Lutjanus lutjanus, 13.6 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, 1790 Bigeye Snapper
D X-XII, 12; A III, 8; P1 16-17; LLp 48-50; GR 6-8 + 17-19.
Body fusiform, slender. Vomerine tooth patch triangular, with a medial posterior extension. Caudal fin truncate or slightly emarginated. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Color: upper back golden brown; a broad yellow to brownish stripe from eye to caudalfin base; yellow horizontal lines (1 per scale row) on lower half of body, and similar lines running obliquely above lateral line; fins pale yellow to whitish. Size: maximum length about 30 cm. Distribution: widespread in the Indo- West Pacific from East Africa to the Solomon Islands and from southern Japan to Australia. Remarks: inhabits offshore coral reefs and trawling grounds to depths of at least 90 m. Frequently seen in large schools (over 100 individuals) Feeds on fishes and crustaceans. Caught mainly by hook and line or bottom trawl. (Yukio Iwatsuki)