Scarus rubroviolaceus (terminal phase; photo by Niphon Phongsuwan)
Scarus rubroviolaceus (terminal phase; photo by Mark Strickland)
Scarus rubroviolaceus (initial phase; photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Scarus rubroviolaceus Bleeker, 1847 Ember Parrotfish
D IX, 10; A III, 9; P1 14-16; GR 52-58.
Dental plates relatively smooth; lips covering about half of dental plates; initial phase with 0-1 canine teeth on side at rear of upper dental plates, terminal males with 1-3; 3 rows of scales on cheek; median predorsal scales 6; caudal fin of adults in initialphase slightly emarginate; of terminal males lunate. Color: initial phase reddish brown to grey, shading to light red ventrally, with small black spots and irregular lines on scales of body; fins red. Terminal males green, edges of scales narrowly salmon pink, with a wash of salmon over side of body; upper lip narrowly salmon pink and a broad blue-green band above it; lower lip and chin with double bluegreen bands, separated by salmon pink; cheek yellowish. Size: maximum length about 70 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific and tropical eastern Pacific. Remarks: found in shallow areas of seaward reefs and exposed rocky reefs.