Gazza minuta, 10.3 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Gazza minuta (Bloch, 1795) Toothpony
D VIII, 16; A III, 13-14 (usually III, 14); P1 14-19; LL 52-69; LGR 13-18.
Body oval, compressed, somewhat elongated. Mouth protruding forwards, not downwards, with distinct canine teeth on both jaws; a long narrow anterodorsal extension of subocular silvery region, proximal contact only with orbit. Pelvic-fin tips not reaching to origin of anal fin when appressed. Scaled area of anterior dorsolateral surface of body extending anteriorly beyond a vertical through posterior tip of sensory canal on temporal; breast completely naked. Color: body bluish silver dorsally, brilliant silvery-white ventrally; anal fin yellowish distally; caudal fin yellowish with faintly black margin. Size: maximum length about 16 cm. Distribution: widely distributed in tropical Indo-West Pacific. Remarks: feeds on benthic animals and small fishes. Marketed fresh or dried.