Pampus chinensis, 8.8 cm SL (from Selangor, Malaysia; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Pampus chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788) Chinese Silver Pomfret
D 43-50; A 39-42; P1 24-27; GR 11-14; V 33.
Body oval, deep, strongly compressed. Gill opening short, slit-like. Gill rakers slender, needle-like. Anterior dorsal and anal fins not falcate. Caudal fin emargenate. Sensory canal area on temporal extending backward along lateral line. Color: body grayish brown, abdomen paler. Size: maximum length 40 cm SL. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, from Percian Gulf to easern Indonesia. Remarks: found in inshore waters over muddy bottom. Marketed fresh.