Myripristis murdjan (photo by Mark Strickland)
Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775) Pinecone Soldierfish
D X+I, 13-15; A IV, 11-14; P1 14-16; LLp 27-32; GR 11-15 + 23-28.
Body moderately deep. Corner of preopercle without a sharp spine; posterior edge of nasal fossa serrate. Lower jaw of adults slightly projecting when mouth closed; a single pair of tooth patches at front of lower jaw outside mouth; vomerine teeth in a triangular patches with rounded corners. Inner pectoral axil with numerous small scales. Color: body red to dusky red, shading ventrally to light red or silvery pink; edge of scales darker red; opercular margin dark brown to black usually not extending below level of lower edge of pupil; spinous dorsal fin light red on basal two-thirds, bright red on outer third; blackish submarginal band in each caudal fin lobe; leading edges of median fins white; axil of pectoral fins dark brown to black. Size: maximum length about 23 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to Marshall Islands and Samoa. Remarks: occurs in shallow lagoon, reef flats and seaward reefs to depths of 50 m. Mainly nocturnal, feeding mainly on plankton such as crab larvae.