Zanarchopterus buffonis, 8.4 cm SL
(photo by Seishi Kimura)

Zanarchopterus buffonis
(Valenciennes, 1847)
Buffonfs River Garfish

D 11-13; A 11-12; P1 10.

Body elongate, subcyrindrical. Lower jaw much prolonged, javelin-like; upper jaw wider than long; nasal papilla elongate and pointed. Base of dorsal fin longer than anal-fin base; 4th and/or 5th dorsal ray(s) elongated; anal fin of males without greatly thickened and elongated rays; caudal fin rounded. Color: right brown dorsally, becoming silvery white ventrally; a distinct, longitudinal black line on dorsal midline of upper jaw. Size: 12.5 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Remarks: found in coastal marine waters and estuaries, especially mangrove area in protected bays. Surface swimming fish, feeds on small terrestrial insects.