Valenciennea mularis, 8.5 cm SL (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Valenciennea mularis (Valenciennes, 1837) Mural Goby
D VI + I, 11-13; A I, 11-13; P1 18-21; LR 73-94; PDS 0.
Body moderately elongate, compressed. Head subcylindrical; lower jaw not projecting anteriorly beyond upper jaw; gill opening relatively narrow, restricted to pectoralfin base. Third spine of first dorsal fin slightly elongate, forming pointed fin; pelvic fins separated; frenum absent; caudal fin rounded. Scales small ctenoid, excepting those on belly and prepelvic region, if present, cycloid; head and pectoral-fin base naked. Sensory canals and pores present on head; longitudinal pattern of sensory-papillae rows on cheek. Color: head and body pale gray or pale beige, with 4-5 longitudinal narrow pink or dusky stripes; lips yellowish; black spot at distal part of first dorsal fin just behind third spine. Size: 10.5 cm SL. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean and West Pacific. Remarks: found on flat sandy bottoms with rubbles in shallow coastal waters.