Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus, 4.7 cm SL (photo by Richard Winterbottom)
Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825) Jewel Damsel
D XII, 15-18; A II, 13-14; P1 18-20; LLp 17-18.
Body ovate, compressed. Posterior margin of preopercle smooth. Suborbital scaled, with smooth ventral margin. Teeth on jaws uniserial, incisor-like. Caudal fin emarginate; no conspicuous projecting spine-like rays at upper and lower edges of caudal-fin base. Color: head and body dark gray, tinged with yellow ventrally, shading posteriorly to pale or pale yellow; many blight blue dots scattered on head, body and dorsal fin. Size: 8.0 cm SL. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Remarks: found in coral reefs; feeds on benthic algae.