Centropyge multispinis, 7.6 cm SL (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Centropyge multispinis (Playfair, 1867) Many-spined Angelfish
D XIII-XV, 15-17; A III, 17-18; P1 15-17; LLp 36-38; LR 46-48; GR 4-5 + 12-13.
Body oval, deep and strongly compressed; a long spine at corner of preopercle; preorbital, suborbital, and interopercle serrate. Caudal fin rounded. Color: brown to yellowish brown with irregular black vertical lines on body; a large deep blue and black spot behind upper end of gill opening; median and pelvic fins dark brown; lateral edge of pelvic fin and most of margin of anal fin bright blue. Size: maximum length about 10 cm. Distribution: Indian Ocean, from East Africa to Andaman Sea. Remarks: inhabits coral reefs and drop-offs at depths of 3-40 m. Found solitary or in small groups. Feeds on algae.