insertion of pelvic fins, but naked area not extending above pectoral fin base; rarely scaled area present between pectoral fin base and breast. Straight part of lateral line shorter than curved part, with 16-20 weak scutes posteriorly. Color: body silvery blue-gray dorsally, silvery white ventrally, with numerous small yellow spots laterally; dark blotch usually on upper margin of opercle. Size: maximum length about 40 cm. Distribution: widely distributed in Indo- Pacific. Remarks: occurring in deep coastal waters. Marketed fresh.