Pterois miles (photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)
Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) Devil Firefish
D XII-XIII, 9-11; A III, 5-6; P1 14-16; P2 I, 5.
Body oblong, compressed. Longest dorsal-fin spines greater than body depth in adults; membranes of spines incised nearly to base of fin, with a broad membranous flap at spine tips. All pectoral-fin rays unbranched; membranes of upper rays incised nearly to base of ray; each membrane reaching ray tip. Color: body with numerous dark brown to reddish brown bars of variable width; ventral surface of mandible with numerous longitudinal dark brown stripes. Soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin, and anal and caudal fins translucent with small brownish red spots. Size: maximum length about 25 cm SL. Distribution: distributed in throughout the Indian Ocean. Remarks: found in reefs.