Blennodesmus scapularis, 5.2 cm SL (photo by Richard Winterbottom)
Blennodesmus scapularis Günther, 1872 Ocellated Snakelet
D I, 49-53; A 38-43; P1 8-9; P2 I, 1-3; GR 1-3 + 5-6.
Body extremely elongate. No supraotic pore. Gill membranes fused to isthmus ventrally. A single, short lateral line from shoulder to below anterior part of dorsal fin. Color: dark brown with paler mottlings. A black spot, its size subequal to orbit diameter, above opercle. Size: maximum length 8.9 cm SL. Distribution: northern Australia and Andaman Sea. Remarks: found in intertidal pools to depths of 3 m.