Scartelaos histophorus, 5.8 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Scartelaos histophorus (Valenciennes, 1837) Bearded Mudskipper
D V + 25-27; A 24-27; P1 19-21.
Body elongate, compressed. Head subcylindrical; dermal cup-like process developed beneath eye; each side of ventral surface of head with a row of barbels; an unpaired barbel at ventral surface of lower jaw near symphysis; single row of conical teeth on each jaw, in addition to a pair of enlarged caninelike teeth internal to lower jaw symphysis; tongue entirely adnated to floor of buccal cavity. First dorsal fin elongate and falcate; pelvic fins fused medially; frenum present. Scales on body small cycloid, partially embedded. Sensory canals and pores on head. Color: head and body grayish, with several narrow, vague dusky vertical bars especially on middle of body; caudal fin with 3-5 vertical rows of dusky spots. Size: 10.5 cm SL. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Remarks: found on intertidal mudflats in estuaries and bays.