Carangoides talamparoides, 15.9 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Carangoides talamparoides Bleeker, 1852 Imposter Trevally
D VIII + I, 20-23; A II + I, 17-19; GR 6-9 + 19-22 = 27-31; V 10+14.
Body ovate, strongly compressed; dorsal profile more strongly convex than ventral profile. Naked area of breast very wide, extending dorsally beyond pectoral fin base and posteriorly beyond insertion of pelvic fins, usually to anal fin origin. Straight part of lateral line shorter than curved part, with 20-32 weak scutes posteriorly. Color: body silvery bluegray dorsally, silvery white ventrally, dark or black blotch on upper margin of opercle. Size: maximum length about 30 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, from Gulf of Oman to northern Australia. Remarks: occurring in coastal waters. Marketed fresh.