Scarus ghobban (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Scarus ghobban Forsskål, 1775 Yellowscale Parrotfish
D IX, 10; A III, 9; P1 15-16; GR 45-53.
Teeth fused to form dental plates; dental plates relatively smooth; lips covering more than half of dental plates; large adults with 1-3 canine teeth on side at rear of upper dental plate; usually 3 rows of scales on cheek; median predorsal scales usually 6; caudal fin slightly emarginate in small initial-phase fish to lunate in large terminal males. Color: initial phase dull orange yellow, the centers of scales bluish; 5 irregular blue bars often present on body; fins yellowish. Terminal males green dorsally, the scales rimmed with salmon pink, shading to pale green ventrally with pale salmon pink bar on each scale; head green dorsally, shading to pale salmon on cheek and chin, with 2 transverse blue bands on chin and 3 narrow irregular green bands extending posteriorly from eye. Size: maximum length about 75 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific and tropical eastern Pacific. Remarks: found on coral reefs to at least 30 m depth.