Filimanus similis, 11.5 cm SL (photo by Hiroshi Senou)
Filimanus similis Feltes, 1991 Indian Sevenfinger Threadfin
D VIII+I, 11-13, 9; A III, 10-12; P1 14-16+7 filaments; P2 I, 5; LLp 45-49; GR 40-49.
Body moderately elongate, compressed; body depth 2.9-3.3 in SL. Snout pointed; occipital profile nearly straight. Posterior margin of maxilla extending slightly beyond a vertical through posterior margin of adipose eyelid; depth of posterior margin of maxilla less than eye diameter. Lip on lower jaw well-developed, dentary teeth restricted to dorsal surface; vomer with an inconspicuous tooth plate. Longest pectoral filament usually reaching anal fin origin. Lateral line simple, extending from upper end of gill opening to mid-distal margin of caudal-fin membrane. Supraneural bones 3. Color: upper sides of head and trunk with brown tinge, becoming golden on lower sides. Posterior margins of first, second dorsal, anal, and caudal fins blackish, remaining parts yellowish. Pectoral fin mostly black; pectoral filament base white, becoming yellowish-white on posterior tips. Pelvic-fin base white, other parts yellowish. Size: maximum length 13 cm SL. Distribution: distributed in the eastern Indian Ocean, from Pakistan to the Andaman Sea. Remarks: probably occurs on muddy and sandy substrata. Taken in trawls.