Sardinella albella, 10.6 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Sardinella albella (Valenciennes, 1847) White Sardinella
D 17-19; A 18-19; P1 14-15; P2 8; LGR 41-68.
Body somewhat compressed, but variable from slender to moderately deep (body depth 25 to 40 SL); abdomen keeled with prepelvic and postpelvic scutes (total number of scutes 29 to 33); 2nd supramaxilla symmetrical and paddle-shaped; opercle smooth without radiating bony striae; posterior border of gill opening with 2 fleshy outgrowths; anal fin short with 2 posteriormost rays enlarged. Scales cycloid; vertical striae discontinuous, not meeting at center; posterior part with a few perforations and somewhat produced posteriorly; longitudinal scale rows about 40. Color: blue-green dorsally, silvery ventrally; a dark spot at dorsal-fin origin; tips of dorsal and caudal fins blackish. Size: commonly to 10 cm, maximum 14 cm SL. Distribution: widely distributed in Indo-West Pacific from Red Sea and East African coasts to Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Remarks: found in reef-associated coastal waters.(Tetsuo Yoshino)