Epibulus insidiator (photo by Mark Strickland)
Epibulus insidiator (Pallas, 1770) Slingjaw Wrasse
D IX, 10-11; A III, 8-9; P1 12; LLp 22-23.
Body moderately deep. Dorsal profile of head convex in front of dorsal fin, a slight concavity above and before eye. Upper and lower jaws highly protrusible, lower jaw extending posteriorly all the way to gill membrane when mouth closed. Lateral line interrupted, with anterior segment ending below posterior dorsal fin. Predorsal scales 6, extending forward above eye; cheek and operculum scaly; lower jaw naked. Caudal slightly rounded in juveniles, the upper and lower rays forming elongate lobes in large males. Color: overall brown to occasionally yellow; dorsal fin with several horizontal dark stripes and a black spot between first 2 spines; dark vertical bars on each scale. Juveniles brown with several dark-edged vertical light bars and an ocellated black spot on anal fin and on rear of dorsal fin. Large terminal-phase males with whitish cheeks and nape, and reddish blotch of color dorsally in front of dorsal-fin origin. Size: maximum length about 35 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific. Remarks: feeds on small fishes, shrimps, and crabs.