Priacanthus blochii, 7.6 cm SL (from North Sulawesi, Indonesia; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Priacanthus blochii Bleeker, 1853 Shortfin Bigeye
D X, 12-14; A III, 13-15; P1 17-19; LLp 69-77.
Body somewhat slender and compressed. Small teeth on dentaries, vomer, palatines, and premaxillaries. Caudal fin somewhat convex. Eye large. Length of pectoral fin about 1.9 to 2.2 times in head length. Color: whole body pinkish red or blotched with red and silver; caudal, soft portions of dorsal and anal fins with dark specks. Size: maximum length 35 cm. Distribution: widespread in the Indo-West Pacific. Remarks: rarely occurring in shallow reef and rocky waters at depths of 10 to 50 m.