Chelon parsia, 12.3 cm SL (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Chelon parsia (Hamilton, 1822) Gold-spot Mullet
D IV+9; A III, 9; P1 15; LR 31-36.
Body relatively slender, compressed posteriorly; no elongate scale (axillary scale) above pectoral-fin base. Head bluntly pointed, moderately wide and dorsally flattened; anteriormost point of upper lip above horizontal line through center of pupil; adipose eyelid weakly developed posteriorly, not covering iris; hind tip of maxilla exposed when mouth closed. Second dorsal and anal fins pointed but not falcate; caudal fin forked. Scales ctenoid. Color: head and body silvery, greenish brown dorsally; a gold spot on upper part of operculum; caudal fin yellowish with dusky narrow margin. Size: 17 cm. Distribution: Pakistan, India and Andaman Sea. Remarks: found in shallow coastal waters, and frequently enters estuaries and tidal rivers. Feeds on detritus, small algae, and diatoms. Marketed fresh.