Scarus russelii, 21.0 cm SL (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Scarus russelii Valenciennes, 1840 Russel's Parrotfish
D IX, 10; A III, 9; P1 13-15; GR 48-52.
Snout blunt. Teeth fused to form dental plates; dental plates relatively smooth, from three-fourths to completely covered by lips; 0-2 canine teeth on upper and lower dental plates; 2 rows of scales on cheek; median predorsal scales 4; caudal fin of initialphase slightly rounded, becoming double emarginate on terminal males. Color: initial phase reddish to purplish brown with an orange-red bar on each scale; 5 dark bars often present on body; 3 longitudinal dark bands often present on abdomen; dorsal and anal fins dull orange with a bluish grey margin and a median row of dull greenish spots; caudal fin dark reddish, upper and lower edges bluish grey. Terminal phase blue-green, scales rimmed with salmon pink, and posteriorly a vertical elongate bar on each scale; postorbital head and body anterior to an approximate mid-length line suffused with purplish; interorbital and dorsal part of snout blue-green; lower cheek with an area of deep yellow; upper and lower lips edged in bright blue-green, the color from both lips joining at rictus and continuing as a band beneath and adjacent to orbit onto operculum; dorsal and anal fins orange with bright blue borders, and a median green longitudinal band or row of green spots; pectoral rays orange to red distally and green basally. Size: maximum length about 50 cm. Distribution: Indian Ocean, from East Africa to Andaman Sea. Remarks: occurs in shallow water of coral reefs and often over large sand patches where they graze on fine algae growing on the surface of sand.