Gerres shima, 10.5 cm SL (photo by Yukio Iwatsuki)
Gerres shima, 8.8 cm SL (from Ambon, Indonesia; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Gerres shima Iwatsuki, Kimura and Yoshino, 2007 Banded Silverbiddy
D usually IX, 10 (rarely X, 9); A III, 7; P1 15; LLp 36-40 (mode 38); 3 1/2 scale rows between 5th dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; body relatively deep 40-46% (mean 43) SL; U-shaped premaxillary groove with several small scales anteriorly with growth.
Body relatively deep. Color: body silvery with approximately ca. 14-18 indistinct vertical bars (less than ca. 1/2 width of pupil diameter); other fins hyaline or transparent in young but pelvic and anal fins and lower margin of caudal fin yellowish-hyaline in adults. Size: maximum length to about 20 cm SL but commonly 10-15 cm. Distribution: southeastern Asia of western Pacific except Australia, and Andaman Sea. Remarks: commonly occurs in estuaries, and mangroves in juvenile, and then, in coastal waters in adults. This species has long been confused with G. oyena or G. kapas, but G. kapas is a junior synonym of G. oyena. (Yukio Iwatsuki)