Suggrundus macracanthus, 15.2 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Suggrundus macracanthus (Bleeker, 1869) Largespined Flathead
D I-VIII + 11-12 (usually 12); A 12-13 (usually 12); P1 20-23; P2 I, 5; LLp 50-55.
Body elongate. Head moderately depressed. Suborbital ridge with many spines. Eye without ocular flaps. Iris lappet bilobed in adults, crenate in juveniles. Teeth on vomer in 2 separate patches. Interopercular flap present. Cheek region partially covered by skinny sensory tubes. Uppermost preopercular spine beyond the posterior margin of opercle. Lateral line scales with 2 openings to exterior. Color: body and head brown above, whitish below, with about 7 obscure dark bands crossing dorsal surface in some; 1st dorsal fin dusky, with black blotches; 2nd dorsal fin with small brown spots; anal fin pale, a few dark streaks on posterior rays; caudal fin with yellowish marking; pectoral fin grayish below, with dark spots above; pelvic fin grayish. Size: maximum length about 26 cm, commonly to 18 cm. Distribution: widespread in the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans, ranging from southern India and Sri Lanka to Taiwan and to Coral Sea. Remarks: occurring over muddy or sandy bottom to depths of 132 m.