Pterois radiata (photo by Niphon Phongsuwan)
Pterois radiata Cuvier, 1829 Radial Firefish
D XII-XIII, 11; A III, 5-6; P1 16-17; P2 I, 5; LR 49-56.
Body oblong, compressed. Supraocular tentacles well developed. Dorsal-fin spines without membranous flap at tips. All pectoralfin rays unbranched; outer two-thirds of fin free of membrane. Color: body with dark reddish brown bars separated by white lines. Caudal peduncle with two longitudinal white lines. Dorsalfin spines and pectoral-fin rays reddish brown basally, whitish distally. Softrayed portion of dorsal fin, and anal and caudal fins without spots. Size: maximum length about 18 cm SL. Distribution: widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Remarks: found mainly on coral and rocky reefs.