Halichoeres marginatus, 3.8 cm SL (initial phase; photo by Richard Winterbottom)
Halichoeres marginatus, 10.9 cm SL (terminal phase; photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Halichoeres marginatus, 10.9 cm SL (terminal phase; photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Halichoeres marginatus Rüppell, 1835 Dusky Wrasse
D IX, 13-14; A III, 12-13; P1 14-15; LLp 27-28; GR 17-20.
Body moderately deep. Dorsal profile of head convex; jaw prominent; 2 pairs of prominent canines situated anteriorly in each jaw; a large curved canine present on each side at rear of upper jaw; pharyngeal teeth well developed, molariform. Dorsal-fin origin over first to second lateral-line scales. Lateral line complete. Predorsal scales extending to above rear edge of eyes; rest of head naked. Caudal fin rounded; pelvic fins of terminal males long, reaching beyond origin of anal fin. Color: initial phase dark brown with faint pale stripes following scale rows; a small yellow-edged deep blue spot at front of dorsal fin and a large one in middle of fin; caudal fin whitish. Terminal males yellowish brown with a dark bluish spot on each scale, narrow oblique blue bands on head; caudal fin with a green crescent at base, followed by a large purple-edged red crescent containing small blue-edged green spots. Juveniles with alternating broad dark brown and narrow pale yellow stripes. Size: maximum length about 17 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific, from Red Sea to Line Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago. Remarks: inhabits coral reefs to depths of at least 30 m.