Scarus frenatus (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Scarus frenatus Lacepède, 1802 Bridled Parrotfish
D IX, 10; A III, 9; P1 14-15; GR 44-55.
Teeth fused to form dental plates; dental plates relatively smooth; lips covering most of dental plates; 0-2 canine teeth on side at rear of upper dental plates; 3 rows of scales on cheek; median predorsal scales 6-7; caudal fin truncate in small adults to double emarginate with prolonged lobes in large terminal males. Color: initial phase brownish yellow to reddish brown, paler on caudal peduncle, with 6 dark brown stripes on side of body following centers of scale rows; fin reddish. Terminal males green, the scales of anterior two-thirds of body and dorsal half of head with orange vermiculations; lower half of head green with salmon pink band on each lip and some irregular salmon pink markings; caudal fin blue-green with a large arch of orange containing green markings extending into each lobe. Size: maximum length about 47 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific. Remarks: found on exposed outer reefs and reef crests.