Decapterus kurroides, 18.7 cm SL
(photo by Seishi Kimura)

Decapterus kurroides
Bleeker, 1855
Redtail Scad

D VIII + I, 28-30 (including finlet); A II + I, 22-26 (including finlet); GR 9-12 + 26-32 = 36-41; V 10+14.

Body elongate, somewhat deep, slightly compressed. Adipose eyelid well developed and completely covering eye except for a vertical slit centered on pupil. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin with 2 small papillae. A single detached finlet in dorsal and anal fins. Predorsal scaled area extending anteriorly beyond level of center of eye; straight part of lateral line entirely with scutes (31-36). Color: body silvery blue-gray dorsally, silvery white ventrally; head tinged with pale red; a black spot posteriorly on opercle; second dorsal, caudal, and pectoral fins reddish. Size: maximum length about 45 cm. Distribution: widely distributed in Indo-West Pacific, from eastern coast of Africa to Philippines and Australia. Remarks: found in deep waters. Feeds mainly on planktonic crustaceans and larval fishes. Marketed fresh or dried.