Chelmon rostratus (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Chelmon rostratus (Linnaeus, 1758) Copperbanded Butterflyfish
D IX, 28-30; A III, 19-21; P1 14-15; LLp 44-48; LR 48-55.
Body oval to rounded, deep; snout extremely long, tubular; predorsal contour straight to slightly convex from first dorsal-fin spine to just below level of eye. Lateral line complete, ending at base of caudal fin. Posterior edges of dorsal and anal fins vertical; caudal fin truncate. Color: overall white with 3 orange bars and ocellated black spot at base of soft portion of dorsal fin; soft portion of dorsal and anal fins yellow orange; a dark-edged orange bar through eye and narrow blue-edged brown and orange bars across base of caudal fin; dorsal and anal fins with submarginal blue lines. Size: maximum length about 20 cm. Distribution: Indo-Malayan region, from the Andaman Sea to New Caledonia. Remarks: Feeds on crabs, worms and other invertebrates.