Gerres phaiya, 10.6 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Gerres phaiya Iwatsuki and Heemstra, 2001 Strongspine Silverbiddy
D IX, 10; A III, 7; P1 15; LLp 36-40; usually 4 1/2 scale rows between 5th dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; body depth 46-52% SL (mean 49%).
Body deep and compressed. Second and 3rd anal-fin spines robust. Color: body silvery golden-brown on upper surfaces of head and trunk, grading to silver on abdomen. Pelvic and anal fins yellow, 1st few rays of pelvic-fin with a white distal margin or whitishhyaline posteriorly. Caudal fin yellowish-dusky with slightly whitish lower margin posteriorly, lobes generally broadly rounded posteriorly. Dorsal and pectoral fins yellowish-hyaline; approximately 6-10 vertical dusky bars on body in life. Size: maximum length about 25 cm SL. Distribution: southwest Indian coast, Andaman Sea and Singapore. Remarks: occurs in estuaries, and mangroves in juvenile, and then, in coastal waters in adults. This species has long been confused with Gerres poieti Cuvier, 1829, being a synonym of Gerres longirostris Lacepède, 1802. (Yukio Iwatsuki)