Amblygaster sirm, 19.6 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1792) Spotted Sardinella
D 17-19; A 15-19; P1 16-17; P2 8; LGR 33-43; V 41-43.
Body slender, somewhat cylindrical; belly rounded with 16-17 prepelvic and 13-15 postpelvic somewhat weak scutes (29-32 in total). Upper jaw with 2 supramaxillae; the second (posterior) supramaxillae symmetrical. Opercle smooth, without bony radiating striae. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin with 2 outgrowths. Scales cycloid; a median series of predorsal scales present. Color: dark blue-green dorsally, silvery ventrally; a series of 10-20 blackish spots laterally on trunk. Size: commonly to 20 cm, maximum 23 cm SL. Distribution: widely distributed in Indo-West Pacific from the Red Sea and Madagascar to Kiribati and Fiji, north to Japan. Remarks: found in coastal waters, feeds on copepods and other zoo- and phytoplanktons. Marketed fresh, dried, or dried-salted.(Seishi Kimura)