Psettodes erumei, 15.3 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Psettodes erumei, 17.2 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Psettodes erumei (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) Indian Halibut
D IX-XI, 38-45; A I, 33-43; P1 14-16; P2 I, 5; LL 61-77; V 23-25.
Body oval, strongly compressed; caudal peduncle deeper than long. Mouth large; large canine-like teeth on jaws; vomer and palatines with small conical teeth; tongue and basibranchials with slender teeth. Preopercular margin not hidden by skin. Gill rakers slender spine-like. Scales small, weakly ctenoid on both sides of body; scales around caudal peduncle 32-38. Color: body of eyed side dark brown to grayish brown, sometimes with 4 or 5 darker vertical bands; dorsal, anal, and posterior part of caudal fin dark brown or black, with whitish margin; eyeless side of body pale brown to pale yellow. Size: maximum length 64 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, from South Africa and Red Sea to northern Australia, north to Taiwan. Remarks: found on sand and mud bottoms. Marketed fresh, frozen, and smoked.