Pseudanthias ignitus (photo by Mark Strickland)
Pseudanthias ignitus (Randall and Lubbock, 1981) Flame Anthias
D X-XI, 16-17; A III, 8; P1 19-20; P2 I, 5; LLp 50-58; GR 11-12+22-24.
Body moderately elongate; its depth 2.8-3.0 in SL. Snout length 3.8-4.5 in head length. Teeth on side of jaws moderately forward projecting. No papillae on edge of orbit. Opercle with 3 spines. No prolonged dorsal spine in males. Mandible covered with scales; no auxiliary scales; dorsal and anal fins naked except extreme base of dorsal fin posteriorly. Color: body red, brighest on anterior third of dorsal fin, at least in male. Size: maximum length 9 cm. Distribution: distributed in the Indian Ocean and Sumatra, Indonesia. Remarks: found in outer reef slopes at depths of 10-30 m.(Hiroyuki Motomura)