Sargocentron cornutum, 12.4 cm SL (photo by Richard Winterbottom)
Sargocentron cornutum (Bleeker, 1853) Threespot Squirrelfish
D XI, 12-13; A IV, 9; P1 13-14; LLp 33-38; GR 5-7 + 9-11.
Body moderately deep. Dorsal profile of head convex; snout short and blunt. Corner of preopercle with a sharp spine; 4 oblique rows of scales on cheek; premaxillary groove extending slightly posterior to a vertical at anterior edge of orbit; anterior end of nasal bone ending in short spine that angles laterally; medial margin of nasal bone without spinule; 1-6 spinules at posterior edge and 0-1 at anterior edge of nasal fossa; upper edge of first suborbital bone with a laterally projecting spine near a vertical at the front edge of orbit, followed by a serrated ridge. Color: body with alternating broad deep red and narrow silvery white stripes; black peduncular blotch and additional blotches at soft dorsal and anal-fin bases; spinous portion of dorsal fin largely blackish red with a white band on membrane just behind and parallel to each spine; tip of each dorsal spine and triangular adjacent membrane white; caudal fin with a red band on upper and lower edges; first 3 anal spines white. Size: maximum length about 27 cm. Distribution: Western Pacific, from Andaman Sea and western Sumatra to Solomon Islands. Remarks: inhabits coral-rich areas of outer reef slopes and dropoffs.