Scarus prasiognathos (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Scarus prasiognathos Valenciennes, 1840 Greencheek Parrotfish
D IX, 10; A III, 9; P1 15; GR 56-61.
Dental plates largely covered by lips; terminal male with 0-2 canine teeth on side at rear of upper dental plates, none on initial phase; 3 rows of scales on cheek; median predorsal scales 6; caudal fin slightly emarginate in small initial-phase fish to deeply concave in large terminal males. Color: initial phase dark reddish, becoming paler posteriorly on caudal peduncle and basal part of caudal fin, with numerous small whitish spots of unequal size; head brownish orange-red with a few scattered dark green dots and a narrow dark green band from chin almost to orbit; dental plates green. Terminal phase dark greenish, edges of scales narrowly dull orange to orangered; head abruptly orange with entire cheek, broad region around mouth, and operculum below level of lower edge of eye bright blue-green; dorsal fin blue with a streak of orange paralleling rays on each interradial membrane; anal fin blue a narrow orange band. Size: maximum length about 70 cm. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean to western Pacific, from Maldives to New Britain. Remarks: found on upper reef edge, reef slopes and adjacent sandy flats.